Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tuesday, April 5th

Learning Target: 
1.  I can explain the who, where, why of the Battle of San Jacinto.

2.  I can explain in detail how Texas became an independent country

3.  I can explain how we obtained the Mexican Cession and what states it now includes.

Turn in Essays
Assign Honors Notes Homework
Copy Learning Targets

Take notes on Expanding West

No Starter

If you were absent: 
1. Turn in your Essay with the Absent Stamp and to the Pink Basket
2. Copy the Learning Targets above
3. Honors: get the gold Ch. 11 Notes packet from the counter
4. All: Get the green Ch. 11 Notes Packet from the table in back.

Assignments turned in: 
DBQ Essay

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder (on the Table):
Green Ch. 11 Notes
HONORS ONLY: Gold Ch. 11 Packet

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