Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday, May 22nd

Learning Objective:
 To gain a deeper understanding of the Battle of Gettysburg.

What we did:
1. Watching Day 2 of Gettysburg.

If you were absent:
1. No worries, nothing to make-up.

Homework assigned or turned in:
*Gettysburg Online Battle, due Tuesday.
*Vocabulary due Tuesday.

3rd and 4th Term Vocabulary List

3rd Term:

Judicial Review
Federalist Party
Monroe Doctrine
Indian Removal Act

4th Term:

Textile Industry
States Rights
Underground Railroad
Social Reform
Fugitive Slave Law
Popular Sovereignty
Total War

Border State


1. Go to this website: 
2. Watch the entire presentation.
3. Write a comment below saying 15 new/interesting things you learned about the Battle of Gettysburg.
4. You can put your answer in the comments, or typed up and turned in physically. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday, May 21st

Learning Objective:
 To gain a deeper understanding of the Battle of Gettysburg.
What we did:
1. Starter!
2. Watched a portion of Gettysburg.

If you were absent:
1. Just do the Starter, you don't need to worry about the movie.

Homework assigned or turned in:
*Glory Essay was turned in today.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday, May 20th (My Birthday!)

Learning Objective:
 To gain a deeper understanding of the sacrifices given during the Civil War.
What we did:
1. Finished watching Glory.

If you were absent:
1. Be sure to come during PLUS to watch the part of the video you missed.

Homework assigned or turned in:
Glory Essay is due Tomorrow.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday, May 19th

Learning Objective:
 To gain a deeper understanding of the Civil War.
What we did:
1. No Starter
2. Watched more of "Glory."
If you were absent:
1. Come during PLUS to watch the rest of the video.

Homework assigned or turned in:

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday, May 15th

Learning Objective:
All students will better understand the Civil War by watching the movie "Glory"

What we did:
1. Turned in Permission Slips
2. Received the essay assignment for the movie Glory.
3. Started the movie.

If you were absent:
1. Come during PLUS to watch the part of the movie you missed.

Homework assigned or turned in:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wednesday, May 14th

Learning Objective:
 All students will: see how complete their work was on their study guides and Civil War Packets.  They will also analyse the data from the District Test and look for ways to improve.

What we did:
1. *Received Permission Forms for Glory and Gettysburg.
2. *Assigned Vicksburg Homework. (See post titled "Homework Due Monday)
3. Discussed Test results 
4. Corrected both the Study Guide Packet and the Civil War Packet.

If you were absent:
1. Get a permission form immediately!  Return it to watch the films.
2. Do the Vicksburg Homework for Monday
3. Correct your Study Guide and your Civil War Packet with my answer keys and turn them in.

Homework assigned or turned in:
*Vicksburg Homework Due Monday
*Permission Slip due Thursday
*Vocabulary due 23rd!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


There is a very cool video/animated map of the Battle of Vicksburg that you need to explore.  Please do the following by Monday, the 19th.

1. Go to this website:
2. Watch the entire presentation.
3. Write a comment below saying 10 new/interesting things you learned about the Battle of Vicksburg.

Tuesday, May 13th

Learning Objective:
All Students: Took the District test with the goal that 90% of the students would score 90% or higher.

What we did:
1. We were in the computer lab and we took the District Semester Test.
2. After the test, students took a survey.  You can take it by clicking here.

If you were absent:
1. Take the survey

Homework assigned or turned in:
None :) 

Take this Survey

Click here to take the Survey

Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday, May 12th

Learning Objective:
 All students will prepare for the Semester District Test by reviewing past information.
What we did:
1. No Starter
2. Took preparation points for packets being done.
3. Played a review game.

If you were absent:
1. Show me your completed packets.

Homework assigned or turned in:
*District Test Tomorrow!
*Packets due Wednesday!
*Vocabulary Due The 23rd!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday, May 9th

What we did:
1. Starter: Describe in 2-3 sentences the term: Total War
2. Discussed Reconstruction and worked in our packets.

If you were absent:
1. Finish both the Study Guide Packet and the Civil War Packet with your flag on it for MONDAY.

Homework assigned or turned in:
1. Packets are due Monday!
2. District Test is Tuesday!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday, May 8th

What we did:
1. Starter: What was something interesting you learned yesterday in this class?
2. Took notes on Emancipation Proclamation and Battle of Gettysburg.

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter
2. Get the notes from a classmate.

Homework assigned or turned in:
**Study Guide Packet is Due Monday.
**Civil War Packet is Due Monday.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wednesday, May 7th

What we did:
1. Starter: What do you think was the South's strongest and weakest arguments for secession?

2. Discussed slides 12-16 from "Civil War Notes."  Didn't take notes but filled in some answers on the Packet.

3. Put our packets together: Cover Sheet Flag, Map from Pre-War Packet, South Carolina Secession Wkst, then the rest of the new packet.  Staple together.

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter.
2. Read the slides 12-16 from the PowerPoint.
3. Put your packet together.  It's due Friday.

Homework assigned or turned in:

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday, May 6th

What we did:
1. No Starter
2. Turned in Starters
3. Finished the Debate and our Secession Worksheet
4. Received a new packet and a Flag Cover Sheet.

If you were absent:
1. Have a classmate correct your starters and turn them in with a  Pink Slip to the basket.
2. Finish your Secession worksheet on your own and KEEP it.
3. Ask ME for a packet so I can explain it a little.  
4. Get a Flag Cover Sheet from the Binder.

Homework assigned or turned in:
1. None

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday, May 5th

What we did:
       1.  Starter: What's important about Ft. Sumter?
       2. Finished the American Ride: The Fires of Secession Video
       3. *Took a few more notes from Civil War Notes PowerPoint
       4. *Received "Why did South Carolina Secede" Worksheet and finished it for H.W.

If you were absent:
      1. Do the Starter.
      2. Get the notes and put them in your Study Guide
      3. Get the worksheet (it's white) from the Binder in class.

Homework assigned or turned in:
*Starters are due Tomorrow!
*Finish Secession Wkst for Tuesday.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday, May 2nd

What we did:
1. No Starter
2. Did page 4 of the packet as a class
3. Corrected the Packet and turned it in
4. Answered #17 in the Study Guide about Ft. Sumter
5. Started "American Ride" on Ft. Sumter.
If you were absent:
1. Get the answers for pg 4 from a classmate
2. Correct your packet using my key and turn in with an Absent Slip.
3. Get the answer for #17 on the Study Guide from a friend. 

Homework assigned or turned in:
*Pre-War Packet, 105 pts!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thursday, May 1st

What we did:
1. No Starter
2. Turned in the notes from "A House Divided"
3. Worked on the "Pre-War" Packet (with the map) for the rest of the period.

If you were absent:
1. Turn in your notes, put 20/20 if you took all the notes, and turn in with a Pink Absent Slip.
2. Come see me so that I can instruct you on how to finish the Pre-War Packet and finish that.

Homework assigned or turned in: