Tuesday, May 13, 2014


There is a very cool video/animated map of the Battle of Vicksburg that you need to explore.  Please do the following by Monday, the 19th.

1. Go to this website: 
2. Watch the entire presentation.
3. Write a comment below saying 10 new/interesting things you learned about the Battle of Vicksburg.


  1. Replies
    1. Kurtis Evans
      Pd 3
      1. The Union controlled most of the Mississippi river.
      2. Present Lincoln claimed Vicksburg was the key to winning the war.
      3. In 1861 the Union built Ironclad boats, first time in warfare.
      4. Gen. Grant tried to find many routes to Vicksburg.
      5. Grant planed to cut confederate supply lines.
      6. Grant blew up mines to stop the confederates.
      7. Pemberton's own's soldiers beg for surrender.
      8. During siege citizens had to live in caves.
      9. After siege basic goods were valuable.
      10. In the Gulf War Grant's tactics were used.

    2. Hayley Lamb
      Period 6
      1. Abraham Lincoln thought that the battle was the turning point of the war.
      2. On the first attack on Vicksburg almost 1,000 men were lost on the union side.
      3. Pemperton surrendered and Vicksburg was now the unions victory.
      4. Confederates were outnumbered three to one yet they still fought.
      5. Citizens lived in the hill side during the battle.
      6. Pemperton being from the south was told to protect Vicksburg no matter what.
      7. Most of the south ports were blocked by union ships.
      8. Battle of port Gibson lasted 17 hours.
      9. Grant starts the battle at champion hill.
      10. Water and food were scarce like Megan Langton said.
      11. On the 4 th of July the union forces gain Vicksburg.
      12. Union had fleets of river boats.
      13. Today we still use the same tactics that Grant used in the battle of Vicksburg.

  2. Cassandra Harris Pd.6
    1. Abraham Lincoln believed Vicksberg was the key to winning the Civil War.
    2. Previous attempts to gain Vicksberg on the Union side had failed.
    3. While Sherman's forces moved down to Vicksberg, the Confederates were able to slow Grant down by cutting his supply line.
    4. Grant spent the winter trying new routes to get to Vicksberg, each failing.
    5. In the Battle of Port Gibson, the Confederates are forced to fall back.
    6. At the Battle of Raymond, the Confederates are outnumbered three to one.
    7. On May 14th 1863, the Union was able to take back Jackson.
    8. At the Battle of Champion Hill, the Union is able to force the rebels back and flee to Vicksberg.
    9. In the First Attack of Vicksberg, almost 1,000 men are lost on the Union side.
    10. Pemberton surrenders and Vicksberg falls to the Union.

  3. Megan Cole
    Period 6
    1. Fought on confederates land.
    2. It was claimed to be the key to winning the Civil War.
    3. Union won a series of victories in the west.
    4. Grant continued to keep Pemberton guessing to where they'll attack.
    5. Confederates were out numbered 3 to 1 and still attack.
    6. Pemberton moved to attack Grants supply line.
    7. At Champion Hill, Grant starts the battle determined to seal Vicksburg eventual fate.
    8. 25% of Pembertons army was killed at the battle at champion hill.
    9. 1,000 of Grant's men are killed or missing on the first day.
    10. Citizens lived in hillside caves during battle.
    Union won!

  4. Elizabeth Stanger
    Period 7 :D
    1 The Confederacy held the Mississippi river boundaries from Vicksburg to Port Hudson.
    2 Abraham Lincoln said having control of Vicksburg would mean winning the civil war, but the North couldn't find a way to gain it.
    3 Pemberton, of the South, was told to protect Vicksburg no matter what happened.
    4 Sherman attacked Vicksburg which distracted the Confederacy from the Union attacking at Grand Gulf.
    5 Grant planned to cut the South's rail lines so they couldn't get supplies. Then he would move on to attack Vicksburg.
    6 The U.S. took another main South city, Jackson, after fighting off the South. They burned the South's supplies and rail lines.
    7 At the battle of Champion Hill the South tried to fight but had to flee back to Vicksburg. Loring couldn't and got stranded on the East side of Baker's Creek.
    8 The Union gained the bridge crossing Big Black River at the Battle of Big Black River. 25% of Pemberton's army died and the Union won both Champion Hill and Big Black River.
    9 Citizens of Vicksburg were scared so they hid in nearby caves.
    10 Pemberton realized that he needed to surrender Vicksburg because there was no way the South could win. The Union gained Vicksburg and controlled the whole Mississippi River.

  5. Megan Langton
    Period #6
    1. Most of the South's ports were blocked by Union ships.
    2. Texas beef and Louisiana sugar and molasses fed Southern armies.
    3. Defense of Vicksburg and Port Hudson fell to Lieutenant General John Pemberton.
    4. Union forces of the West controlled much of the Mississippi river.
    5. Abraham Lincoln believed that the key to winning the Civil War was Vicksburg.
    6. In late 1861, the U.S. war department quickly built a fleet of Iron Clad river boats.
    7. Grant crosses at Gruinsberg.
    8. Battle of Port Gibson lasted 17 hours.
    9. Confederates were out numbered 3 to 1 at Battle of Raymond.
    10. Grant closes in when Pemberton is turning around.
    11. Grant starts battle at Champion Hill.
    12. 25% of Pemberton's men were lost at Champion Hill.
    13. Vicksburg's line defenses stretch more than 8 miles.
    14. 100,000 of Grant's men are killed on the First Assault of Vicksburg.
    15. Citizens lived in hillside caves during the battle, like Megan Cole said.
    16. Food and Water were scarce.
    17. Wagons made daily trips to pick up the dead.
    18. On July 3, 1863, there was silence. Grant and Pemberton meet to discuss surrender.
    19. On 4th of July, the Union forces gain Vicksburg.
    20. The Mississippi river is totally controlled by Union.
    21. Grant lost more than 10,000 men either, missing, dead, or sickness.
    22. Gettysburg was defeated the day before Vicksburg.
    23. The efforts of the soldiers made the establishment of the Vicksburg National Military Pak in 1899.
    24. From both sides, the efforts of the soldiers will never be forgotten.
    UNION WON!!! YAY!!!

  6. Katelynn Glines
    1. President Abraham Lincoln claimed Vicksburg the key to winning the Civil war.
    2. For seventeen days the union army had to march two hundred miles and fight five battles.
    3. Grant used the Big Black river as a shield, and was able to cut off the confederate railroad supplies.
    4. The confederates were outnumbered three to one.
    5. The battle at Champion hill took twenty five percent of Pemberton's soldiers, forty five cannons, and the faith of his soldiers.
    6.Vicksburg land defenses stretch more than eight miles with nine major forts
    7. Almost one thousand of Grant's men were killed, while Pemberton only lost seventy.
    8.The soldiers fought for more than twenty hours before Grant called off the attacks.
    9. Citizens had to stay in hillside caves for protection.
    10. A note was slipped under Pemberton's door saying if you can't feed us surrender us. Signed many soldiers.
    11. Late into the twentieth century forces were still using tactics inspired by Grant's Vicksburg Campaign.

  7. Jessica Sharma

    1 Lincoln thought Vicksburg was the key to winning the Civil War
    2 Union had fleets of river boats.
    3 Union used the Mississippi river to win the wars
    4 The southern soldiers ate sugar, beef, and salt
    5 John Pemberton sided with the South because his wife was from the South but he was from the North.
    6 Around ten thousand Confederate and Union soldiers died each
    7 Johnston arrived at Jackson to take control for the South
    8 Champion hill is were Grant started the battle to see who got Vicksburg
    9 All of the south went on parole
    10 The union won

  8. Stanford Ballard
    Period: 4
    1. The Union had to march 200 miles and fight 5 battles
    2. They cut off all the railroads and roads leading into Vicksburg
    3. They stopped all communication to Vicksburg
    4. After the Confederate loss at Champions Hill they lost hope in there general
    5. 25% of there army died at the battle of Champions hill
    6. The Confederates survived off of a handful of peas and rice, with a cup of water each day.
    7. A note was slipped under the generals door telling him to surrender because they were starving to death.
    8. The treaty let many of them go home.
    9. Union controlled the entire Mississippi after that war.
    10. Today we still use the same tactics as Grant by cutting off communications and roads.

  9. Caroline Johnson
    Pd. 7

    1. The Union controled most of the Mississippi River
    2. Present Lincoln claimed Vicksburg was the key to winning the war
    3. We used the Mississippi to transport our boats and men
    4. The Union built river boats that had never been seen before
    5. The South needed Vicksburg if they were to have any chance at all
    6. The Southern army ate mostly beef and molasses
    7. The Union won
    8. The Union controlled the entire Mississippi after the war
    9. During this is union cut off all railroads leading to Vicksburg
    10. Today we still use the same methods by cutting off roads and communication

  10. Bekah Faasavalu
    Pd. 4
    1. Pres. Lincoln claimed Vicksburg, the key to winning the war!
    2. BUT the Union still hadn't claimed it, so the key was still with Confederate.
    3.In 1861 the Union built Iron Clad boats, never before seen in warfare.
    4. Vicksburg was critical to the Confederate's survival.
    5. Pemberton was originally from Pennsylvania but went with the South because his wife was from Virginia.
    6. The poor people of Vicksburg endured canon blasts, gunshots, screaming etc.
    7. The citizens left their homes to live in caves for shelter.
    8. Many deserted homes were used as hospitals, and wagons circled around picking up the dead.
    9. Pemberton had to surrender because of lack of food/water.
    10. Union won! Yeah baby!

  11. Rebekah Bowman
    Period 6
    1. The Union had the South almost surrounded.
    2. They made iron clad ships.
    3. Abraham Lincoln said that they could win the war if they took Vicksburg.
    4. Jefferson Davis was really worried and hoped that the army could protect it.
    5. Grant was going to cause a diversion, but it failed.
    6. Sherman made a diversion and it worked. Then he went and attacked another city.
    7. Grant's army was going to the same place.
    8. The Confederates were surprised and weren't prepared to defend.
    9. Most of Grant's army was on the other side of the river.
    10. The Confederates had to fall back.

  12. Zadie Farris
    Period 7
    1. The confederates surrendered because of a note sent to the general that if they couldn't feed them they should surrender them.
    2. The two armies meet twice on terms of surrender before finally agreeing.
    3. Gettysburg happened that exact same day (July 4)
    4.Today, we still use the tactics that Grant used of cutting off lines of communication. (Mostly starting in World War 1)
    5. That Fort Gibson and Vicksburg controlled the part of the Mississippi known as the main supplier of the Confederate lines.
    6. At Vicksburg the Union had 10,000 casualties, and the Confederates had just as much if not more. (Not exactly clear how many casualties for Confederates.)
    7. The Confederate General in charge of holding Vicksburg was named Pemberton.
    8. In 1899 Vicksburg would only then become a dedicatory site for the Civil War.
    9. That Pemberton was born in Pennsylvania but got pressured into fighting for the South by his wife who was a Virginian.
    10. Before they got Vicksburg the Union had to fight five mini battles just to reach where they could fight for Vicksburg.

  13. Sarah Drinkall
    Period 7
    1.The Union controlled most of the Mississippi river
    2.President Lincoln said controlling all of the Mississippi river was key to winning the war
    3.If the Confederates wanted any chance of winning, they needed what little piece of the Mississippi river they had left
    4.The Union built boats called Clad Boats that had never been seen before
    5.Pemberton was the General for the Confederate side holding Vicksburg
    6.Pemberton was going to side with the Union but sided with Confederate because of his Virginia wife
    7.Pemberton surrendered due to a note that was slipped under his door saying that if he could not feed his men then surrender them sighed by many soldiers
    8.Confederates surrendered on July 4 1863
    9.Union Won!!!!!
    10.We still use some of the same methods today that Grant did while battling at Vicksburg

  14. McKenzie Crowley Period-7
    1. The Union forces controlled much of the Mississippi river.
    2. President Lincoln believed that Vicksburg was the key to winning the civil war.
    3. The southern forces were very strong at Vicksburg.
    4. In 1861, the Union army build a fleet of Ironclad boats never before seen in war.
    5. Ulysses S. Grant wanted to take Vicksburg.
    6. Beef and molasses fed the southern army.
    7. The southern food came through Vicksburg's railroads.
    8. The southern army was ordered to hold Vicksburg at all costs.
    9. The south surrendered on July 4, 1863
    10. The Union won!!

  15. Dylan Cozzens
    1. I had no idea that Vicksburg would have been so hard to take, the
    Union had to nearly circle around the city to take it.
    2. Had no idea that pemberton surrendered on July 4, just a coincidence!
    3. Didnt know how much the mississippi river meant to the south.
    4. After Vicksburg, things such as salt became scarce.
    5. The siege of vicksburg was the first time that ironclad boats were used in warfare.
    6. Vicksburg was the nail holding the two halves of the south together.
    7. pemberton was going to help the north, but his wife persuaded him to work for the south.
    8. pemberton surrendered because of a note slipped under the door.
    9. Grant lost almost 10 000 soldiers. As well as the confederates.
    10. Grant had a plan to blow up a whole lot more gunpowder, but that was not needed.

  16. Jakob Kempema
    Period 4
    1. Abraham Lincoln said that taking Vicksburg was the key to winning the civil war.
    2. Most of the Mississippi River was taken by the Union.
    3. General John Pemberton was born in Pennsylvania but was a general for the Confederacy.
    4. The Union built ships out iron that had never been seen before in warfare.
    5. Grant's Vicksburg Campaign was like nothing anyone had ever seen before on American soil.
    6. The Confederates were unaware that the Union outnumbered them 3 to 1.
    7. Pemberton surrendered because he was unable to feed his men.
    8. For 47 days citizens were traumitized by Sherman's march.
    9. The Union was able to cut all of the railroads leading the Vicksburg.
    10. Gettysburg was defeated a day earlier.

  17. Brittney Burton
    Pd - 3
    1. President Lincoln claimed Vicksburg was the key to winning the Civil War
    2. The Union built a fleet of Iron Clad ships.
    3. General John Pemberton commanded the Confederate Army.
    4. The Union had blocked many of the South's ports.
    5. Grant (commander of the Union Army) had a plan to take Vicksburg.
    6. Grant orders McClellan's Army to improve the route through Louisiana's swampy river bottoms.
    7. Grant launches a raid in the heart of Mississippi.
    8. Up to 18,000 confederates put up a noble defense.
    9. Low on ammunition, the Confederates are the first to fall back.
    10. Grant's plan is to march to Vicksburg cutting off the Southern Railroad.

  18. Mason Cowley
    Period 7
    1.) Vicksburg was considered to be one of the most important battles of the war.
    2.) General John Pemberton was urged to fight for the confederacy by his wife who was a virginian.
    3.) General Pemberton knew of the importance of Vicksburg, and told his men to defend it at all costs.
    4.) Grant had to try and attack from many different places and ways because the Confederacy was defending Vicksburg so much.
    5.) The Confederacy launched an attack on the Union, not knowing that they were outnumbered 3 to 1.
    6.) The Union interrupted the communication of the Confederacy to make it harder to defend themselves.
    7.) Winning Vicksburg was part of the reason that the Union got control of the Mississippi River.
    8.) The battle of Gettysburg often overshadows the win at Vicksburg.
    9.) The first terms of the treaty set by Grant were denied by Pemberton.
    10.) Some methods that were used at Vicksburg were later used in other wars.

  19. Joshua Larsen
    Period 6
    1)In the Second year of civil war most of Mississippi river was under Union control
    2) Grant tried a 2 pronged attack on Vicksburg
    3) Pempertons Calvary unit broke Grants supply lines
    4):Grant tried many strategies to get past Vicksburg
    5) Grant launched the largest amphibious campaign in american history
    6) After six months Grants army was on the opposite side of the Mississippi river
    7) Grant cut telegraph wires and railroad lines leading to Vicksburg, cutting communication
    8) Grant capture Loring's army on opposite side of the river
    9) On first attack against Vicksburg Grant lost 1,000 Men and Pemperton only 70
    10) People took up homes in small cliffs and such to receive safety from bombardment of city.

  20. Charlotte McFarland
    Period 6
    1) Mississippi River was under the Union's control except for Port Hudson and Vicksburg which is controlled by the Confederate.
    2) According to Abraham Lincoln, Vicksburg was the 'key to winning the civil war'.
    3) The Union tried to take over Vicksburg but failed to do so.
    4) The Union built the first ever iron clad ship in late 1861 to go into welfare.
    5) General Pemberton commanded the Confederates.
    6) The first attack against Vicksburg, Grant lost 1,000 men and Pemberton only lost 70
    7) 25% of Pembertons army was killed at the battle at champion hill
    8) The Confederacy attacked the Union, not knowing that they were outnumbered 3 to 1.
    9) The south surrenders on July 4, 1863.
    10) The Union wins!!!!

  21. Matthew Wickizer
    Period 4
    1) Lincoln said Vicksburg was one of the most important ports along the Mississippi.
    2) Union made iron clad ships.
    3) General John Pemberton was the commander the Confederate Army.
    4) Union already had most ports along the Mississippi controlled.
    5) Grant ordered McClellan's Army to find a route through Louisiana's rivers.
    6) Grant had a clump of men take over the main cities in Louisiana.
    7) Grant ruined the Vicksburg communications so they could attack.
    8) The Confederates attacked the Union and were out numbered 3 to 1
    9) The Confederacy surrendered on July 4,1863
    10) Union has now controlled the Mississippi and won the Battle.

  22. Erin Howey
    Period 7
    1. Union forces controlled almost all of the Mississippi River.
    2. President Lincoln thought Vicksburg was the key to winning the Civil War.
    3. Union used iron-clad river boats never before seen in warfare.
    4. Ulysses S. Grant set sights on a city Jefferson Davis said held the South together.
    5. Southern armies were fed Texas beef and Louisianan molasses.
    6. John Pemberton was told to hold Vicksburg at all costs.
    7. Grant spent all winter and spring trying to find routes to Vicksburg, all failing.
    8. Grant led a federal cavalry raid in Mississippi.
    9. Pemberton was distracted from the real threat at Grand Gulf.
    10. Confederates evacuated Grand Gulf on May 2.

  23. Ben Soto
    Period 7
    1. Until 1862, all Union attempts to capture Vicksburg had failed.
    2.The Ironclads were an important factor i the Union's victory, they were also an incredible feat in the advance of warfare.
    3.The Confederacy was surviving on beef, sugar, and molasses all coming from Vicksburg.
    4.John Pemberton sided w/ the South because his wife was a southerner and she wanted him to
    5.Sherman's attack on Vicksburg in late 1861 fails
    6.Grant tries multiple ways to capture Vicksburg, but all fail :(
    7.On April 16th, Grant's Mississippi plan goes into action
    8.On April 29th, Sherman leads a fake attack on the NOrth of Vicksburg while another attack comes at Grants Gulf
    9.Using the Big Black River as a shield, Grant tries to cut off the Confederacy railroad and later go to Vicksburg. They capture Jackson and advance towards Vicksburg.
    10.On May 16, the battle of champion hill takes place and the Union drives the Confederacy force backwards. On may 19th, the first assault on Vicksburg takes place, the Union loses many men. They try again and again but still fail. They decide to siege Vicksburg by fighting the South for days. The citizens and soldiers of Vicksburg suffer greatly. Pemberton eventually surrenders and the Union prevails. Port Hudson is taken 5 days later and the Union controls the entire Mississipi

  24. Meagan Mathews
    Period 6
    1. Lincoln did indeed say that Port Vicksburg was one of the biggest keys in winning the Civil War
    2. General John Pemberton was the commander of the Confederate Army
    3. The Union had the south almost completely surrounded.
    4. The union made iron clad ships to use in the war that had never been used before.
    5. The Confederates were very strong at Port Vicksburg.
    6. The battle of Vicksburg started may 18th and went all the way to July 4th.
    7. The citizens of Vicksburg went to mountain dugouts to hide, food was scarce and many people died.
    8. The Union outnumbered the Confederates 3 to1.
    9. The confederacy surrendered on July 4, 1863.
    10. The union let many of the confederacy soldiers go home instead of taking them as prisoners of war.

  25. Meagan Mathews
    Period 6
    1. Lincoln did indeed say that Port Vicksburg was one of the biggest keys in winning the Civil War
    2. General John Pemberton was the commander of the Confederate Army
    3. The Union had the south almost completely surrounded.
    4. The union made iron clad ships to use in the war that had never been used before.
    5. The Confederates were very strong at Port Vicksburg.
    6. The battle of Vicksburg started may 18th and went all the way to July 4th.
    7. The citizens of Vicksburg went to mountain dugouts to hide, food was scarce and many people died.
    8. The Union outnumbered the Confederates 3 to1.
    9. The confederacy surrendered on July 4, 1863.
    10. The union let many of the confederacy soldiers go home instead of taking them as prisoners of war.

  26. Sophie Caligiuri
    Period 6
    1. By the end of the second year in the war, the Union controlled most of the Mississippi River.
    2. Abe thought Vicksburg was key in winning the civil war.
    3. The first iron clad rvier boats were used at this time.
    4. Pemberton was born a Pennsylvanian, but fought for the Confederates.
    5. Grant had a good plan, but the Confederates ruined it by blocking off both of the invasions.
    6. The public wanted to replace Grant!
    7. The fight for Vicksburg lasted a very long time.
    8. Union outnumbered the Confederate by a lot.
    9. The fighting was so brutal it turned into hand to hand combat.
    10. Troops were divided into sections.

