Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tuesday, November 26th

What we did:
1. Starter: List 3 forms of protest used by the Colonists.
2. Watched the totally awesome video "Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration" for fun.
3. Added pages to our booklets so that you have 30 more blank pages total.  For help, come see me.
4. Answered questions about the Causes of the War.  Get one of these from the binder along with a green packet with information.
5. Played a game that we will finish Monday.  I will get your a game paper upon your return if you are here Monday, and if you are not, it's okay.

Turned in:

Homework Assigned:

Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday, November 25th

What we did:
1. Starter: In your opinion, what event hurt the Colonists' and British relationship the most?
2. We decided NOT to turn in the books and to ADD more to the book and turn it in at the end of the term.
3. Took the "Pre-Revolution Self Assessment" quiz. **Very Important.
4. Discussed/corrected the orange "Cause and Effect" paper and turned it in.

Things turned in:
**"Pre-Revolution Self Assessment Quiz."  Come and get one from the binder, I can exlplain how to fill it out, then turn it into the basket.
**Causes and Effects paper.  I will grade it.  It's 20 pts.  Turn into the basket.

Homework assigned:

Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday, November 22nd

What we did:
1. Starter: Read about the "East India Company" on page 102 in textbook and on your starter paper explain who they are and what important role they played.

2. Turned in the "Outbreak of War" packet for 15 pts.

3. Finished the notes for the "Road to Revolution" booklet

4. Did a worksheet on the "Road to Revolution" in class. **Get this from the binder.

Assignments turned in:
Turned in the "Outbreak of War" packet for 15 pts.

Homework Assigned:
1. Finish your Booklet and study it, there is a test on Monday.
2. If  you didn't finish your worksheet it was homework to finish it.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thursday, November 21st

What we did:
1. Starter: Explain the Who, What, Where, and Why of the Boston Tea Party.
2. Finished watching the video clips of the Boston Tea Party and finished the Venn Diagram
3. Then we read a primary source of a man who helped throw the tea and we wrote 10 Facts to have a clear understanding of the event.
4. Some classes finished correcting the "Outbreak of War" Packet and turned it in.  Ask a classmate.
5. Added one more page of notes to our "Road to Revolution" books.  It is "The Intolerable Acts" found here

Assignments turned in:
**Some classes turned in the Outbreak of War Packet.

Homework Assigned:
**Color the picture for the Intolerable Acts.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wednesday, November 20th

What we did:
1. Starter: Why is the Stamp Act fair and why is it also not fair?
2. We finished our "speeches" (paragraphs or notes) and paired and debated.
3. Had a whole class debate as well.
4. Made a Venn Diagram in our notes and got ready to compare two portrayals of the Boston Tea Party.  We will finish that Thursday.

We turned in:

Homework assigned:
*Be sure  your "Outbreak of War" packet is ready to be turned in Thursday.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday, November 19th

What we did:
1. Starter: In your opinion, what really happened in the Boston Massacre?
2. *Except 3rd Period, we turned in the Photo Analysis Worksheet
3. Finished or started the Learning Buddy Charts (if you have been absent, we made you one)
4. Chose sides to study/read about the Stamp Act (it's a green paper here in class) and took notes to be ready to debate tomorrow.
5. SO, if you were absent: get a green paper from me and I will tell you which side to take and you will write notes for that side.

What we turned in:
1. **All classes but 3rd turned in the white worksheet "Photo Analysis" for 20 pts.

Homework Assigned:
1. 7th Period Only: took the green papers home and took notes to be ready to debate.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday, November 18th

What we did:
1. Starter: If you were King George, how would you have reacted to the Boston Tea Party?
2. Reviewed the Boston Massacre
3. Did a Photo Analysis of the Boston Massacre.  Find the photos here and here and the worksheet is in class.  I will help you from there.

*The Power Point with all the notes is found here under the calendar.

Assignments turned in:

Homework Assigned:
Keep coloring and drawing the pictures to the notes in  your booklets.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tuesday, November 12th

What we did:
1. Starter: Get from a classmate
2. Took notes on French and Indian War and on. Check with a classmate to find out how far we got in the notes

Homework Turned In:
1. "Outbreak of War" reading and questions but some students have more time. 

Homework Assigned:
Draw and color a flash card page for your notes on the even numbered pages of your book. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday, November 11th

What we did:
1. Substitute Today
2. Starter: List important products for each of these colonial regions: New England, Middle, Tidewater, Piedmont, and Frontier.

3. Starter our Vocabulary list.  If you don't  have a green Vocabulary sheet already, get one from the binder.  Add the word "Militia" and do all 4 parts of the vocabulary.

4. Made "Road to Revolution" books.  Bring a blue piece of card stock and ask a classmate to show you how to make the book.  It's not hard, just hard to explain.

Homework Assigned:
1. "Outbreak of War" packet for homework.  It's a Primary Source Reading with 5 questions and an activity.  These are in the white binder.
2. Read on page 95 of your textbook about the French and Indian War.

Assignments turned in:

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday, November 8th

If you were absent:
1. Starter: What have you learned about Colonial Economy so far?
2. Finished playing the Economy Game.  We had a lot of fun.

What we turned in:
1. The Colony Economy Reading Question/Game paper or packet.  Turn this in with a Absent Slip.

Homework assigned:
None :)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thursday, November 7th

If  you were absent:
1. Starter: Name 4 ways the 3 major colonial regions differed?
2. Corrected BUT did NOT turn in the Colony Reading Questions.
3. We played the Economy Game.

Assignment turned in:

Homework Assigned:

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday, November 6th

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter: Summarize what to do when you are absent.
2. Finished the Procedure Scavenger Hunt
3. 6th Period received Handbooks, so go find one in the white binder.
4. 6th Period received Late Passes, so come see me for yours.
5. **Assigned the Colony Brochure Project.  Get one of the papers from the binder and then come see me to sign up for the Colony you will do your Project on.
6. **Received "Colonial Economy" Worksheet/Packet and we started to answer the questions on the first page.

Homework assigned:
1. Colony Brochure is due Nov. 15th
2. Finish the Colonial Economy Questions if you have the "Reading" or info paper. (some periods have it, some don't.)

Assignments turned in:
1. Turned in a piece of paper with the 1st word of page 182 from the ONLINE book for proof of getting online.  This is worth points so please do it.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday, November 5th

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter: Write a short paragraph about what it means to be an Honors U.S. History Student.

2. Finished the tour around the room

3. **Received Late Passes so come see me and get yours.

4. Did the Procedure Scavenger Hunt, so get a pink paper from the binder and I will tell you how to complete that.

5. **Received the Handbook, so get one from the binder.

Homework Assigned:
1. Read the Handbook
2. Find the online book and find pg 182 and write down the first word on the page.

Assignments turned in:
1. Summary of 1st term's information.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday, November 4th

If you were absent:
1. Starter: What has been your favorite thing to learn about in U.S. History?

2. Right 2 goals in your planner on this week at the top (purple box).  First goal is for this class, second goal is for school in general.  Very important you write these goals.  Start with the words "I will"

3. I showed the students how the room is set up and told them about the website, Remind 101, the online textbook, and how to turn in late or absent work.  THESE ARE VERY IMPORTANT SO COME SEE ME AFTER READING THIS AND PUTTING YOUR NAME AS A COMMENT.

Homework Assigned:
1. Write a one page summary of U.S. History from the beginning to the colonies, a basic summary of 1st term's information.