Thursday, May 22, 2014


1. Go to this website: 
2. Watch the entire presentation.
3. Write a comment below saying 15 new/interesting things you learned about the Battle of Gettysburg.
4. You can put your answer in the comments, or typed up and turned in physically. 


  1. Megan Langton
    Period #6
    1. June, 1863, 200,000 are dead.
    2. Lee's moving North will start the largest battle.
    3. The battle starts West of Gettysburg.
    4. Buford holds the Rebs until Reynolds arrives.
    5. Union fall back to cemetery hill.
    6. The first day was one of the bloodiest days of the war, but the worse was yet to come.
    7. Union wrapped around to look like a giant fish hook.
    8. Longstreet's divisions lined up on cemetery ridge.
    9. Little Round Top was soon called the valley of death.
    10. More than 14,000 men became casualties of war.
    11. Cemetery Hill falls.
    12. Only 1,300 men were left to attack Johnson's 4,500.
    13. By 10:00 Pm the days' fighting came to a halt.
    14. The past two days have born 37 casualties.
    15. By the second day, Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle ever.
    16. General Lee hoped to take Culp's Hill in early morning.
    17. For seven hours the battle rages.
    18. Meade is the first Union army defender to decidedly out guess Robert E. Lee
    19. Lee's Bombardment failed.
    20. Lee's men don't stand a chance.
    21. Those who cross the stone wall are either killed or captured.
    22. Scarcely half the men who made the attack returned to the hill.
    23. Lee's wagon train of wounded was miles long.
    24. Wounded soldiers outnumbered the citizens 12 to 1.
    25. Every home, church, and farm became hospitals.
    26. November 19, 1860 Gettysburg was dedicated.
    27. 15,000 people attended.
    28. The Gettysburg address became one of the most important speeches in the U.S.
    29. Edward Everett was the main speaker at Gettysburg.
    30. His words gave hope to the war and told of the importance of Gettysburg.

  2. Austin Miner
    Period 4
    1. Lee wanted a big victory in the North
    2. Lee planned to attack on July 4th but never go the chance
    3. The Confederates had wounded men in wagons that stretched for miles on the retreat
    4. On day 2 the war was already the most bloodiest war
    5. The Union line on day 2 and 3 was wrapped like a fish hook
    6. By the end of the war Little Round Top was called the Valley of Death
    7. The battle started to the west of Gettysburg then moved to the streets on the first day
    8. Lee tries to bombard the Union line but that soon fails
    9. Lee attacks but is pushed back as reinforcements come to the aid of the Union
    10. 4 months after the war was over the cemetery was dedicated
    11. Abe Lincoln was only supposed to give remarks
    12. His remarks are known today as some of the most important speeches in history
    13. After the war every building in Gettysburg was turned into a hospital
    14. Edward Everett was the main speaker, he gave a 2 hour speech
    15. Abe Lincoln's words gave courage to people to continue on

  3. Jessica Sharma

    1. Meed had ninety-five thousand men in his army
    2. The war started west of Gettysburg
    3. Union line collapsed
    4. The Yankees reformed on Cemetery
    5. Meed sends the entire fifth core and some of the others to support Sickle
    6. July second was one of the hottest days of the year
    7. Control of Devils Den changed three times
    8. If the Cemetery hill falls the Union would loss
    9. thirteen hundred Union soldiers were alive on day two
    10. thirty seven thousand casualties at the end of day two
    11. Bloodiest battle
    12. Meed is the first Union commander to out guess Lee
    13. The Confederates have to walk one mile to get to the Union at Pickett's charge
    14.Those who cross the stone wall were either killed or captured
    15. Wounded soldiers out numbered the citizens twelve to one

  4. Elizabeth Stanger
    Period 7
    1- 200,000 men are already dead from the Civil War and it is barely halfway over.
    2- Highest Ranked Union officer, Reynolds was shot in the neck early on.
    3- Jubal Early's troops came and broke the Union's right flank.
    4- Union had to start collapsing back, but some got stranded in the streets of Gettysburg.
    5- The Union reforms on Cemetery Hill.
    6- Sickles sends his 3rd Corps to attack Longstreet but he doesn't have enough men. They had to get more troops to come help them.
    7- Control of Devil's den changes sides 3 times.
    8- Confederates attack again at sunset. Union army is very tired. Reinforcements are sent to fight off Early's men.
    9- The second day of fighting is over at 10 o'clock and the Union has the higher ground.
    10- Early the next morning, Lee sees a chance to take Culp's Hill but the Union Brigades that were aiding Sickles earlier come as reinforcements. Lee is outnumbered by a lot. By 11 a.m. the Confederates fall back.
    11-Picketts brigade charges and has to cross 1 mile of open land. The Union can easily fire cannons at them the whole time. The troops have to cross over a fence which slows them down. All soldiers that get past the fence are either killed or captured.
    12- Lee loses. Union has won!!! The Confederates retreat. The Union follows but doesn't attack them.That might have ended the whole Civil War.
    13- The Civil War will go on for another 21 months.
    14- Afterwards, the wounded soldiers outnumber the citizens of Gettysburg by 12 to 1
    15- The 1st National Cemetery on a battlefield is formed. At the dedication the main speaker is Edward Everett. Abraham Lincoln gives the great Gettysburg Address in 2 minutes.

  5. Jakob Kempema
    Period 4
    1. The Battle of Gettysburg was the largest and bloodiest in American history.
    2. Reynolds was shot in the neck and killed at Gettysburg after saving Buford.
    3.Meade had ninety-five thousand men in the war.
    4. The soldiers had to fight on one the hottest days of the year.
    5. The control of Devil's Den changed 3 times.
    6. The name for Confederate troops entering Little Round Top was given the name The Valley of Death.
    7. Longstreet claimed that the Battle of Gettysburg had the best trained troops in American history with 14,000 causalities.
    8. Lee's army would lose the battle if Cemetary Hill falls.
    9. The first two days of the battle had 30,000 casualties.
    10. The Confederacy and the Union created the largest artillery line in the Western Hemisphere.
    11. Any Confederate that crossed the wall were killed or captured.
    12. The Battle of Gettysburg is Lee's worst defeat after seeing an opportunity.
    13. Wounded soldiers out numbered citizens 12 to 1.
    14. Little Round Top is the first national cemetery on a battlefield.
    15. The Gettysburg Address given by President Lincoln is one of the most remembered and remarkable speeches in American History.

  6. Lauren Olsen
    Period 4

    1: 200,000 men dead before the battle halfway through.
    2: lasted 3 days some battles lasted 7+ hours.
    3: Reynolds was shot in the back and killed.
    4: Meade had 95,000 men fighting.
    5: The Union reformed on Cemetery.
    6: On Day 2 the battle became the most bloodiest ever.
    7: July 2 was one of the hottest days of the year.
    8: Control of Devils Den changed 3 times.
    9: Some men that died were just left on the ground for nature to handle.
    10: The men who crossed the stonewall was either captured or killed.
    11: Wounded soldiers outnumbered citizens 12 to 1.
    12: Every church and farm turned into a hospital.
    13: Little round top was the first National Cemetery.
    14: On November 19, 1863 the cemetery was dedicated
    15: The Gettysburg Address is one of the most important and remarkable speeches in American History.

