Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday, March 9th

Learning Targets:
Students can honestly measure their knowledge and the amount they have retained from the past 3 weeks by making a Study Guide.

What we did:
1. Starter: 1) What is Manifest Destiny? 2) Why are they called the 49ers? 3) Why did California qualify for statehood so quickly?

2. Corrected the Ch. 11 Vocabulary Packet and turned it in

3. Re-took the "I can-Learning Targets" quiz 

4. Created a Study Guide

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter

2. Correct and turn in your Ch. 11 Vocab. Packet to the pink basket.

3. Get your green "Learning Targets" paper out and take it again by putting today's day under the number that describes your level of understanding.

4. Then, using your "I Can" paper, make a Study Guide by answering the questions on another piece of paper.

Homework assigned or turned in:
*Turned in Ch. 11 Vocabulary Packet
*Quiz on Ch. 10 & 11 on Wed.!!!

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