Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday, September 22nd

Learning Objective: 
Students will fully understand why they are learning about their country's history and why they should be happy to have it.

What we did: 
1. Starter: Define 1) Illiterate 2) Indifference
2. Went over PRQ's and the article.  Discussed why history is important.
3. NON-HONORS took notes on What is History
4. All classes were assigned the Why History paragraph.

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Keep your PRQ but be sure it is completed.
3. NON-HONORS get a blue "What is History" worksheet and fill it in using the PowerPoint found here or from a classmate.
4. Why History paragraph is due Wed for Honors and Thursday for non-honors.

From the BLUE Binder get: 
1. Get a blue "What is History" worksheet 
2. Get the white "Why History" prompt.  This is to be used as your rough draft or pre-writing paper.  It will be turned in with your final draft, which will need to be TYPED!

Homework assigned or turned in:
*Why History Paragraph Essay due Wednesday for Honors, Thursday for non-honors.
*All work (absent, make-ups, redo's, late) is due this Friday.
*Lost and Found will be removed on Friday.

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