Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday, May 9th

Learning Target: 
I can identify the major events that led to the Civil War.

1. Starter
2. Turned in Citizenship Cards for those classes that still had not done so.
3. Corrected the Map and called in scores.
4. Received the "Bleeding Kansas" worksheet.  It was homework for Honors and Regular we did it in class together.
5. Got in pairs and began doing the T chart on the back of the map using pages 512-515.

Do you Agree or Disagree and WHY: If a person voluntarily joins a team, they can leave anytime.

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Turn in your Citizenship card if you haven't at all this term.
3. Correct your map using the key in the yellow binder.  Tell me your score when I am at my computer, or turn it in to the basket after doing the T chart on the back.
4. Get the "Bleeding Kansas" worksheet and do just that side.

Assignments turned in: 
Citizenship Cards
Maps, 36 pts.

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:
*"Bleeding Kansas" worksheet, white.

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