Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wednesday, May 14th

Learning Objective:
 All students will: see how complete their work was on their study guides and Civil War Packets.  They will also analyse the data from the District Test and look for ways to improve.

What we did:
1. *Received Permission Forms for Glory and Gettysburg.
2. *Assigned Vicksburg Homework. (See post titled "Homework Due Monday)
3. Discussed Test results 
4. Corrected both the Study Guide Packet and the Civil War Packet.

If you were absent:
1. Get a permission form immediately!  Return it to watch the films.
2. Do the Vicksburg Homework for Monday
3. Correct your Study Guide and your Civil War Packet with my answer keys and turn them in.

Homework assigned or turned in:
*Vicksburg Homework Due Monday
*Permission Slip due Thursday
*Vocabulary due 23rd!

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