Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Monday, October 16th

Learning Target: 
I can define Columbian Exchange and give examples.

What we did: 
HONORS: Turned in some Mock Trial papers, graded selves and team members on the trial, and took notes on Columbian Exchange.

REGULAR: Reviewed and then took the quiz/CRQ on Columbian Exchange. Then we corrected it in class and turned it in.

NO Starter

If you were absent: 
1. Turn in any Mock Trial documents you made, but not the packet. 
2. Get a "Columbian Exchange" paper from the blue binder and get help from a classmate to get all the answers and notes from the back.
3. Get a "Peer Evaulation" form from Mrs. Dickson and fill out and give back to her.

REGULAR: Come ASAP to take the CRQ Quiz. Monday during Plus is perfect.  Be sure to study first.

Assignments turned in: 
HONORS: Mock Trial Documents, and the Peer Evaluation form.

REGULAR: CRQ Columbian Exchange

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:
HONORS ONLY: Columbian Exchange Worksheet.

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