  27. Alyssa Hallows
    Period 6
    1-major union generals were Grant, Sherman, and Porter
    2-the union was able to take control of the mississippi and ultimately decided the confederates fate
    3-Vicksburg was a major turning point because it split the confederacy in half
    4-the union wanted vicksburg because it helped to supply union, had commercial interests, and military operations
    5-Grant tried storming vicksburg twice before seiging
    6-Naval operations were a must to the success that Grant had in moving his infantry's
    7-Confederate leaders were divided on the strategy at Vicksburg
    8-soldiers and civillians went through 47 days of seiging
    9-the food and water is extremely scarce
    10-Union won on July 4, 1863- some townsfolk didn't celebrate Independence Day for 81 years following the siege

  28. Hunter Stone
    Period 7
    1-President Lincoln felt that capturing Vicksburg was one of the keys to winning the Civil War.
    2-Before the Siege of Vicksburg there had been many other attempts to try and capture Vicksburg, all of which failed.
    3-Instead of heading straight for Vicksburg, the Union decides to go behind the Mississippi and cut all the rail lines which gives Vicksburg all of its resources.
    4-The North decides to head for the Capitol and captures it. Instead of keeping men there, Grant chooses to burn it down.
    5-In the Battle of Champion Hill, Pemberton lost 25 percent of his men along with their faith in the war.
    6-Vicksburg's land defenses stretched more than 8 miles long and consisted of 9 major forts.
    7-The first two attacks on Vicksburg resulted in Union loss.
    8-During the days of Vicksburg many of the Confederate soldiers wanted to surrender because they were getting little food.
    9-On July 4, 1863 the Confederate's surrender Vicksburg, but this Union victory is often overshadowed by the victory at Gettysburg.
    10-Many tactics that Grant used in the Vicksburg campaign are still being replicated in wars today.

    1. Bailey Thomas
      Period 41-Gebralta of the confederate (Vicksburg and Hudson stretch)
      2-President Lincoln Clamed Vicksburg was the key to winning the war.
      3-Texas beef and Louisiana Sugar and Molasses feed the confederate army.
      4-The defense of Vicksburg and port Hudson feel to lieutenant general John Pemberton.
      5-Pemberton was originally Pennsylvanian by birth
      6-But sided with the south due to his wife’s urging.
      7-They boxed the in the people and soldiers of Vicksburg.
      8-Union out numbered the confederate 3-1
      9-Union soldiers let the confederate soldiers go home.
      10-Confederacy surrendered Vicksburg on July 4,1863

  29. Jake Weston
    Period 6
    1) The Union took Vicksburg on July 4, 1863, which happened to be Independence day.
    2) The Union had built Iron Clad ships, which was a major advantage over the Confederacy
    3) The Union victory at Vicksburg divided the Confederacy
    4) The Union dug tunnels to bomb the Confederacy line
    5) The Union blocked all communications to Vicksburg
    6) Grant's troops marched 200 miles and fought 5 battles in Confederate territory in the Vicksburg Campaign
    7) The Battle of Jackson took place on May 14, 1863
    8) Vicksburg's defenses stretched more than 8 miles
    9) Vicksburg's defenses had 9 major forts spread out
    10) Citizens of Vicksburg started living in hillside caves for shelter

  30. Nicole Midgley
    Period 6
    1-The Union controlled most of the Mississippi River except through Vicksburg to Port Hudson.
    2-Iron clad boats were built that war had never seen before.
    3-Lincoln said the key to the war was Vicksburg.
    4-A man from Pennsylvania was put in charge of protecting Vicksburg from the Union.
    5-Grant made many attempts to take Vicksburg.
    6-On May 14, 1863, the Union took Jackson, Mississippi.
    7-During the battle at Champion Hill and Big Black River, Pemberton lost 25% of his troops and 45 cannons.
    8- During the siege at Vicksburg, citizens had to live in hill sides for protection. Food and supplies decreased. Nearly every building was used as a hospital. There were daily rounds to go pick up the dead.
    9-Pemberton's received a note from some troops that said to surrender and feed them.
    10-Pemberton surrendered on July 4, 1863 and soon after the Union had control of the whole Mississippi River.

  31. Parker Duke
    Period 6
    1. General Grant's forces greatly outnumbered that of the Confederates.
    2. Vicksburg gave an amazing fight against many battles, and never failed.
    3. The Union forces let the Confederates retreat without bloodshed.
    4. The bombardment lasted from May 18th to July 4th.
    5. Citizens of Vicksburg had to resort to living in cliff faces.
    6.The Union Army Outnumbered the Confederate Army 3 to 1
    7. It was one of the most important events in the entire Civil War.
    8. Ironclads were first introduced into warfare.
    9. Ulysses S. Grant led a Federal Cavalry raid.
    10.The Union had the Confederates held at bay by LEGIONS of men!

  32. Ava Wilson
    Period 3
    1) Lincoln said that the key to winning the civil war was Vicksburg
    2) By the second year of the war the Union controlled most of the Mississippi River
    3) In 1862 the naval forces failed at Vicksburg
    4) In 1861 the army built lots of Iron-clads
    5) There were 2 forces going to Vicksburg in different paths, one was used as bait
    6) Grants tries many routes to Vicksburg, all fail except one
    7) Grants had lots of plans, many didn't work out
    8) On April 17 grant launches Calvary into heart of Mississippi
    9) Union outnumber Confederates by a lot
    10) Since Grant has so many troops, he could try lots of plans

  33. Josh Kunzler
    Period 4
    1- Abraham Lincoln said Vicksburg was the key to winning the war
    2- Permberton surrendered on July 4th
    3- The Ironclads played a large role in this war
    4- Instead of going straight into vicksburg, Grants army cut of their supplies by railroad first
    5- Permberton received a note from troops asking to surrender
    6- Grant let the Confederate soldiers go home after the war
    7- Army leaders even today still use tactics that grant used in the siege of vicksburg
    8- Vicksburg was like a "nail" holding the two halves of the south together according to the video
    9- The confederates attacked the union not knowing they were outnumbered 3 to 1
    10- Nearly every building in vicksburg was transformed into a hospital at the time.

  34. Lily Moscon
    6th Period

    1. Lincoln said that taking Vicksburg was key to winning the war
    2. The south was depending on Vicksburg and defended it at all costs
    3. In 1862 union naval forces failed to get Vicksburg
    4. !861 union built iron clad ships never used in war before
    5. Vicksburg was holding the south together
    6. The union had already won most battles in the south west
    7. Grant finaly led a Federal Cavalry Raid
    8. Pemberton surrendered and union gets most of the Mississippi
    9.the union had many failed tries to get Vicksburg
    10. Bcecause of the war people living in Vicksburg at the time had to live in nearby hills for housing

  35. Sterling hatton
    1. The Mississippi was controlled mostly by the union.
    2.By late 1862 union naval efforts had failed to take Vicksburg
    3. The union used the Mississippi to move troops, ammunition, and supplies to win a series of small battles.
    4. Jefferson Davis claimed that Vicksburg was the nail head keeping the confederacy parts together.
    5. By late 1861, iron clad river boats had been developed to aid naval efforts.
    6. The south needed Texas for meat.
    7. Lead that filled southern rifles was from Missouri.
    8. Louisiana sugar, salt, and molasses was used to feed soldiers.
    9. John pemberton sided with the south because his wife as from Virginia.
    10. his orders were to keep Vicksburg at all costs.

