Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesday, March 1st

Learning Target: 
I can locate the Louisiana Purchase and explain who was involved and why it was important.

1. Starter
2. Copied down Ch. 8 Learning Targets
3. Worked on Ch. 8 Packet/Notes

1. Why was the Election of 1800 special?
2. What is the cell phone policy in this room?

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter! Get help from a classmate if needed.
2. Get out your green Learning Targets paper and but a "Ch. 8" next to number 2-8.  Those will be on the next test.  Also copy these learning targets for Ch. 8:

*I can explain the role Sacagawea played in 

the expedition

*I can say who and where of the Battle of New

 Orleans and its later effects.

Assignments turned in: 

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:

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