Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday, November 4th

If you were absent:
1. Starter: What has been your favorite thing to learn about in U.S. History?

2. Right 2 goals in your planner on this week at the top (purple box).  First goal is for this class, second goal is for school in general.  Very important you write these goals.  Start with the words "I will"

3. I showed the students how the room is set up and told them about the website, Remind 101, the online textbook, and how to turn in late or absent work.  THESE ARE VERY IMPORTANT SO COME SEE ME AFTER READING THIS AND PUTTING YOUR NAME AS A COMMENT.

Homework Assigned:
1. Write a one page summary of U.S. History from the beginning to the colonies, a basic summary of 1st term's information.

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