  36. Franky Jacobsen Per 7
    1) The union had all of the mississippi except the Vicksburg stretch
    2) Defenses at Vicksburg stretched further that 8 miles
    3) Vicksburg was the key to winning the civil war
    4) The union used the Mississippi to transport soldiers and weapons up to Vicksburg
    5) In 1861 the union built a bunch of river boats
    6) Union led by Ulysses S. Grant
    7) Texas beef and louisiana sugar, salt, and molasses fed the southern armies
    8) Southern soldiers in Vicksburg were starving
    9) General John Pemberton traded sides from north to south
    10) Pemberton's orders were to hold Vicksburg at all costs

  37. Abi clemons
    Period 6
    1. Pemberton surrended to the union on july 4.
    2. Abe Lincoln said that winning Vicksburg would be the key to winning the war.
    3 . Pemberton was asked to surrender.
    4 . ironclads were used during the war.
    5 . the union owned most of the Mississippi River.
    6. There was a huge union army and a small confederate army.
    7. The union blocked all of the communication to vicksburg.
    8. Confederate soliders got little food.
    9. Union won.
    10. There were strong confederate forces at vicksburg.

  38. Joseph Thomson
    Per. 7
    1. Was the key to winning the Civil War
    2. This war was the introduction of iron-plad river boats in warfare
    3. Vicksburg was critical to Confederate survival
    4. Grant spent winter and early spring just trying routes for attack
    5. In 17 days they marched 200 miles and fight 5 battles
    6. Grant planned to cut right through the railroads and right into Vicksburg
    7. On May 14th, 1863, the Union took Jackson
    8. Battles turned hand-to-hand at some points
    9. 25% of Pemberton's army was lost at Champion Hill
    10. Almost 1000 of Grant's men died at the first battle of Vicksburg, while Pemberton only lost 70

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Lauryn Reynolds Period 6
    1) Vicksburg and Port Hudson held the confederate states together.
    2) President Lincoln claimed that Vicksburg was key to winning the civil war.
    3) In the Battle of Raymond, there were 10,000 union soldiers to 3,000 confederate.
    4) On May 14th, 1863, the Union flag is hung back up in the state capital.
    5) Grant continues to keep Pemberton guessing on where he will attack next.
    6) Vicksburg land defenses stretch for more than 8 miles.
    7) On the first assault at Vicksburg, Pemberton only loses 70 men.
    8) In the Battle at 3rd Louisiana Redan, soldiers from both sides fight for more than 20 hours.
    9) Citizens from Vicksburg took to hillside caves for shelter.
    10) On the Fourth of July, the confederates surrender Vicksburg to the union.

  41. Zachary Bancroft Period:6
    1 Vicksburg was a turning point, and president Lincoln thought they couldn't win the war without Vicksburg.
    2 Pemberton surrendered on July 4.
    3 The south couldn't get help or supplies from the seas because most of there ports where blocked by union ships.
    4 The union controlled most of the Mississippi River.
    5 Grant thought of everything, before attacking Vicksburg, such as cutting the communications
    6 After losing Champions Hills, the confederacy lost faith and hope in there general fighting there.
    7 The main things that fed the Confederacy was beef and molasses
    8 New iron clad boats where introduced to the war.
    9 The Confederates attacked the union even though the union had triple the amount of people.
    10 Union won!

  42. Jacob Warnock Period 4
    1. North did not control all of the Mississippi River.
    2. South had Vicksburg and Port Hudson remaining on the Mississippi.
    3. Lincoln thought Vicksburg was the key to winning the war.
    4. Iron Clad type boats were never seen until the Civil War.
    5. Southern supplies mostly went through Vicksburg.
    6. The Battle of Port Gibson lasted for 17 hours.
    7. On May 14 Jackson was controlled by the Union.
    8. Champions Hill turned into hand to hand combat.
    9. Grant wanted to avoid a long siege.
    10. Almost 1000 of Grants men died in the Siege of Vicksburg.

  43. Evan mendez period 3
    1. Lincoln said vicksburg was a key to winning the war
    2. the union had won many previous battles near the city
    3. vicksburg was crucial to the south
    4. union soldiers dug tunnels to bomb the rebels
    5. pemberton of the southern army had no combat experience
    6. the union controlled the Mississippi except for the small stretch were vicksburg was.
    7. grant cut off the rail lines into vicksburg
    8. Iron clad boats were used during the battles of the major forts on the Mississippi river.
    9. The union took the state capital.
    10. The siege ended on independence day.

  44. Emily Hansen
    Period 3

    1.Vicksburg was really important to the South
    2.Like Gettysburg, Vicksburg was also a turning point
    3.Vicksburg was the key to winning the was
    4.the Union controlled the Mississippi river(except where Vicksburg was)
    5. they marched 200 miles and fought 5 battles
    6.Grant cut right through the railroad lines
    7.Grant only lost 70 men on the first attack of Vicksburg
    8.Iron clad boats were used on the biggest battle of the important forts on the Mississippi River
    9.John pemberton trades sides
    10.the Union wins the Battle of vicksburg

  45. Lauren Olsen
    Period 4
    1: Vicksburg was key in winning the war.
    2: Vicksburg and Fort hudson were the only places holding the Confederate together.
    3: Pemberton was asked to surrender.
    4: The mississippi river was controlled by the Union. Except Vicksburg.
    5 Iron Clads were used in the battle.
    6: On May 14 1863 t
    8; they boxed in the people and soldiers at Vicksburg.
    9 The public wanted to replace Grant.
    10 The union lehe union took Jackson, mississippi
    7: Pemberton was born in Pennsylvanniat the confederate soldiers go home instead take prisoners.

  46. Toa Mamata Period 4th

    1. North didnt have control of all the Missisppi river.
    2. The Union had already won other battles in the West.
    3. Southern soliders were feed with Texans beef, and Louisanas sugar & molasses.
    4. In 1862 Grant was ready to attack on Vicksburg.
    5. In 1863 Grant tries many routes in the canal but each one fails.
    6. River crossings were unguarded.
    7. Confederate fall back due to not enough ammo.
    8. Grant cuts off confederate food supply then attack.
    9. Untied states flag flies over the capital.
    10. Stockade Redan guarded Graveyard road that was lead to Vicksburg.

