Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Monday and Tuesday, February 23rd and 24th

Learning Targets:
Students can summarize Jackson's presidency and specifically name the Nullification Crisis and the Indian Removal Act.

What we did:
1. No Starter
2. Starters were corrected and we called in the scores.
3. Took notes using a handout found here and with the PowerPoint found here.
4. The table at the bottom of the handout is done using the textbook on page 333.

If you were absent:
1. Correct your Starters (you should have 15 total) and put a score out of 150 at the top. Then stamp absent and place in pink basket.

2. Use the links above or a classmate to get the notes you missed.  The handout is also in the blue binder.

Homework assigned or turned in:

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