  7. Rebekah Bowman
    Period 6

    1. Gettysburg happened when the war was half over.
    2. Robert E. Lee wanted to move the war to the North.
    3. Gettysburg was the largest battle in American history!
    4. Maj. John Reynolds was shot in the neck and died.
    5. Rodes and Early break the Union right flank.
    6. Some Union soldiers were trapped in the streets of Gettysburg.
    7. General Mead's position helped him be able to reinforce other lines.
    8. On the second day of the battle, it was one of the hottest days of the year.
    9. Control of Devil's Den changes three times on the second day.
    10. General Mead was the first to outguess Robert E. Lee!

  8. Stephen Marcheschi
    Period 7

    1) Grants army cut off supplies to Confederate Army.
    2) Pimperton was the name of the General at Vicksburg.
    3) Union takes Grand Gulf because it was the true threat.
    4) April 30th the lead element of his army was on MIssissippi soil; the railroad.
    5) Grant takes 2/3 of his army and marches to the Capitol of Mississippi.
    6) On May 16th Pimperton received a two day old message telling him to turn back.
    7) Union loaded the mines under the city with black powder then blew that sucka' up.
    8) The Confederate Soldiers retreated from fighting the UNion army outside the Capitol.
    9) Grant loses 10,000 men as well as Pimperton.
    10) Vicksburg surrendered on July 4th.

  9. Zadie Farris
    Period 7
    1. Culp's Hill was seven hours long.
    2. By day two Gettysburg had become the bloodiest battle of the Civil War.
    3. Little Round Top switched possession three times before the Union retained it after their bayonet charge, led by Cornell Chamberlain.
    4. On day one Confederates pushed back the Union all the way to the Gettysburg Square, where they then escaped by railroad but some couldn't do that and where forced to stay in the streets where they are practically massacred.
    5. Longstreet lead the battle on Culp's Hill for the confederates.
    6. Lee on day three gets only one fresh brigade of reinforcements and they are led by General Pickett.
    7. Gettysburg took place only half way through the Civil War.
    8. General Meade guesses the night before that General Lee will have Pickett Charge the Union (and he does in Pickett's Charge) with Meade being the first Union General to out guess Robert E. Lee
    9. Pickett's charge took place at 3:00 pm on July 3rd.
    10. Less than half of the Confederate Soldiers will return to Seminary Ridge, most with causalities the rest are dead or captured.
    11. Lee's wounded and wounded wagons measure one mile long.
    12. After Gettysburg the war goes on another 21 months.
    13. The wounded soldiers out number the Gettysburg citizens 12 to 1.
    14. 3,512 dead union soldiers make up the first organized war cemetery, put together by the citizens of Gettysburg, calling it the Soldiers National Cemetery..
    15. 15,00 people attend the dedication ceremony for the cemetery.

  10. Charlotte McFarland
    Period 6
    1. June 1863, 200,000 men die before the battle is halfway through
    2. Lee wants to move the war in Virginia, which is in the North.
    3. It was the largest battle in American history that lasted for 3 days
    4.The battle started west of Gettysburg
    5. Reynolds is shot in the back of the neck and was killed just as the battle escalated.
    6. The union becomes out numbered by the confederates and are forced to move back to Cemetery Hill.
    7. The second day becomes the bloodiest of the civil war.
    8. The union attacks the confederates with bayonets after Little Round Top switched possession 3 times.
    9.Union is wrapped around to look like a giant fish hook.
    10. Cemetery Hill falls.
    11. 7+ hours the battle goes on
    12. Lee's wagon of wounded was miles long.
    13. Every home, church, and farm became a hospital.
    14. 3,512 dead union soldiers make up the first war cemetery calling it Soldiers National Cemetery.
    15. Abraham Lincoln dedicates and speaks about the Civil war, honoring the Union soldiers.

  11. Bekah Faasavalu
    Period 4

    1. General Lee wanted to move the battle from Virginia and win a major one in the North.
    2. General George Meade's army had 95,000 men.
    3. Gettysburg was the largest battle in American History.
    4. The battle started a little west of Gettysburg.
    5. As the Confederate advanced, the Union fell back. Some escaped but some were trapped in the streets of Gettysburg.
    6. The Union reformed on Cemetery Hill, but the Confederate did not attack.
    7. Even though the Union were surrounded, they had the advantage because of the high ground.
    8. Having the high ground made it easy to send in reinforcements.
    9. Because of Sickle, Meade is forced to send in his entire 5th core to help.
    10. Control of Devil's Den changes 3 times.
    11. The bayonet charges at Little Round Top stopped the Confederate side for good.
    12. Lee lost, but stayed on the field in hopes of fighting again on July 4th.
    13. The wagon of wounded men on Lee's side lasted miles long.
    14. After Gettysburg, the war continues on another 21 months.
    15. On November 19, 1863 a dedication ceremony was held, and 15,000 people attended. That is where the Gettysburg address was given.

  12. Matt Rau
    Period 4
    1) By June 1863 200,000 people had already died
    2)On the first day, the union was pushed towards Gettysburg
    3)Meade had to send his fifth corp to reinforce sickles
    4) The battle was fought on one of the hottest days of the year
    5) Control of Devils Den changed hands three times
    6) There were 14,000 casualities in the second days of war
    7) At Culps hill, the Union was outnumbered 3 to 1
    8)The battle near culps hill lasted seven hours
    9) Meade expected Picketts charge before it happened
    10) Before Picketts charge, the artilery exchangement was the largest in the western hemisphere
    11) Picketts charge happened about three o'clock
    12) Everyone who crossed the stone wall were killed or captured
    13) Jeb Stuart tried to flank the Union with his calvary
    14) Jeb Stuart was stopped by General Gregg
    15) 15,000 people attended the dedication of the national cemetary

  13. Megan Cole
    Period 6

    1. 200,000 men died after halfway.
    2. The war started west of Gettysburg.
    3. The Union reformed on Cemetery Hill.
    4. 2nd day ends at 10
    5. This was the bloodiest battle.
    6. Cemetery Hill falls.
    7. Little Round Top first National Cemetery.
    8. Houses and farms turned into hospitals.
    9. Wounded soldiers outnumbered citizens 12 to 1
    10. Largest battle in Americas history.
    11. Vicksburg surrendered on July 4th
    12. They had control of Devils Den changes 3 times
    13. Union is wrapped around and looked like a fish hook.
    14. Union surrounded but were on high ground.
    15. Abraham spoke and gave hope.

  14. Joseph Thomson
    Period 7

    1. 200,000 died just about only halfway through the Civil War
    2. Reynolds was shot in the back and killed while giving orders on his horse
    3. The South attacked on the 1st day from practically all directions
    4. While most of the Union army fell back on railroads, some were left trapped in Gettysburg streets
    5. The Union position resembled a fish hook
    6. Positioning allowed the North to easily resupply divisions
    7. Control of Devil's Den changed 3 times
    8. The fight at a nearby wheat field changed hands 6 times
    9. At one point the Union army left a half-mile gap in their lines
    10. Little Round Top was said by Longstreet to be the best 3 hours of fighting ever done by any troop on any battlefield
    11. Day 2's fighting didn't end until 10 p.m.
    12. Just by the end of Day 2, Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle of the war
    13. Meade was the 1st Union commander to outguess Lee
    14. Any troops that crossed the stone wall in Pickett's Charge were either killed or captured
    15. After Gettysburg, wounded soldiers outnumbered citizens by more than 12 to 1.

