Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday, February 29th

Learning Target: 
1. I can explain what Washington warned about in his Farewell Address
2. I can explain the Treaty of Greenville.
3. I can find New Orleans on a map and explain why its location is important.
4. I can name and explain the first political parties.
1. Starter
2. Took Chapter 7 Exit Ticket
3. Began Ch. 8 Packet in learning partners.

What area of the U.S. did the Treaty of Greenville affect?

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Go over your Ch. 7 Packet answers with my key before you take the Exit Ticket.
3. Write down the Learning Targets above if you haven't already and make sure you know the answers fully.
4. After you have done all of that, come in during Plus any day this week to take the Exit Ticket.

Assignments turned in: 
*Chapter 7 Exit Ticket (keep your Ch. 7 Packet)

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:
None, get the Ch. 8 Packet from me.

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