Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wednesday, May 18th

Learning Target: 
I can describe and empathize for those who were part of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment.

Watch Glory.


If you were absent: 
Ask classmates what parts of the film you missed, or watch it on Vidangel if you can.

Assignments turned in: 

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:

Tuesday, May 17th

Learning Target: 
I can identify the beginning events of the Civil War.

1. Starter
2. Discussed Ft. Sumter and 1st Bull Run
3. Began watching "Glory"

1. How did the Civil War begin and where?

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Turn in your Permission Slip
3. Ask a classmate what they watched.

Assignments turned in: 
Permission Slips

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:

Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday, May 16th

Learning Target: 
I can identify the first battles of the Civil War.

1. Starter
2. Received Permission Forms to be signed tonight.
3. Reviewed page 484 and the compromises for the CRQ.
4. Took CRQ and corrected it in class and turned it in.

What were the two violent events that took place to start "Bleeding Kansas?"

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Get a permission form and call home to see if you can watch Glory today (Tuesday).
3. Come after school or during Plus to take the CRQ.

Assignments turned in: 

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:

Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday, May 13th

Learning Target: 
I can identify the major events that led to the Civil War.

1. No Starter
2. Reviewed for a few minutes
3. Took the Pre Civil War Quiz
4. Turned in the Quiz and the Pre-War Packet.
5. Took the CRQ on Manifest Destiny.


If you were absent: 
1. You MUST come in during Plus or after school to take the quizzes you missed. You only have one week from your absence.
2. Turn in your Pre-War Packet.  You need to put it together and staple it.  Here is the order
-South Carolina Secedes
-Bleeding Kansas
-Tale of Two Regions
-Economic Rivalries

Assignments turned in: 
*Pre War Packet
*Pre War Quiz

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder: None

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thursday, May 12th

If you were absent:
Read the above slide.
1. Do the Starter
2. Get the "Economic Rivalry" Worksheet from the blue binder and do it.
3. We have a quiz today, so gather all assignments you have and do your best.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tuesday, May 10th

Learning Target: 
I can identify the events leading to the Civil War.

Assign Person Report
Go over page 3 of Packet “Bleeding Kansas
Finish T-Chart and discuss it.


If you were absent: 
1. Use my key to check your answers for the Bleeding Kansas worksheet, but don't turn it in.

2. Go get the Pink "Civil War Person Report" info sheet.  Come see me for the person you are to do your report on.  Also, ask for help from me after reading the instructions

3. Finish your T-Chart on your own.  Be sure there are 15 items on each side.

Assignments turned in: 

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:
****Civil War Person Report, pink.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday, May 9th

Learning Target: 
I can identify the major events that led to the Civil War.

1. Starter
2. Turned in Citizenship Cards for those classes that still had not done so.
3. Corrected the Map and called in scores.
4. Received the "Bleeding Kansas" worksheet.  It was homework for Honors and Regular we did it in class together.
5. Got in pairs and began doing the T chart on the back of the map using pages 512-515.

Do you Agree or Disagree and WHY: If a person voluntarily joins a team, they can leave anytime.

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Turn in your Citizenship card if you haven't at all this term.
3. Correct your map using the key in the yellow binder.  Tell me your score when I am at my computer, or turn it in to the basket after doing the T chart on the back.
4. Get the "Bleeding Kansas" worksheet and do just that side.

Assignments turned in: 
Citizenship Cards
Maps, 36 pts.

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:
*"Bleeding Kansas" worksheet, white.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Friday, May 6th

Learning Target: 
I can name the events that led to the Civil War.

1. No Starter, corrected Starters and turned them in.
2. Finished our debates 
(Maps were not graded or turned in)
3. 6th Period turned in Citizenship Cards


If you were absent: 
1. Give your Starters to a classmate and ask them to correct them for you.  Turn them in with the absent stamp to the basket.
2. Finish your debate paper by doing it yourself or getting help from a classmate.
3. Turn in your Citizenship Card straight to Mrs. Dickson.

Assignments turned in: 

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:

Thursday, May 5th

Learning Target: 
I can identify the major events that led to the Civil War.

1. Starter
2. Received Map for homework
3. Received either a Union or Confederate flag to color
4. Received South Carolina Secession worksheet/debate paper.
5. Began debate.

On board behind screen.  Needs to be a half page long.

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Get the three papers you are missing from the blue binder.

Assignments turned in: 

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:
*Flag (blue or gray)
*Map (white)
*South Carolina Secession Paper (white)

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Tuesday, May 3rd

Learning Target: 
I can analyze primary sources to discover more information about the Underground Railroad.

1. Starter
2. Finish QR Code Table and turn in
3. Begin or continue "A House Divided" notes.

1. What source did you find most interesting and why?

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Come during Plus Period to finish scanning the QR codes and finish the table. Then turn it in to the Pink Basket.
3. Get any notes your missed from a classmate or the website.
   Assignments turned in: 
*Primary Source Table, 30 pts.

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:
* Some students might need to get the orange-ish notes "A House Divided"

Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday, May 2nd

Learning Target: 
I can analyze primary sources to discover more information about the Underground Railroad.

1. Starter
2. Complete the Primary Source Table
3. Turn it in.

Write 5 adjectives for Harriet Tubman.

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Come during Plus to complete the Primary Source Table and scan the QR Codes.
3*IF you are in 3rd Period, correct and turn in our Underground RR Worksheet.  

Assignments turned in: 
1. Most classes turned in the Primary Source Table, 30 pts.

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder: