Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tuesday, October 3rd

Learning Target: 
Students will begin to learn about the Native Americans and the Explorers

What we did: 
1. Starter
HONORS: Corrected and turned in the Native American Tribes Map/Table, then played "Blow the Roof Off"

REGULAR: Finished the Native American Table

HONORS: What would motivate you enough to leave your family and friends and move to an unknown place?

REGULAR: Name one  interesting fact you learned about your Native American region assigned to you.

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter!
HONORS: Correct and turn in your Native American Map/Table

REGULAR: Use the yellow packet from Mrs. Dickson, and fill in the table.

Assignments turned in: 
HONORS ONLY: Native American Tribes Map/Table

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