Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday, September 30th

Learning Objective:
Students will explain how the Native Americans lived in different regions.

What we did:
1. No Starter
2. Got into groups to fill out the table of "Native Tribes of North America".

If you were absent:
1. Come during plus or before or after school to get the information packet from Mrs. Dickson.

From the BLUE Binder get:

Homework assigned or turned in:

1. North American Tribes chart due THURSDAY!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday, September 29th

Learning Objective:
Students will discuss more details of the Early Civilizations, and begin learning the areas of the Native American tribes.

What we did:
1. Starter: Name 2 interesting facts about the Mayans.
2. Corrected and turned in the Civilizations worksheet.
3. Learned about the Native American Regions.

If you were absent:
2. Correct your worksheet with the key from the YELLOW answer key binder, stamp ABSENT and turn into the PINK basket.

From the BLUE Binder get:
1. BLUE starter packet.
2. White Native American Regions worksheet.

Homework assigned or turned in:
1. Corrected and turned in the Civilizations worksheet.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday, September 28th

Learning Objective: 
Students will analyze the four major early civilizations of North and South America.
  What we did: 
1. Graded and turned in the Starters.
2. Finished the Early Civilizations worksheet.

If you were absent: 
1. Give your starters to a classmate and have them correct them. (10 points per starter. Out of 130 for periods 1-6 and out of 120 for period 7).
2. Get the information packet from Mrs. Dickson and either finish it during plus or check out a packet for the Early Civilizations worksheet.
From the BLUE Binder get: 

Homework assigned or turned in:
1. Corrected and turned in Starters.
2. Finished the Early Civilizations worksheet.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday, September 25th

Learning Objective: 
Students will review the First Americans and begin learning about the Mayan Civilization.

What we did: 
1. Starter
2. Corrected the "Earliest Americans" wkst and turned it in
3. Began the assigned "Early Civilizations" and will finish on Monday in class.

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter: 1) What is culture? 2) name the 4 Early Civilizations of North and South America.

2. Correct and turn in your "First Americans" worksheet. Stamp ABSENT and put in basket.

From the BLUE Binder get: 

Homework assigned or turned in:

Thursday, September 25th

Learning Objective: 
Students will see the cause and effect of the Ice Age and map the migration of the Paleo Indians

What we did: 
1. Starter: How do scientists believe the first Americans came here? When and how?
2. Turned in assignments, see below.
3. Took notes on the Ice Age
4. Received "Earliest Americans" assignment and worked on it for about 5 min.

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Turn in your assignments, see below
3. Get the notes from here or from a classmate
4. Get a white "The Earliest Americans" worksheet from the binder. When we correct it please step outside and work on it. Take a book.
5. Turn in your Citizenship Card to the pink basket.

From the BLUE Binder get: 
1. Earliest Americans, white, due within one week of your absence.

Homework assigned or turned in:
*Earliest Americans worksheet due Friday
*Why History Paragraph and Rough Draft were stapled and turned in
*PKQ and Article were stapled and turned in
*Turned in Citizenship Card

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday, September 23rd

Learning Objective: 
Students will discover the tools scientists have used to learn more about the ice age and how it created the land forms of America.

What we did: 
1. No Starter
2. Watched a video on "America's Ice Age" and took 20 Notes and a Summary.

If you were absent: 
1. No need to make up anything this time :) 

From the BLUE Binder get: 

Homework assigned or turned in:
*"Why History" Essay Paragraph due Tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday, September 22nd

Learning Objective: 
Students will fully understand why they are learning about their country's history and why they should be happy to have it.

What we did: 
1. Starter: Define 1) Illiterate 2) Indifference
2. Went over PRQ's and the article.  Discussed why history is important.
3. NON-HONORS took notes on What is History
4. All classes were assigned the Why History paragraph.

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Keep your PRQ but be sure it is completed.
3. NON-HONORS get a blue "What is History" worksheet and fill it in using the PowerPoint found here or from a classmate.
4. Why History paragraph is due Wed for Honors and Thursday for non-honors.

From the BLUE Binder get: 
1. Get a blue "What is History" worksheet 
2. Get the white "Why History" prompt.  This is to be used as your rough draft or pre-writing paper.  It will be turned in with your final draft, which will need to be TYPED!