  15. Zuraiza Khan PD:3
    1. June 1863 200,000 men died halfway through the battle of civil war.
    2. The war started west of Gettysburg
    3. Mead expected Pickets charge before it happened.
    4. General Lee wanted to move the battle from Virginia and win the north.
    5. Little Round top switches positions
    6. Culps Hill was 7 hours long
    7. Grants Army cut off supplies to Confederate army.
    8.April 30th the lead element of his army was on the mississippi soil the Railroad.
    9.lee moving north will start the largest battle.
    10. Union falls back to cemetery hill.
    11. the first day of the battle was the bloodiest days of the war.
    12. More than 14,000 men became castile of war.
    13. Lee planned to attack on july 4 but never got the chance.
    14. Union line collapsed.
    15. Day 2s fighting didnt end till 10pm.

  16. Cassandra Harris Period 6
    1. General Lee moved his men up to the North.
    2. When General Early arrives, the Union are able to have reinforcements but are still pushed back.
    3. The Union are forced to group back together on Cemetery Hill.
    4. The Union lines are set up to look like a fish hook and reinforcements are able to come to any section threatened.
    5. General Sickles decides to move his men forward, leaving a gap in Union lines.
    6. The control of Devil Den switched three times.
    7. As the Union start to shut down on Cemetery Hill, reinforcements get there before the Confederates can take over.
    8. The past two days of fighting had caused 37,000 casualties.
    9. General Lee planned to take Culps Hill in the morning of the third day.
    10. General Mead was the first Union General to out guess General Lee.
    11. When Lee bombards Union lines, it fails.
    12. Pickett's charge was a failure and many were killed or captured.
    13. Lee's greatest opportunity was is greatest defeat.
    14. Lee plans another attack on July 4th but does not.
    15. The wounded of Gettysberg outnumber the citizens there.

  17. Brandon Ehlers
    Period 4
    1. 200,000 died just about only halfway through the Civil War
    2. General Lee planned to take Culps Hill in the morning of the third day.
    3. Lee's greatest opportunity was is greatest defeat.
    4. Most of the men were left to rot away.
    5. The Union are forced to group back together on Cemetery Hill.
    6. Lee still stayed after the war was over for a little bit longer.
    7. Most men in pickets charge never passed the wall.
    8. most of the houses ended up being hospitals for the solders
    9. Wounded soldiers outnumbered citizens 12 to 1
    10.The battle was fought on one of the hottest days of the year
    11.Maj. John Reynolds was shot in the neck and died.
    12.Meed is the first Union commander to out guess Lee
    13. The first day was the bloodiest day of the war
    14. The Civil War will go on for another 21 months.
    15.Lee's wagon train of wounded was miles long.

  18. Jacob Warnock Period 4
    1. In June 1863 200,000 men were dead.
    2. In that same year the Civil War was only half way over.
    3. Lee wanted to win a major battle in the North.
    4. General Meade's Army moved towards Lee's while Lee was passing through Maryland.
    5. Lee concentrated his men at Gettysburg.
    6.Gettysburg was the largest battle in American history.
    7. The Battle of Gettysburg lasted for 3 days.
    8. Longstreet's men set up near Seminary Ridge.
    9. It was one of the hottest days of the year.
    10. Hood's Confederate Brigade broke apart and attacked separate Union lines.
    11. Control of Devils Den changed 3 times.
    12. Little Round Top was charged many times.
    13. On the evening of the second day the Union line was held by the 11th Corp.
    14. At the end of the second day the battle was already the bloodiest battle but they still had one more day to go.
    15. 12000 Confederate Soldiers were apart of Picket's Charge.

  19. Caroline Johnson
    Pd. 7

    1.At this point in the war about 200,000 people were dead
    2.Gettysburg was almost half was through the war
    3. The south needed a win in the North
    4.Meade and Lee met in Gettysburg
    5.The battle started a little west of the town of Gettysburg
    6. On July 2, General Sickles moved the 3th corps to the peach orchard
    7. He created a bulge in the line
    8. Because of that, it opened gaps along the line
    9. The led an attack on the unions left
    10.Jeb Stewart's army tried to go around the union but were stopped
    11. George custard led a charge
    12. Pickets charge was at 3 pm
    13. They had to travel one mile of open ground first
    14. Most people didn't even pass the wall
    15. The soldiers who did pass the wall were either killed or captured.

  20. Abby Tribe 4th
    1. Gettysburg was halfway through the war
    2. the battle of little round top changed positions 6 times
    3. before this battle 200,000 people were already dead
    4. General Sickles had to move his mens corps to an orchard
    5. General Meade meet Lee in Gettysburg a little town west
    6. Lee was hoping it to be a big win in the north for the south
    7. the second day was one of the hottest days of the year
    8. the control of devils den changed 3 times
    9. day 3 was suppose to be Lees big chance to win
    10.the number of people died out numbered citizens 12-1
    11. anyone who made it over the wall was shot or surrendered
    12. everyone's home become a hospital for the dead
    13. the war could have ended then but lasted another 21 months
    14. citizens believed the battlefield should be a cemetery for the Union
    15. it became the fist national cemetery on a battlefield

  21. Sara Noel
    per. 6
    1. 15000 people attended the dedication of the cemetery.
    2. 3512 soldiers were buried on the Gettysburg battlefield.
    3.Gettysburg was the first national cemetery on a battlefield.
    4. Everyone who made it over the wall was either killed or taken prisoner.
    5. The Union formed their troops in a hoook
    6. The integrity of the hook was compromised when Sickles advanced because he thought he wasn't doing anything.
    7. The second day was one of the hottest days of the year.
    8. The north had plenty of interior inforcements because of their shape.
    9. The wagons containing the dead stretched for more than a mile.
    10. On the second day it was already the bloodiest battle in American histoy.
    11. Because Mead did not attack on Lee after he retreated the war went on for 21 more months.
    12. Reynolds was shot in the back of the neck just as he was trying to organize his troops.
    13. After the third day the South attacked with horses but were repulsed, with no gain to either side.
    14. I didn't know the Picketts charge happened at 3 o'clock, I got this from Matt Rou
    15. The Union reformed on Cemetary Hill.

  22. Ben Soto
    Period 7
    1. 200,000 people were dead by the middle of the civil war
    2.Gettysburg was one of the biggest battles in history
    3.On the 1st day, the Union was driven back to retreat
    4.July the 2nd, was super hot and affected the soldiers
    5.Control of Devil's Den changed 3 times
    6.Confederated tried multiple times to take control of Little Round Top. but failed
    7. More than 14,000 men suffered casualties by the middle of day two
    8. 37,000 people suffered casualties by the end of day two
    9.The 3rd day was the bloodiest (for the Confederacy, at least)
    10.Scarcely half the Confederate men who made the attack on the third day came back alive :(
    11. On July 4, the war was won by the Union
    12. Wounded soldiers outnumbered the citizens by two to one
    13. Many soldiers weren't buried nicely due to the overwhelming number of dead
    14.They formed a national cemetery on November 19, 1863
    15. It is here that Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Address

  23. Abi Clemons Period 6
    1.the second day was a very hot day. It was one of the hottest days of the year.
    2. All of the nearby homes were turned into temporary hospitals.
    3. Gettysburg was half way through the war.
    4. It was the turning point of the civil war.
    5. Most people died on the first day.
    6. The union cut off supplies to the confederate militia.
    7 . Union left many gaps in their line of defense.
    8. The 2nd days battle lasted all day long.
    9. War lasted 21 months after the battle of Gettysburg.
    10. The union line looked like a fish hook.

