Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday, November 19th

What we did:
1. Starter: In your opinion, what really happened in the Boston Massacre?
2. *Except 3rd Period, we turned in the Photo Analysis Worksheet
3. Finished or started the Learning Buddy Charts (if you have been absent, we made you one)
4. Chose sides to study/read about the Stamp Act (it's a green paper here in class) and took notes to be ready to debate tomorrow.
5. SO, if you were absent: get a green paper from me and I will tell you which side to take and you will write notes for that side.

What we turned in:
1. **All classes but 3rd turned in the white worksheet "Photo Analysis" for 20 pts.

Homework Assigned:
1. 7th Period Only: took the green papers home and took notes to be ready to debate.