Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday, February 10th

Learning Targets:
Students can explain the differences and similarities between the Election of 1800 and the Election of 2000.

What we did:
1. Starter: What was unique about Jefferson's election?
2. Corrected Ch. 8 Packet and turned it in
3. Got the worksheet "Election of 1800 and 2000" and filled out as a class.  
4. Received other assignments, listed below.

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter

2. Correct your Ch. 8 Packet with my answer key and turn in to the pink basket with an ABSENT stamp.

3. Get a Pink "Election of 1800. . ." worksheet from the blue binder and use these links to finish it:
 Election of 1800
  Election of 2000

4. Get the Blue "Ch. 8 Vocabulary Packet" from the binder.  This is due Friday.

5. Periods 1,2, and 4 get a White "Exploring Louisiana Purchase" worksheet.  This is due Thursday.

Homework assigned or turned in:
*Turned in Ch. 8 Packet, 16 pts
*Louisiana Purchase Map, due Thursday
*Lewis and Clark Postcard, due Thursday
*Ch. 8 Vocabulary Packet, due Friday

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