Monday, January 5, 2015

Monday, January 5th

Learning Target:
1. I can remember what battle was the turning point and the last battle of the Revolutionary War.

2. I can define DBQ and explain why we do them.

What we did:
1. Starter
2. Took a "quiz" on the Battle of Saratoga and Yorktown
3. Filled out the "I Can" assessment paper for Pre-Revolution
4. Started the Valley Forge DBQ

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter: What does DBQ stand for? And why do we do them?

2. Go to the Blue Binder and get the blue "Chapter Review" paper and take it like a quiz. Then correct it and add the correct answers in a different color.

3. Find your "I Can" paper (it's a beige color) and fill it out with today's date.  You should be able to put 3's and 4's down but it's okay if  you can't.  Show it to me when  you are done.

4. Get the blue "Valley Forge: Would You Have Quit" DBQ Packet from the blue binder.  Do the first two pages.

Homework assigned or turned in:

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