  47. Emma Gee Period 7
    1. President Lincoln believed that getting Vicksburg would be a vital key in winning the war.
    2. Vicksburg was a turning point in the war
    3. On the first battle of Vicksburg, Grant only lost 70 men
    4. Previous Union attempts to capture Vicksburg failed
    5. John Pemberton traded sides

  48. Max Massey
    Pd: 7

    1. In 1899 Vicksburg would only then become a dedicatory site for the Civil War.
    2. Ulysses s grant led the union
    3. Abe thought Vicksburg was key in war
    4. The south surrenders on July 4, 1863.
    5. union won
    6. union controlled most of Mississippi (queen don't doo doo doo)
    7. South ports were mostly controlled by north
    8. grant tries to get Mississippi
    9. 1/4 of pembertons army died
    10. union outnumbered south 3 person to 1

  49. Jolie Martin Pd.4
    1) that president Lincoln thought Vicksburg was the key to winnin the war
    2) that the guy in charge of Vicksburg was originally from pensylvania
    3) the south got its meat from Texas
    4) how much the south really needed Vicksburg
    5) that the south fell back for lack of ammunition
    6) that the union set a letter asking them to surrender
    7) the commander of Vicksburg was asked to keep it at all costs
    8) the union had more soldiers then the confederate did by 3 to 1
    9) Vicksburg was one of the turning points in the war
    10) the victory at Vicksburg cut off the southern trade

  50. Abby Tribe 4th
    1. The south was low on supplies what they did get came from Texas.
    2. Grant went around Vicksburg at first
    3. The union wanted to take the Mississippi river
    4. It was the fist time people had seen this way of fighting
    5. Lincoln thought that Vicksburg was the key to the war
    6. Pemberton lost over 1/4 his men
    7.Grant cut off the Souths communication lines
    8. the union out numbered the south 3 to 1
    9. Grants strategy is still being uses today
    10. the south surrendered on July 4th 1863

  51. Jacob Knowlton
    Pd. 3
    1. President Lincoln believed that Vicksburg was the key to winning the Civil War.
    2. Jefferson Davis thought that Vicksburg was the only thing holding the two halves of the south together.
    3. Union won the Battle of Port Gibson.
    4. After attacking and defeating the Confederates at the state capitol, the Union flag flew at the capitol.
    5. Grant won the battle at Champion Hill.
    6. Pemberton lost 25% of his men at the battle at Champion Hill and Big Black River.
    7. Vicksburg is heavily fortified.
    8. Pemberton got a notice saying to surrender if he can't feed the soldiers.
    9. The confederates surrender and give Vicksburg to the Union.
    10. The North had full control over the Mississippi river after Vicksburg.

  52. Brenden Nuttall
    Period 7
    1. Vicksburg, like Gettysburg, was a turning point to the war.
    2. Although the Union won, they lost more men than the confederates.
    3. The soldiers under Pemberton's command were sent home.
    4. The Union soldiers used mines to try to break the Confederate lines.
    5. Those iron boats were the first of their kind.
    6. Vicksburg had a very large amount of defenses.
    7. Although Pemberton wanted to hold out during the siege, the soldiers couldn't stand the situation any longer.
    8. Grant had to try a very large number of times in order to finally get Vicksburg.
    9. The intelligent methods that Grant used are still used today.
    10. The battle, even if you're not counting the siege, took a very long time.

  53. Louis Cerda
    1) The union had produced tons of flag river boats armed with cannons
    2)Both sides of the of the south traded with each other with supplies.
    3)It took Grant many tires to capture Vicksburg
    4) after ward his men marched 200k miles to reach Vicksburg
    5) Grant decides to cut of their main supply of troops and turn for Vicksburg
    6) on may 15 the union captures fort Jackson after a long battle against confederate
    7) Grants Right Flank wins and heads towards bakers creek
    8) after Confederates leave bakers creek they head for edwards station up ahead.
    9) Vicksburg defenses stretches 8 miles across
    10) Grant takes down the confederates way of communication which was the telegram

  54. Joshua Beard
    Period 3
    1.Abraham Lincoln claimed that winning the Vicksburg was key to the civil war.
    2.The union had won a series of battles before battle of Vicksburg.
    3.62 other union fleets had failed at Vicksburg before their victory their.
    4.At the battle they used ironclads
    5. Vicksburg was an area that held the confederacy together said president Jefferson Davis.
    6.Since Vicksburg was on the edge of the Mississippi river it was crutual that the south kept it. but they eventually lost it.
    7.Texas beef and Louisiana suger molasses feed the southern army.
    8.Lt. Pemperton was born in Pennsylvania but fought for the south because his wife was from Virginia.
    9.Uylesses S. Grant led the union to victory in this battle.
    10. This was also a turning point in the war besides Gettysburg.

  55. Caitlin Mills
    Period 3
    1.Union forces in the west controlled much of the Mississippi River
    2. Vicksburg was the key to winning the civil war.
    3.Grant spent the winter and early spring of 1863 trying a variety of routes to Vicksburg.
    4.Grants army fought five battles and marched over 200 mils in 17 days.
    5.Vicksburg had a huge amount of defenses.
    6.Union won the battle of Port Gibson.
    7.Grant cut off the Souths communications.
    8.Grant lost only 70 men on the first day.
    9. John Pemberton traded sides.
    10.Union outnumbered south 3 to 1

  56. Lucy Goodman
    Period 6

    1. Vicksburg was "the nailhead that held the South together"
    2. The food and ammunition for the Confederate army was sent through the Vicksburg Railroad
    3. Pemberton was actually from Pennsylvania, but his wife convinced him to fight for the South
    4. Grant had tried a bunch of ways to get to Vicksburg, but none worked
    5. Sherman faked an attack on Vicksburg to try to get across the Mississippi
    6. The Confederacy was outnumbered 3 to 1 near Raymond
    7. Grant's army cut railroad and telegraph lines as they marched across Mississippi
    8. The Union got Jackson, the capitol of Mississippi, on the way to Vicksburg
    9. 25% of Pemberton's army was lost at Champion Hill
    10. Some of Grant's war techniques are still used

  57. Rachel D'Agostini
    Period 6
    1. Abraham Lincoln said Vicksburg was the key to winning the Civil War.
    2. The Union controlled most of the Mississippi
    3. Grant used the Big Black River as a shield
    4.Vicksburg land defense stretched as long as eight miles.
    5. Grant attacked Vicksburg at Stockade Redan
    6. On the first attack on Vicksburg Grant lost almost 1,000
    7. On the 1st attack Pemberton loses only 70
    8. Up to 220 canons attacked the confederate defense
    9. Citizens lived in hillside caves during the battle
    10. Pemberton surrendered because his men were not strong enough to fight again, they did not have enough supplies.

  58. Brandon Ehlers
    Period 4
    1. The first attack grant lost about 1,000 men
    2. Abraham Lincoln thought that Vicksburg was the key to winning
    3.It was a well planned plan.
    4. The people lived in caves in the hill so they could survive.
    5. Grant used the black river for a shield
    6.The soldiers under Pemberton's command were sent home.
    7.they marched 200 miles and fought 5 battles
    8. 1/4 of pembertons army died
    9.There were 2 forces going to Vicksburg in different paths, one was used as bait
    10.The Union dug tunnels to bomb the Confederacy line

  59. Zuraiza Khan PD:3

    1.Abe thought that Vicksburg was the key to winning.
    2. Pemberton was from Pennsylvania, but his wife wanted him to fight for the south.
    3.the first attack grant lost 1,000 men.
    4 grant used big black river as a shield
    5 like Gettysburg Vicksburg was a turning point in the war.
    6 the union won the battle of port gibson
    7 the union dug tunnels to bomb the confederacy line.
    8.the mississippi was mostly controlled by the union
    9. North did not all control all of mississippi river
    10. Louisiana sugar, salt, and molasses was used to feed soldiers.

  60. Madelaine brown p.3

    1. the confederates controlled most the Mississippi river.
    2.pemberton lost 25% of his men .
    3. the confederates got there main supply from texas.
    4.the union won the Mississippi river and new Orleans .
    5.the union won the battle of Vicksburg.
    6.Abraham Lincoln thought Vicksburg was the key to wining the war.
    7.grant used the river to his advantage .
    8.union dug to bomb the Confederates.
    9.the first attack lost 1000 men.
    10. the second attack they lost 3000 men.

  61. Colter Nelson: 3rd period
    1. The Mississippi river was the key to completly cutting off the confederate supplies and supply lines includeing the food that was vitally needed for all the soldiers, the Vicksberg railway, and the ammunition needed from Moussori.
    2.The Union forces took much of the Mississippi river up until the strech from Vicksberg to port hudson were the confederate forces had established much of their power in protecting those forts from falling into enemy hands.
    3. Lutenient Gereral Jhon Pemberton was in comand of the confederate forces in Vicksberg and port Hudson and controled all confederate forces in the area.
    4. The two major Union generals attacking the forts and cities along the Mississippi river were generals Sherman and Grant.
    5.They fought mostly along the river in ironclad gunboats and ferries eassily takeing most forts until Vicksberg.
    6. But they were stopped by the artilery batteries in Vicksberg and Hudson and had to move in his infintry to take the forts.
    7. Grants army was able to cross the Mississippi below the Hudson port and fought hard to take Fort Gibson and force confederate forces to evacutate to Vicksberg.
    8.He then macrched NE to block off the railroad line feeding supplies to Vicksberg and evenually march to Vicksberg.
    9. Grant eventually fights many battles to get to Vicksberg and tries two different assalts on the city before decideing that he must lay seige.
    10. The seige forces the confederates to surender and the Union forces take Vicksberg about the time that they also win Gettysberg.

  62. Abi Johnsen pd.3
    1. abe and jefferson davis said that vicksburg was the key
    2. the union only had a little part of the mississippi
    3. the battle was fought at champion hill
    4. grant demanded an unconditional surrender at vicksburg
    5. the war took place in 1863
    6. to grant the river really helped
    7. vicksburg had a crater more than a year before petersburg
    8. the capture of vicksburg split the confederacy in half
    9. in the first battle they lost 1000 men
    10. The union won!

  63. Emma Gee period 7
    6.The battle was fought at Champion Hill
    7.1/4 of Pemberton's army died
    8. Citizens lived in hillside caves during the battle
    9.Vicksburg's land defense stretched about eight miles
    10.Grant's strategy is still being used today

  64. Keziah Daum pd. 3
    1- The Mississippi was mainly controlled by the union
    2- Union outnumbered the confederates
    3- President Lincoln claimed Vicksburg
    4- The general received a note under the door to surrender
    5- The union had to fight 5 battles and march 200 miles long
    6- They were led home by most of the treaty
    7- Union used iron clad boats
    8- Sherman’s attack on Vicksburg fails
    9- The south was surrounded by the union
    10- Union was the winning side

  65. Jonas Guevara
    Period 7
    1) Lincoln thought that Vicksburg was the key to winning the Civil War.
    2) In late 1861, river boats were built.
    3) Most of the south's ports were blocked by the Union.
    4) Texan beef, and Louisiana salt, sugar, and molasses fed the Confederate soldiers.
    5) Pemberton was in the North, but then persuaded by his wife to join the South.
    6) Grant always wanted Pemberton to stay confused
    7) Sherman attacked North of Vicksburg, while Union ships attacked at Grand Gulf
    8) 8,000 Confederates held back 20,000 Federates in The Battle of Fort Gibson.
    9) The armies wanted to sabotage the Confederate supply drops, and then attack them at Vicksburg
    10) The Union won! Yaaas

  66. Victoria Hills
    Period 6
    1. The Mississippi was a very important river in the war.
    2. Abe Lincoln said Vicksburg was a key to winning the war.
    3. May 1863, Union took back Jackson.
    4. Fought on Southern land.
    5. The battle started at Champion Hill then Confederates had to flee back to Vicksburg.
    6. 25% of Pemberton's men died at Champion Hill.
    7. July 4th the Union gained control of Vicksburg.
    8. After that, the Mississippi River is controlled by Union forces.
    9. The Confederates surrendered because they were starving and couldn't fight.
    10. Gettysburg happened the same day.

  67. Emilie Veale
    Period: 7

    1. By the end of the civil war second year, union forces in west controlled much of the Mississippi River.

    2. Abe Lincoln claimed Vicksburg the key to winning the civil war

    3. The confederates were outnumbered 3 to 1 but they still attacked.

    4. 25% of Pembertons army was killed at batt at Champion Hill

    5. Texas beef/ molasses fed the southern armies

    6. In 1861 union built iron clad boats which had never been seen in warfare

    7. Union controlled entire Mississippi River after the war

    8. The South surrenders on July 4th, 1863

    9. The union army had won a series of victories in the west

    10. Union won

  68. Nick Howe Per.7
    1. The Mississippi river was an important part in the civil war.
    2. Abraham Lincoln knew that calming Vicksburg would be key to win the civil war.
    3.The union outnumbered confederates in the war.
    4.The battle of Vicksburg was in the south.
    5. At the battle of Champion Hill Pembertons army lost 25% of their soldiers
    6.Grants used the river to his advantage.
    7.After the war the Union controlled the Mississippi
    8.Gettysburg was on the same day as Vicksburg
    9.The south surrendered on July 4th, 1863
    10.The union won and later won the war.

  69. 1.Lincoln thought that winning Vicksburg would be the key to winning the Civil War.
    2. Most of the southern ports were blocked by the Union.
    3. The general received a letter/note to surrender
    4.In the battle, they used Ironclads
    5.The union controlled most of the Mississippi except for Vicksburg
    6.Vicksburg was very important to the south
    7.Beef from Texas and molasses from Louisiana fed southern soldiers
    8.General Pemberton controlled the Confederate army.
    9. Grant's plan was to cut off all the railroads to the south
    10. union won


  70. Miya Hammond Period 3

    1.Lincoln thought that winning Vicksburg would be the key to winning the Civil War.
    2. Most of the southern ports were blocked by the Union.
    3. The general received a letter/note to surrender
    4.In the battle, they used Ironclads
    5.The union controlled most of the Mississippi except for Vicksburg
    6.Vicksburg was very important to the south
    7.Beef from Texas and molasses from Louisiana fed southern soldiers
    8.General Pemberton controlled the Confederate army.
    9. Grant's plan was to cut off all the railroads to the south
    10. union won

  71. Whitney McEwan
    Period: 7

    1. Abraham Lincoln said "Vicksburg is the key" which he meant that winning Vicksburg is pretty much winning the Civil War.

    2. Capturing Vicksburg would give them access to the Trans-Mississippi that was full of resources.

    3. The decisive battle for Vicksburg was fought at Champion Hill, Mississippi.

    4. The capture of Vicksburg cut the Confederate army in half.

    5. Ulysses S. Grant's strategies are still being used today.

    6. The Confederate surrendered.

    7. Grant had engineers that completed a network that would set off explosions.

    8. After the victory of the Union, the Confederates couldn't send supplies or communications across the Mississippi River.

    9. More than a year before Petersburg, Vicksburg had it's own crater.

    10. The Civil War Trust was engaged after the battle.

  72. Sierra Kearsley Period 6

    1.The union controlled most of the Mississippi river.

    2. Lincoln thought that Vicksburg would be the key to winning the war.

    3. Union had the help of the iron clad boats, never seen in war fair before.

    4. Vicksburg was the nail head that held together both halves of the south.

    5. Everyone wanted General Grant replaced.

    6. Grant kept his opponents in the dark and made his attacks a mystery.

    7. Confederates, outnumbered held out for a long time.

    8. Grant was considered bold and risky.

    9. Confederates were unaware that they were outnumbered three to one.

    10. Leaving no men to occupy Jackson the city is left in flames.

  73. Donovan Jones Period 4
    1.Port Hudson had been controlled by the confederates
    2.It was known as the gibralter of the confederacy
    3.The Ironclad fleet was built in 1861
    4.The two ports were how the confederacy got its supplies
    5.The confederates got their lead from Missouri
    6.John Pemberton was in charge of holding the ports
    7.Union got rid of communications
    8.Union burned their munitions
    9.The Union flanked the confederates at Champion Hill
    10.The Union traps Loring at the creek
    So Yeah...

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Austin Miner Period 4
    1) Lincoln thought that winning Vicksburg would mean winning the war
    2) The Union army lost about 10,000 soldiers
    3) The Confederates lost about 10,000 soldiers
    4) The Union cut down the telegraph lines so that the confederate generals didn't know what was happening
    5) The Union didn't leave any soldiers at Jackson, instead they left it in flames
    6) In 1861 the Union built Ironclad boats, for the first time in warfare
    7) The civilians were forced to live in caves
    8) The people in Vicksburg died from diseases
    9) The army was only fed a few peas a day for rations
    10) Most of the Mississippi River was controlled by the Union
    Well that's that...

  76. Jared Young Period 6
    1. The Union controlled most of the Mississippi
    2. The Union won
    3. Grant Used the Big Black River to shield them
    4. Grant blew up the Confederate supply lines
    5. The Confederates had no way of communication
    6. Both the Union and Confederates lost about 10,000 soldiers
    7. Ironclad boats were build in 1861 for the first time in war
    8. The Confederates were outnumbered 3 to 1
    9. The Confederates surrundered
    10. We are still using Grant's strategy today

  77. Sara Noel
    per. 6
    1. Lincoln said that Vicksburg was the key to winning the war.
    2. Grant's tactics are still being used in the 20th century.
    3. There was a note slid under the door saying surrender.
    4. The people of Vicksburg started hiding in caves.
    5. We cut off the communication, so the South fell apart.
    6. We attempted to fight them 2 times before laying seize.
    7. It was the first time we used Ironclad boats.
    8. Grant was very risky during this ordeal.'
    9. He lost more men than the South by attacking Vicksburg.
    10. They cut off the escape routes so the South could not go back to Vicksburg

  78. Rachel Noel
    period 7
    1. Grant used bold and unpredictable tactics.
    2. They attempted to take over Vicksburg many times but failed so they set them under seize.
    3. Some of the soldiers at Vicksburg wrote their general saying that if he couldn't feed them then surrender.
    4. Vicksburg was surrendered on July 4th.
    5.Grant slashed telephone lines to cut off the south communication.
    6. Iron Clad boats were used for the first time.
    7. The confederates were often outnumbered.
    8. Poor communication in the south is one reason Vicksburg fell.
    9.Things like salt became rare in the south because Vicksburg was now owned by the Union.
    10. Grant used the rivers and shrubs as cover.

  79. Adam Cook
    Period 3
    1. The 'Iron Clad' ships that the Union used
    2. Lincoln said that Vicksburg is the key to winning the war
    3. It took so long to take Vicksburg
    4. The importance of Vicksburg to the Coferderacy
    5. The siege of Vicksburg
    6. Grants' cutting down telephone lines and sabotaging railroad tracks
    7. The soldiers at Vicksburg were literally asking for surrender
    8. The amount of the Mississippi that was in the south, yet was controlled by the north
    9. The staggering amount of casualties
    10. the confederates were unaware of their being out numbered

  80. Josh Horrocks
    Period 3
    1.Confederate army was fed mainly by Texan beef
    2. Grant attacked with two divisions
    3. first divison was to lure the confederates away
    4.second was a sneak attack
    5.they had to travel around vicksburg and on to the mississippi bank
    6. calvary attacked first division
    7.sherman tried to find new routes but failed
    8.day after the calvary raid began
    9. preocupied with an attack
    10. cut off supply lines to vicksberg and began seige

  81. Arik Upvall
    1. we had control of the gulf of mexico and mississppi except for a strech of the river from port hudson to port vicksburg
    2. lincoln said vicksburg was the key to winning the war
    3. but it remained in the confederates hands
    4. the union army built a fleet of iron clads never seen before in warfare
    5. union was in control of almost all of the confederates ports
    6. vicksburg made it critical to the confedeerates survival
    7. luitenent General Jhon Pimberten had little conbat excperiance had the orders to hold vicksburg at all costs
    8. grant spent the winter and early spring of 1863 thninking of routes to vicksburg each ending in failure
    9. late march Grant orders major general Jhon Mclenards 13 corp to improve the rought through the louisianas swampy rivers
    10. April 17 grant orders a federal calvery raid into the heart of the mississippi

  82. Tyler Cowley
    1. President Lincoln felt capturing Vicksburg was a key to winning the civil war.
    2. Before Vicksburg there had been other attempts to capture Vicksburg, all others failed.
    3. Instead of heading straight for Vicksburg, the Union decides to go behind the Mississippi and cut all the rail lines which gives Vicksburg all of its resources.
    4.The North decides to head for the Capitol and captures it. Instead of keeping men there, Grant chooses to burn it down.
    5. Pemberton lost 25 percent of his men in the war.
    6. Vicksburg's land defenses stretched more than 8 miles long and had 9 major forts.
    7. The first two attacks on Vicksburg resulted in Union loss.
    8. During the days of Vicksburg many of the Confederate soldiers wanted to surrender because they were getting little food.
    9. On July 4, 1863 the Confederate's surrender Vicksburg.
    10. Many tactics that Grant used in the Vicksburg campaign are used in wars today.

  83. Brooklyn Hammond Period 4
    1. On July 4 Vicksberg surrendered after prolonged siege operations
    2. Ulysses S. Grant was moving overland to invest the town from the rear
    3. Grant failed seizing vicksberg
    4. On April 16, 1863 a naval fleet under rear admiral David Dixon Porter came down to the Mississippi ready to fire.
    5. On May 9th Grant ordered Sherman's Corp along Graveyard road
    6. Robert E. Lee surrendered the army of Northern Virginia
    7. The battle of Vicksberg ended on July 4th 1863
    8. The union won the battle of Vicksberg
    9. In April of 1863 Grant resumed his offensive by marching union troops down the western bank of the Mississippi roads.
    10. Pemberton could put only 18,500 troops in the army

  84. Ellie johnson period 7
    1. Lincoln said Vicksburg was the key to winning the war
    2. In 1863 naval union efforts failed
    3. The Mississippi River was used to transport men and goods
    4 Sherman's corps was ordered on May 9th
    5 the union lost the first 2 attacks of Vicksburg
    6 the battle of Vicksburg ended on July 4th
    7 the confederates surrendered
    8 grant spent time of thinking of routes to Vicksburg but none worked
    9 the soldiers at Vicksburg were asking to surrender
    10. Before the war confederates didn't realize how outnumbered they were