  24. Lily Moscon 6th per

    1. 1863 war was barley half way over

    2. Lee wanted to move north

    3. General Meade moves in with them

    4. Buford holds men until Reynolds comes

    5. Reynolds is shot and killed

    6. Was the hottest days of the year

    7. Lee thought this was his chance to get a head

    8. battle lasted three days

    9. con troll of devis den changed three times

    10. Many important fights took place on little round top

    11. union formed a hook

    12. Idea of pickets charge to attack but lee wasn't sure

    13. Picketts charge is a failure thousands of confeds die

    14. union wins

    15. War still continues

  25. Alyssa Hallows
    Period 3
    1. Lee concentrates army where 10 roads meet (Gettysburg)
    2. The battle starts west of Gettysburg
    3. Reynolds is killed as battle begins to escalate
    4. Union collapses and falls back to cemetary ridge
    5. Confederates rap around union by the afternoon
    6. Sickles moves forward- Mead has to reinforce Sickle and opens many gaps in the line
    7. Control of Devil's den changes hands three times
    8. In what is called the Valley of Death more than 14,000 men become casualties of war
    9. 37,000 casualties by the second day
    10. a seven hour battle with outnumbered rebels finally causes the confederates to be forced out
    11. Lee creates larges artillary attack in the West
    12. Some confederates manage to breach the union ,but don't stand a chance and are killed or captured
    13. Stuart tries to swing around Union Greg stops them east of Gettysburg
    14. Lee loses the battle of Gettysburg and want to repulse a counter attack on July 4 but Meade doesn't take the bait
    15. War goes on another 21 months after Gettysburg
    16. After battle 3,512 Union soldiers are move to the grave that is dedicated on November 19, 1863 where the Gettysburg Adress is given

  26. Brittney Burton
    Pd- 3
    1. In June 1863 20,000 are dead and the war is not even half over.
    2. Robert E. Lee aims to win a major battle in the north.
    3. Lee's move north will spark the largest battle in history.
    4. Major General John Reynolds is shot in the neck and killed.
    5. July 2's battle was one of the hottest days of the year.
    6. Control of devil's den changes hands three times.
    7. Reinforcements come on cemetery hill, just before confederates take control.
    8. Only 13 hundred union soldiers under General Greene remained to attack Johnson's 45 hundred.
    9. General Lee hopes to take Culps Hill.
    10. On Culps Hill, Lee is badly outnumbered.
    11. Lee bombards Union defenses (Pickets Charge).
    12. 12000 men emerge from cemetery ridge.
    13. When marching an open mile, gaps are torn in confederate line.
    14. Lee has lost and retreats.
    15. The war will go on for 21 more months.

  27. Ava Wilson
    Period 3
    1. 200,000 are dead when Civil War is almost halfway done
    2. Lee's 30,000 men move into Virginia swiftly
    3. Meade has 95,000 men
    4. Largest battle in American History- gettysburg
    5. It lasts for 3 days
    6. Reynolds first corps arrives later
    7. Reynolds highest ranked Union officer in field
    8. There is a fence dividing them
    9. Few make it over the fence
    10. Devils Den took many lives
    11. Reynolds shot in back when telling soldiers to move forward
    12. Seven Hour Battle causes the confederates to back out
    13.War goes on for 21 more more months after Gettysburg
    14. Union formed a hook
    15. The Union Won

  28. Mason Cowley
    Period 7
    1. 200,000 were dead when the war was barely halfway over.
    2. Robert E. Lee wanted to win a major battle in the North.
    3. His soldiers were moved into Pennsylvania.
    4. General Meades army moved toward Lee as Lee was coming.
    5. It was the largest battle in American history.
    6. The first day, Confederates were more successful and pushed the Union back.
    7. The second day was one of the hottest days of the year.
    8. The Confederates planned to attack three different parts of the Union forces on day 2.
    9. More than 14,000 casualties when the battle was very far from over.
    10. General Greene fought General Johnson.
    11. General Greene was outnumbered over 3 to 1.
    12. The first two days had 37,000 casualties.
    13. Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle of the war.
    14. General Lee was badly outnumbered and they fought for 7 hours early on day three.
    15. Meade was the first Union commander to outguess General Robert E. Lee.

  29. Emilie Veale
    period: 7

    1. June, 1863 - 200,000 men are dead half way through the war
    2. Lee's moving North will spark largest battle in American history
    3. The battle will last for 3 days
    4. Lee wanted a huge victory in the North
    5. The war started west of Gettysburg
    6. Gettysburg was the bloodiest war
    7. every church, home, and farm became a hospital
    8. this is where Lincoln gave the Gettysburg address
    9. Confederate Army moved in the shape of a fish hook towards Pennsylvania
    10. confederate army had 75,000 men
    11. Union army had 95,000 men
    12. on November 19th, 1863 a dedication ceremony was held
    13. 15,000 people attended on the day the Gettysburg address was given
    14. The war went on for 21 more months after Gettysburg
    15. Union won battle of Gettysburg

  30. Parker Duke
    Period 6

    1. The battle was the largest in American history.
    2. It lasted three days, with much bloodshed.
    3. Confederates had only 75,000 men.
    4. Union army had 95,000 men.
    5. This was the major turning point of the war.
    6. Every single building became a hospital.
    7. The confederate army was not looking to fight.
    8. Few confederate men made it over the fence, only to double back.
    9. Reynolds was shot and killed.
    10. The union army swung like a "Door" leaving the high ground.
    11. 3,512 soldiers were buried on the battlefield.
    12. General Lee had to win the battle, he did not succeed.
    13. In June 1863, 200,000 are already dead.
    14. Control of Devil's Den changed three times.
    15. The first two days had a count of 30,000 casualties.

  31. Sophie Caligiuri
    Period 6
    1. Gettysburg was the largest battle (and still is) in US history,
    2. This battle took place in the North. (Pennsylvania)
    3. Major General John Reynolds is the highest ranked on the battlefield and is killed during day one.
    4. The union line (On 1st day) collapses.
    5. Some are trapped in the Gettysburg streets.
    6. 2nd Day: General Meade has to send his full corps.
    7. Lots of the battle was found by Seminary Ridge.
    8. The second day of the battle was one of the hottest of the year.
    9. The union had to give up higher ground because of lack of ammunition.
    10. Pickett's charge is overall what caused the South to lose.
    11. General Lee wanted to take Culps Hill (3rd day)
    12. The Union had already had the upper hand during the third day.
    13. Meade is the 1st man to outguess Lee on the battlefield.
    14. The Union proved victorious on the third day.
    15. Sparked the Gettysburg Address written by Abraham Lincoln

  32. Meagan Mathews
    Period 6
    1.Nearly 200,000 men were dead and the war is barely half over
    2.Gettysburg took place only halfway into the war
    3.Battle of Gettysburg lasted 3 days
    4.Every nearby building was turned into a hospital
    5.General Lee wanted to have a victory in the north
    6.Gettysburg was the largest battle in American history
    7.two days of fighting caused 37,000 casualties
    8.the Union position resembled a fish hook
    9.the wounded soldiers were outnumbering the citizens 12 to 1
    10.the battle was fought on one of the hottest days of the year
    11.General Lee's wagon train of wounded was miles long
    12. The cemetery was dedicated on November 19, 1863
    13.15,000 people attended the dedication of the cemetery
    14.The Union won battle of Gettysburg
    15.the Civil War lasted 21 months after the battle of Gettysburg

  33. Dylan Cozzens
    Period 6
    1. gettysburg was the bloodiest battle of the civil war after the second day only.
    2. gettysburg was the biggest defeat that General Lee has ever had.
    3. the casualties of gettysburg outnumbered the inhabitance of the town 12-1.
    4. the Union had reinforcements coming all throughout the battle.
    5. war lasted twenty one months longer after gettysburg ended.
    6. Union general reynolds was shot in the back of the neck.
    7. General Meade was the only general in history to outguess Lee.
    8. any men to step over the stone wall were either killed, captured or wounded.
    9. first day of gettysburg was fought inside the city.
    10. after battle, nearly every home and church and farm became a hospital.
    11. soldiers had to be dug up in order to be placed in the soldier cemetery.
    12. Devels den changed hands six times during the battle.
    13. General reynolds was the highest ranking officer on the battle field.
    14. General Lee laid bait for the union army, but General Meade did not take it.
    15. on july 4, the Confederates sent out cavalry attacks that was fended off by the Union footmen.

  34. Ellie Johnson
    Period 7
    1. 200000 soldiers are dead halfway through the civil war
    2. largest battle in american history
    3. lasted 3 days
    4. battled was west of Gettysburg
    5.Federals had the high ground
    6. General Mead sent reinforcements which left holes in the line
    7. 2nd day was one of the hottest days of the year
    8. The Union had control of LIttle Round Top
    9. Confederates tried to take over Little Round Top but failed
    10. 37000 casualties in the first 2 days
    11. Mead is the first one to outguess Lee
    12. Lee's greatest moment of opportunity becomes his greatest defeat
    13. Picket leads an attack called Pickets Charge
    14. When the South enters shooting range only half of them continue
    15. Lee's men don't stand a chance-and Lee retreats

  35. Nicole Midgley
    6th period

    1- The battle started west of Gettysburg, not at Gettysburg.
    2- The battle will last for a total of three days.
    3- Reynolds comes in to help Buford fight against Heth, but is shot in the back of the neck in the beginning and dies.
    4- The Union line is broken and they flee to Gettysburg with the Confederates following them.
    5- Lee decides to have the main attack be on the Union left on the second day of the battle.
    6- The control of Devil's Den changes three times in one day.
    7- Men from Texas and Alabama were put in charge of attacking Little Round Top. They attempt many times, but fail.
    8- There were 37,000 casualties after day two of the battle.
    9- 12,000 Confederate troops were sent to cross one mile of open ground to attack. The Union fires at them and breaks them up.
    10- Barely half of Lee's men return after their attack on the Union.
    11- Lee tries to fight on July fourth, but Meade doesn't' follow through and Lee retreats back south.
    12- After Gettysburg there will still be 21 months left of fighting.
    13- The ratio of wounded soldiers to citizens was 12:1.
    14- Men were buried, put into chasms, or left out to decompose.
    15- 3,512 Union men were dug up and moved to the national cemetery made for those who fought at Gettysburg.

  36. Joshua Larsen
    Period 6

    1) By June 1863 200,000 are dead
    2) Lee wanted to win a Major battle in North
    3) Confederates had wrapped around union position
    4) This allows mead to easily reinforce weak sections
    5) Longstreet was told to make the main attack along union left flank
    6) Control of devils den changes 3 times
    7) Bayonet charge by exhausted troops sends confederates back
    8) Battle on wheat field exchanges hands 6 times
    9) There was a half mile gap in union line but was quickly filled
    10) attempts to capture little round top was soon called valley of death
    11) 14,000 men had become causualties of war by afternoon on second day
    12) only 1,300 men defended culps hill through the night
    13) After 2 day 37,000 causalities had occurred
    14) Mead was prepared for pickets charge
    15) Mead was first union general to outguess Lees tactics

  37. Zachary Bancroft
    1:200,000 soldiers are dead half wasy throught war.
    2: Battle lasts three days
    3: the enitre time the confederates are outnumbered
    4: Every building at Gettysburg was turned into a hospital
    5: Pickketts charge was the worst moment in confederate history
    6: General Reynolds is shot in the neck and killed
    7: Lees wagons of wounded excided a mile long
    8: Gettysburg was the first national cemetary
    9: Devils Den changes hands three times during battle
    10:During pickkets charge men had to march a mile
    11: some men breached Union line during Picketss charge.
    12: Those who breached the line where either killed or captured
    13: dead soldiers outnumber ctizens at Gettysburg 12/1
    14: There is only one verrified picture of Licoln at Gettysburg
    15:Union wins

  38. Joshua Beard
    Period 3
    1. General Meade's army was of 92,000 men.
    2. Devils den was where a lot of the deaths were because of the poor covering areas.
    3. General Lee's men went to Gettysburg to grab shoes for his men to wear.
    4. from each side had about 25,000 deaths
    5. Little round top was basically soldiers running up hill getting shot at while trying to capture it.
    6. The commander of little round top was actually a college professer.
    7. Gettysburg lasted 3 days
    8. Gettysburg finished on July 3rd
    9. This was a turning point in the war
    10. Soldiers had to use homes as resting places and hospitals
    11. 200,000 men had died only half way through the civil war
    12. General Reynolds was shot in the back of the neck at pickets fence
    13. at little round top, confederate soldiers eventually had to surrender after coming wave after wave trying to get up the hill
    14. After general lee relized what a mess he made and how he basically sent his men out to die, his men still stood by him and trusted him
    15. President Abe Lincoln gave a speech at Gettysburg November 19, 1863 to honor the men who fought there.

  39. 1) Generals Lee sends his troops up south of P.A planning to when a major battle
    2)The battle ends up lasting for 3 days being Americas bloodiest battles
    3)On the second day the line of fire on the union line slowly thins out
    4) soon after the afternoon the confederates surround the union troops near little round top
    5)The line of troops on both sides resembles a giant fish hook for eagles eye
    6)at one am lee sends artillery to weakens the union troops
    7) the men must cross one mile of marching to head into battle
    8)now the southerners enter into line of fire. many casualties are taken during this time
    9)some pass through the union defense leading into a large melee battle
    10)After long hours of battle the confederates slowly fall back
    11)Those who crossed the stone wall are either killed or captured
    12)This becomes lee's greatest lost
    13) george custard leads an attack on the confederates
    14)after calvary actions the battle is over
    15)Soon only have of the confederates troops retreat

    Louis Cerda
    Period 3

  40. 1. By June of 1863 the war was only half way over and already 200,000 men were dead.
    2. Lee wanted to spark and win a major battle in the North.
    3. The battle started west of Gettysburg and lasted for three days.
    4. Gettysburg would end up being the bloodiest and largest battle of the war.
    5. General Mead had his position set up so that he could easily reinforce threatened sectors.
    6. The second day of Gettysburg ended being one of the hottest days of the year.
    7. Control of Devil's Den changed three times in the second day.
    8. Some of the battles bloodiest combat took place in the wheat fields.
    9. Many Confederates attempted to capture Little Round Top entering what would later become the Valley of Death.
    10. After the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg more than 37,000 had become casualties of war.
    11. Mead's army would've lost the battle if Cementary Hill would have fallen into Confederate hands.
    12. After the second day of Gettysburg it was already the bloodiest battle of the Civil War.
    13. Mead become the first Union officer to out guess General Lee.
    14. In the beginning of day three Lee was badly outnumbered but yet still fought for seven hours.
    15. After the three days of Gettysburg passed, President Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Address.

    1. That last comment was by
      Hunter Stone
      Period 7

  41. Kurtis Evans
    Pd 3
    1. 200,000 are already dead.
    2. John Reynolds is killed on day one.
    3. On the first day the Union line breaks.
    4. Union line looks like a fishhook.
    5. Hottest day of the year.
    6. Control of devils den changes 3 times
    7. Little round top is called the valley of death.
    8. Biggest artillery barrage in U.S. history.
    9. Pickett's charge fails.
    10. War will last 21 more months.
    11. Mead is first general to outguess Lee.
    12. Wounded outnumber dead 12 to 1.
    13. Every home is a hospital.
    14. First national cemetery.
    15. Gettysburg address was given there.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Lauryn Reynolds Period 6
    1. June 1863 the Civil War is barley half over
    2. General Meade is forced to send his entire 5th core and parts of others to reinforce Sickles.
    3. July 2nd was one of the hottest days of the year, and they were fighting during it.
    4. Control of Devil's Den changes three times.
    5. Those who went to reinforce Sickles left a half mile of the Union side open.
    6. Meade's army will lose the battle if they lose if Cemetery Hill falls.
    7. Only 1300 Union soldiers under Greene remained to attack the Confederates Johnson's 4500.
    8. On July 3, the battle rages on for 7 hours.
    9. Meade is the first Union Army Commander to out guess Lee.
    10. During Pickett's Charge, Lee is trying to soften the Union up and Meade responds and together they create the largest artillery barrage in the Western Hemisphere.
    11. Ultimately, Lee's bombardment fails.
    12.Those who cross the stone wall are either killed, or captured.
    13.This has become Lee's greatest defeat, by far.
    14. The war goes on for another 21 months.
    15. On November 19th, 1863 the dedication ceremony is held.

  44. Katelynn Glines
    Period 6

    1. When the Civil War was barely half over, already 200,00 men were dead.
    2. Gettysburg lasted for three days.
    3. It was the largest battle in American history.
    4. More than 14,000 men became casualties in war with still a lot of fighting left.
    5. General Longstreet said that July 2 in the afternoon was the best three hours of fighting ever done by any troops on any battlefield.
    6. The first two days produced over 37,000 casualties.
    7. Gettysburg is the bloodiest battle of the war.
    8. Meade is the first Union Army Commander to outguess Lee
    9. Those who crossed the stone wall were either killed or captured
    10. Picket's Charge was Lees greatest defeat.
    11. Barely half of the men returned to Seminary Ridge.
    12. Wounded soldiers outnumbered citizens by more than twelve to one.
    13. Every building was used as a hospital.
    14. 15000 people attended the dedication ceremony for the cemetery.
    15. In two minutes Lincoln covered everything in the Gettysburg Adress

  45. Mckenzie Crowley

    1.The battle of Gettysburg lasted 3 days.
    2.The battle was fought on one of the hottest days of the year.
    3.Lee's men ran through a field.
    4.Half of Lee's men died.
    5.By the second day of the war it was the bloodiest battle of the war.
    6.Little Round Top became known as the Valley of Death.
    7.On day 3 the Confederates retreated and the Union stayed. If the Union would have followed they could have won the war.
    8.Ultimately the war went on for 21 more months.
    9.The Union won the battle of Gettysburg.
    10.There were 12 wounded or dead to every 1 civilian in Gettysburg.
    11.Gettysburg was dedicated on November 19. 1890
    12.It was the first cemetary to be dedicated on a battlefield.
    13.15000 people attended the dedication.
    14.Edward Everett was the main speaker.
    15.President Lincoln spoke for 2 minutes and gave the most remembered speech in American history, The Gettysburg Address.

  46. Evan Mendez period 3
    1. During the battle almost all the structures in Gettysburg became a hospital
    2. this was the bloodiest battle by the second day of fighting
    3. few of the confederates even got over the fence in pickets charge
    4. control of devils den changed three times in the battle
    5. If lee had won the war would turn in his favor
    6. the union line was shaped like a fish hook giving them more advantage
    7. the union had the high ground giving them the advantage
    8. the war would last about a year and a half
    9. Lee's defeat turned the battle in the northern favor
    10. the confederates were outnumbered the whole time
    11. confederate failed to take little round top many times by charge
    12. the unions only weakness was running out of ammunition
    13. the three days of fighting were very hot
    14. little round top became the first national cemetery
    15. the union won the battle turning the war in their favor.

  47. Brooklyn Hammond Period 4
    1.June 1863 200,000 died
    2. Robert e. Lee wants to start a piece moment
    3. Buford waits for Renelds army at Gettysburg
    4. Confederate Robert dies in Gettysburg
    5. After Robert dies Howard comes in as the 11th corp of the union army
    6. The yankees are on the left side of the battle
    7. The union line falls and confederate wins the battle
    8. some union soldiers are trapped in Gettysburg
    9. Longstreet and General morse line up there men on a street
    10. July 1st at Gettysburg was the most blood shedding battle ever
    11. General Meed re enforces the general
    12. On july 2 it is the hottest day of the year
    13. Devils den was one of the most blood shedding battle in Gettysburg
    14. If cemetery hill falls Meed will lose the battle
    15. Calvary men are active on the flags in hopes of threaten the union line

  48. Colter Nelson Period 3
    1. The Battle Of Getteysburg took place soon after 1/2 of the entire Civil War was over; already over 200,000 people had died in the war.
    2.General Robert E. Lee moved his force of 75,000 toward the city of Getteysberg were 10 different roats met and could allow him to potentually force the Union into accepting the south seceeding from the union.
    3. But General George G. Mead moves his 90,000 man force to intercept and stop Lee before it's too late.
    4.During the first day of fighting the confederates attack from all sides of Gettysburg and force the Union forces to regroup atop Cemetary Ridge outside of Gettysburg.
    5. During the first day the confederates were very sucsessfull in attacking and driving the union forces from Gettysburg.
    6. But before the afternoon of the 2nd day Union forces are able to reposition themselves along the high ground all around Cemetary Ridge and beyond in a long line to defend the asailing confederates on all sides.
    7. fighing on the 2nd day does not begin until the afternoon when union forces advance for better positions toward the southern end of the army.
    8. The confederates charge the southern defences and the extreme end at little round top that is held, defended, and secured for the 2nd day by the union forces.
    9. the Union repels most of the attacking confederates, and no major ground positions change during the day.
    10. But during the night on the North and East ends of the union defenses Confederate soldiers attack cemetary hill and other locations many times throughout the night.
    11. And although they breifly take parts of Cemetary hill they are pushed back and off the ridge. While on the East flank only 1,300 soldiers are left to defend the East flank from the 4,500 soldiers attacking.
    12. Somehow the confederates are kept at by and only manage to take a few abandoned trenches lower down on the battlefeild.
    13. After that day over 37,000 casualties have occured, and it's just going to get worse on the final day at Gettysburg.
    14.During the 3rd day of fighting the Eastern flank is sucsessfully reignforced, and the confederate forces are expelled from the eastern defences.
    15. Lee prepares for one final assalt consisting of a whole divishion and pre artilery bombardmand on Cemetary hill.
    16. Unfortunately for the confederates their amunitions for their artilery are low and before the expectant amount of damage was done by the canons the infintry move across the feild to attack Cemetary hill.
    17. More that 1/2 of Lee's men are cut down by continuous artilery shells and constant fireing, this fatel flaw costs Lee the battle and eventually the war.

