Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday, November 11th

What we did:
1. Substitute Today
2. Starter: List important products for each of these colonial regions: New England, Middle, Tidewater, Piedmont, and Frontier.

3. Starter our Vocabulary list.  If you don't  have a green Vocabulary sheet already, get one from the binder.  Add the word "Militia" and do all 4 parts of the vocabulary.

4. Made "Road to Revolution" books.  Bring a blue piece of card stock and ask a classmate to show you how to make the book.  It's not hard, just hard to explain.

Homework Assigned:
1. "Outbreak of War" packet for homework.  It's a Primary Source Reading with 5 questions and an activity.  These are in the white binder.
2. Read on page 95 of your textbook about the French and Indian War.

Assignments turned in: