Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday, May 13th

Learning Target: 
I can identify the major events that led to the Civil War.

1. No Starter
2. Reviewed for a few minutes
3. Took the Pre Civil War Quiz
4. Turned in the Quiz and the Pre-War Packet.
5. Took the CRQ on Manifest Destiny.


If you were absent: 
1. You MUST come in during Plus or after school to take the quizzes you missed. You only have one week from your absence.
2. Turn in your Pre-War Packet.  You need to put it together and staple it.  Here is the order
-South Carolina Secedes
-Bleeding Kansas
-Tale of Two Regions
-Economic Rivalries

Assignments turned in: 
*Pre War Packet
*Pre War Quiz

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder: None

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