  49. Emma Gee Period 7
    1. Little Round Top became the first national cemetery
    2. Control of Devil's Den changed 3 times
    3. The battle of Gettysburg did not begin in Gettysburg
    4. The battle lasted a full 3 days
    5. The Gettysburg Address was only 2 minutes long
    6. After day 2, 32,000 casualties
    7. The Union won the Battle of Gettysburg
    8. If the Confederates won at Gettysburg, the war might have turned in their favor.
    9. On November 19th, 1863 the dedication ceremony was held
    10. Lee believed a win in the North would help him win the war
    11. Soldiers had to use homes as resting places and hospitals
    12. Gettysburg is the largest battle to have occurred in U.S. history
    13. The war lasted 21 months after the battle of Gettysburg
    14. There is only one verified picture of Lincoln giving the Gettysburg Address
    15. Some of the battles bloodiest combat took place in the wheat fields.

  50. Erin Howey
    Period 7
    1. June 1863- 200,000 are dead, only halfway through the war.
    2. General Lee plans to have a big battle in the North
    3. Lee concentrates his army at Gettysburg.
    4. When Rodes attacks, his army is twice the size of the Confederate's he's up against.
    5. Union was fighting a losing battle.
    6. The North was losing, and reformed on Cemetery Hill.
    7. The way the Union was placed looked like a big fish hook.
    8. General Sickles took his 3rd Corps to the peach orchard, creating a lengthy bulge in the line.
    9. The second day of battle was one of the hottest days all year.
    10. The Union line was split in two, but reinforcements saved the day.
    11. Little Round Top is known as the "Valley of Death."
    12. Green's men had to stand many late-night attacks by Johnson.
    13. In the two days, there have been 32,000 causalities.
    14. Lee sent 3 brigades to aide Johnson, but Meade had already ordered 5 more brigades onto Culps Hill.
    15. Union wins, YAY!

  51. 1. The Battle of gettysburg is 3 days.
    2. major general Jon Renalds is shot in the back of the head well he is giving orders.
    3. Rober Rodes is twice the size of his enemy
    4. Sickles moves 3rd corp north
    5. Hancock sends the second corp to assist the third corp
    6. alabam and texas soldiers charge little roundtop again and again
    7.A final Beyonet charge by main troops sends the exausted soldiers back
    8. the union army was cut in two but the iner reinforcments saved the day
    9. the union was able to push back the exausted confedeerate soldiers during pickets charge
    10. little round top becomes known as the valley of death
    11. more than 14000 men became casulties of war
    12. two of earlys brogades sweep towqards cemetary hill
    13. union reinforcments purge onto the hill before confederates can exploite their burgades
    14. Jhonsens bugades attack the union on culps hill
    15. the first two days combined had 37000 casulties

    1. the one above is Arik Upvall it cut out my name

  52. Nick Sorenson
    Period 2
    1. Gen Mead against Gen Lee
    2. Three day battle
    3. Many attempts on little roundtop with little success
    4. The battle was named Gettysburg after the town it was in
    5. The second day was one of the boodiest
    6. They didn't have any hair gel
    7. it was a three day battle
    8. Many commanding officers died on day 2
    9. The north won
    10. They gave the Gettysburg address there
    11. The south fired artillery on union line
    12. Both sides were very tired
    13. Their lines resembled a fish hook
    14. They had low supplies and ammo
    15. Their water supply was low

    1. Period 3 you idiot
      -Nick Sorenson

  53. Whitney McEwan
    Period: 7
    1. The second day's battle was the largest and costliest of the three.
    2. There were 120 generals present at the war.
    3. Nine of those generals were killed or mortally wounded.
    4. Medals of honor were awarded for the actions of soldiers at Gettysburg.
    5. George Meade was only in command three days before the battle.
    6. The battle started without either Lee or Meade's consent.
    7. It was fought on some of the hottest days of summer.
    8. The first two days had over 37,000 casualties.
    9. Confederates tried to overtake Little Round Top multiple times and failed.
    10. The Union's win at Little Round Top turned the rest of the war in their favor.
    11. Everywhere was typically turned into a hospital
    12. Meade was the first Union commander to outguess Lee.
    13. Lee's greatest defeat was Pickett's charge.
    14. Little Round Top is also known as the Valley of Death.
    15. the war went on for twenty-one months after that.

  54. Rachel Noel period 7
    1. Mead was the first to predict the a move of Lee.
    2. 1500 people attended the dedication of Gettysburg.
    3. It was the bloodiest battle in U.S history.
    4. If Mead would have gone after the confederates the war would have most likely ended.
    5. The confederates were badly out numbered.
    6. Reynolds was shot and killed while he was still organizing his troops for the battle.
    7.The wagons carrying the wounded confederates stretched miles long.
    8. President Lincoln gave the famous Gettysburg Address at the dedication of the Gettysburg cemetery.
    9. It was a turning point in the war.
    10. If the south had won they would have most likely won the war.
    11. Just the first two days had 37000 casualties combined.
    12.Everybody who tried to get inside the wall of the city was killed or taken prisoner by the union army.
    13. The battle was three days long.
    14.Control of devils den changed many times in the day but eventually the union won it.
    15. The union won the war

  55. Franky Jacobsen P7

    1. Gettysburg was the largest battle of the civil war
    2. general Meade had 95,000 men
    3. the first part to become a national cemetery was little round top
    4. by the second day of fighting, it was named to bloodiest battle.
    5. Lincoln based his speech off of the battle.
    6. already 200,000 people had died in previous battles
    7. Gettysburg was a three day battle
    8. there were 37,000 deaths in the first two days
    9. many deaths were in devil's den because it had poor coverage
    10. Lee wanted to win a major battle up north
    11. T'was the largest battle in American history.
    12. the second day was one of the hottest days (in temperature) of the year.
    13. General Greene was outnumber by 3 to 1
    14. it was fought west of Gettysburg
    15. 15,000 people were at the cemetery dedication

  56. Max Massey

    1. 200,000 men died halfway too.
    2. The war started west of Gettysburg.
    3. The Union retreated to Cemetery Hill.
    4. 2nd day of gettysburg ends at 10
    5. This was the bloodiest battle.
    6. Cemetery Hill loses
    7. Little Round Top 1st National Cemetery.
    8. Houses and farms turned into hospitals for soldiers.
    9. Wounded soldiers outnumbered citizens 12 to 1
    10. Largest battle in U.S history.
    11. Vicksburg surrendered on July 4th
    12. They had control of Devils Den it changed 3 times
    13. Union is wrapped around and looked like a fish hook in formation.
    14. Union surrounded but were on higher ground.
    15. Abraham spoke (Gettysburg address)

  57. Sarah Anderson
    Period 7
    1. General Lee sent his troops up South of P.A. planning to win a major battle
    2. Devils Den was where a lot of the deaths were because of the poor covering areas
    3. The entire time Confederates were outnumbered
    4. Longstreet was told to make the main attack along Union left flank
    5. Lee decides to have the main attack be on the Union left on the second day
    6. General Meade sent reinforcements which left holes in the line
    7. General Meade was the only general in history to outguess Lee.
    8. The union position resembled a fish hook
    9. The union had to give up higher ground becasue of lack of ammunition
    10. The Union army swung like a "door" leaving the high ground
    11. union army had 95,000 men
    12. The first two days had 37,000 casualities.
    13. War went on for 21 more months after gettysburg
    14. Lee loses Gettysburg and wants to repulse a counter attack but Lee doesn't take the bait
    15. It became the first national cemetery on a battlefield

  58. Brenden Nuttall
    Period 7
    1. This was by far the bloodiest battle for all of the U.S.
    2. Lee's escape was not attacked because of a river.
    3. Much of the problems for the Confederate army was caused because they had a feeling that they were invincible.
    4. After the first two days, there were already 37,000 casualties, and there was still another whole day left.
    5. General Meade was the best Union General yet.
    6. Although it was the first really good win for the Union, they still lost many men.
    7. Much of the war was just exploiting the other side's weaknesses.
    8. Pickett's charge did almost absolutely nothing.
    9. General Meade was a very smart general; he even outsmarted Lee.
    10. High ground will really make a difference.
    11. At first, the South outnumbered the North.
    12. Pickett's charge happened in a mile wide field in between the Southern and Northern forces.
    13. Many generals and colonels died.
    14. Lee tried to counterattack, but was too outnumbered and his army too injured.
    15. Even after the Battle of Gettysburg, the war would go on for another 21 months.

