Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday, February 11th

Learning Targets:
Students can describe the background of the purchase of Louisiana Territory.

What we did:
1. Starter: How much did Napoleon sell Louisiana for?
2. Read about the Louisiana Purchase in the textbook
3. Watched this video clip
4. Worked on Maps and watched a video that we will be finishing tomorrow called "Lewis and Clark: Great Journey West"
5. Honors were assigned to make a Postcard

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter

2. Get a white "Louisiana Territory" Map from the binder

3. Get a "Postcard" assignment (half page, white) from the binder.  Honors: it's required, Regular: extra credit.

Homework turned in or assigned:
*Map due at end of period Thursday
*Postcards (for Honors) due at the end of the period Thursday
*Vocabulary Packet due Friday

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