Friday, January 9, 2015

Friday, January 9th

Learning Targets:
1. I can summarize the events that led to our Independence from England.

2. I feel empathy for the trials our founding fathers and the patriots suffered for our freedoms.

What we did:
1. No Starter
2. Filled out a new "I Can" assessment and kept it.
3. Presented the Timeline Projects
4. Graded and turned in the DBQ Packet
5. Watched this video and started to write a Thank You letter to a founding father. We will finish them Monday.

If  you were absent:
1. Get a blue "I Can" assessment from the Blue Binder.

2. Turn in your Timeline Project with your name on it.

3. Turn in your DBQ Packet, I will grade it.

4. Watch this video and take 5 notes.

Homework assigned or turned in:

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