  59. Josh Kunzler
    Period 4
    1)- Bloodiest battle on U.S. soil
    2)- Many rebels died because of a fence
    3)- 37,000 deaths in the first two days
    4)- Lots of people died in Devils Den due to bad terrain
    5)- June of 1863
    6)- This war is Lee's greatest defeat
    7)- Control of Devils Den changed 3 times
    8)- Turning point in the war
    9)- A ton of generals died
    10)- Little Round top is nicknamed the Valley of Death
    11)- Pickets charge was a total failure
    12)- the southern army lost
    13)- The union won
    14)- This battle was fought in the North
    15)- It was already the bloodiest u.s. battle, even after the second day

  60. Lucy Goodman
    Period 6

    1. 200,000 men were already dead
    2. The war was only halfway over
    3. Robert E. Lee wanted to move the war to the North
    4. After the battle the fallen outnumbered the residents of Gettysburg 12 to 1
    5. Some of the Union soldiers escaped on an unfinished railroad bed after the first day
    6. The way the Union's lines were set up at the beginning second day, they could easily reinforce gaps in the line
    7. July 2 was one of the hottest days of the year
    8. If Cemetery Hill fell, the Union would probably lose the battle
    9. There were 37,000 casualties in the first two days
    10. Lee's bombardment created the largest artillery barrage in the Western Hemisphere
    11. In Pickett's Charge, anybody who crossed the fence was either killed or captured
    12. Less than half of Pickett's army returned
    13. Lee waited at Gettysburg for a while after Gettysburg was over, just in case the Union tried to attack again.
    14. The war would go on for 21 more months
    15. Gettysburg was the first national cemetery on a battlefield

  61. madeline brown p.3
    1.june 1863 200,000 are dead and the war is only half over
    2. the north reforms ready for an attack that never happened
    3.pickett lost half of he's men
    4.ths south is hopping to win a battle in the north so they move their forces there
    5.gettysburg lasted 3 days
    6.gerneral heth attacks buford and he retreats
    7.the north has the high ground
    8.gettysburg is the bloodiest battle of the civil war
    9.the north sets up there forces so they can sends reinforcements at any time
    10.the 2nd day the north attacks the south
    11.the 2nd day was the hottest day of the summer
    12.devils den was one of the hardest place to fight
    13.the north retreats
    14.the rebels are pushed back
    15. the north wins gettysburg

  62. Etianne Johnson period 4
    June 18 200,000 men were dead
    2. Gettysburg was the biggest battle and most violent battle in civil war
    3. Men were really fighting over high ground because you get an advantage
    4. The battle was 3 days long
    5. Many men were dedicated at gettysburg
    6. The union won
    7. the union was like a swinging door to get an advantage and keep having soldiers comingin
    8. The soldiers were fighting in one of the hottest days of the year
    9. John reynolds dies
    10. Picketts plan to attack fails
    11. Lincoln gave one of the most amazing talks in history at gettysburg
    12. Lee felt like it was his fault they lost
    13. Little round top becomes national cementary
    14. Homes were used as hospitals
    15. Battle fought in northern ground

  63. Jolie Martin Pd.4
    1) 200,000 men had already died before Gettysburg
    2) it was the turnin g point of the war
    3) 9 confederate generals were killed
    4) was said to have won the union the war
    5) was fought in Pennsylvania
    6) lee was very confidant his troops would win
    7) if the union had not won they may not have won the war
    8) the union won
    9) the union had a fishhook like position
    10) was the bloodiest American battle ever fought
    11) the battle was three days long
    12) was on one of the hottest days in the year
    13) only one civilian was killed
    14) Lincoln gave his very influential speech there
    15) was the first national grave sight to actually be on the battlefield

  64. Jolie Martin Pd.4
    1) 200,000 men had already died before Gettysburg
    2) it was the turnin g point of the war
    3) 9 confederate generals were killed
    4) was said to have won the union the war
    5) was fought in Pennsylvania
    6) lee was very confidant his troops would win
    7) if the union had not won they may not have won the war
    8) the union won
    9) the union had a fishhook like position
    10) was the bloodiest American battle ever fought
    11) the battle was three days long
    12) was on one of the hottest days in the year
    13) only one civilian was killed
    14) Lincoln gave his very influential speech there
    15) was the first national grave sight to actually be on the battlefield

    PERIOD 4
    1-June 1863 200,000 are died, civil war is barley half way over.
    2-Lees moves north will spark the largest battle in American history.
    3-Only last three days.
    4-People trying to retreat are trapped in Gettysburg streets (fist day).
    5-Yanks reform on Cemetery hill.
    6-General Mead is forced to send his in tire 5th four and parts of other.
    7-Opening gaps in his center and left.
    8-Lee orders long street to make the main attack upon Union left.
    9-Lee orders Hill threatened Center.
    10-Lee orders Youl to threaten the right.
    11-One of th hottest day of the year (second day)
    12-Battle was fought on Union turf.
    13-Homes were used as hospitals for injured soldiers.
    14-Coutrol of devils den changed 3 times.
    15-Alabama and Texas soldiers charge little round top again and again.

  66. Moriah Weaver, Period 6
    1) The battle was started West of Gettysburg.
    2) Major John Reynolds was shot in the back of the neck and was killed as he was trying to support Buford.
    3) Confederate General Robert Rode's division arrived on Oak Hill, fighting Robison.
    4) General Jubal's division arrived from the North but was broken by General Rodes.
    5) After a savage fire fight in Herp's Woods, the Yankees fell back to Cemetary Ridge.
    6) The Union attempted to retreat and escape, but some were trapped in the streets of Gettysburg.
    7) The defeated Yankees retreated to Cemetary Hill, where General Howard had left a brigade and array of cannons.
    8) By the afternoon of the first day, the Confederates had wrapped around the Union position.
    9) The Union position resembled a giant fishhook.
    10) The federals occupied the higher ground and General Meade's position allowed him to easily reinforce threatened sectors.
    11) July 2nd, the second day of battle, was one of the hottest days of the year.
    12) The control of Devil's Den changed three times.
    13) Alabama and Texas soldiers charged Little Round Top again and again, but fall back. Finally, a bayonet charge by Maine troops send the exhausted attackers back for good.
    14) Little Round Top becomes known as the Valley of Death.
    15) At 1 P.M on the 3rd day, Lee bombards the Union defenses. Ultimately, Lee's bombardment fails.