Homework assigned or turned in:
*Why History Paragraph Essay due Wednesday for Honors, Thursday for non-honors.
*All work (absent, make-ups, redo's, late) is due this Friday.
*Lost and Found will be removed on Friday.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday, September 21st

Learning Objective:
Students will discover the importance of studying History and learn the 4 major important vocabulary words for History.

What we did:
1. Starter: When can you come to take or retake a test?
2. Played "telephone" and discussed how it's like History.
HONORS: received the "Why History" article and worksheet and were assigned to do it as homework. Then they took notes from the PowerPoint "What is History."

NON-HONORS: received the article "Why History" and the PRQ worksheet and we did it in class. Homework was to finish that at home.

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter
2. Get the article "Why History" and the PRQ worksheet from the blue binder. Honors: need to also get the blue handout for "What is History" and fill it out using the notes here or from a friend.

From the BLUE Binder get:
1. Get the article "Why History" and the PRQ worksheet.

Homework assigned or turned in:
1. HONORS: read and highlight the article and fill out the PRQ.
2. NON-HONORS: finish the PRQ at home.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday, September 18th

Learning Objective:
Students will prove their understanding of the 5 elements of a 1st Paragraph for an Argumentative Essay via a quiz.

What we did:
1. Reviewed for the quiz on the first paragraph in an argumentative essay.
2. Turned in first paragraphs.
3. Took the first paragraph quiz.
4. Corrected the quiz and passed it in.

If you were absent:
1. Get the test from Mrs. Dickson and come during plus period on Monday or before or after school to take the quiz.
2. Turn in your first paragraph homework assignment.

From the BLUE Binder get:

Homework assigned or turned in:
1. Turned in the first paragraph assignment.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday, September 17th

Learning Objective:
Students will identify the 5 parts of a successful 1st paragraph an Argumentative Essay.
What we did:
1. Starter: 1) What is an attention grabber or hook? 2) What position (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th)
is the Thesis/Claim?
2. Finished our Argumentative Essay notes.
3. Group Game
If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter.
2. Get the notes here or from a friend.
3. Write your introduction paragraph.
From the BLUE Binder get:
Homework assigned or turned in:
1. Write an introduction paragraph on this prompt:
"What was the most important moment in U.S. history?"
-11-12 sized normal font
- Double-1.5 spaced
- Intro paragraph only
2. Quiz on First Paragraph Tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday, September 16th

Learning Objective: 
Students will identify the 5 parts of a successful 1st paragraph in an Argumentative Essay.

What we did: 
1. Starter: 1) What is an Argumentative Essay? 2) What is the format for this essay?
2. Took notes on how to write the 1st Paragraph of an Argumentative Essay.

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Get the notes from here or from a classmate.

From the BLUE Binder get: 

Homework assigned or turned in:

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday, September 15th

Learning Objective:
Students will be able to label and locate the fifty states and major physical features.

What we did:
1. No Starter
2. Reviewed for the States test!
3. Took the States test.
4. Corrected the States test and passed it in.

If you were absent:
1. Come during plus on Monday or before or after school any day to make up the test.
Remember you only have a week from the day you got back to make up the test!

From the BLUE Binder get:

Homework assigned or turned in:

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, September 14th

Learning Objective: 
Students will prepare for the States and Physical Features Test

What we did: 
1. Starter: Name the states in New England.
2. Corrected Maps and called in map scores. (5th, 6th, & 7th)
3.Studied for the Test

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter
2. Correct your map and turn in with absent stamp.
3. STUDY for the states test!

From the BLUE Binder get:
1. A map if you have not gotten a one.

Homework assigned or turned in:

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday, September 10th

Learning Objective:
Students will label and locate the fifty states.

What we did:
1. Starter: Name a state that you have not been to, but want to go to and why.
2. Learned more of the States Song
3. Received the US Map and started to label and color the map.

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter
2. Get a White US Map from the binder and complete it at home.  READ all of the INSTRUCTIONS.

From the BLUE Binder get:
US Map

Homework assigned or turned in:
*US Map colored and labeled DUE Friday!!!

Wednesday, September 9th

Learning Target:
Students will be able to name a at least one location for each climate.

Agenda and Starter:
1. Starter: 1) Name the 5 Themes of Geography 2) What themes did we use labeling the World Political Map?
2. Corrected the World Political Map
3. Finished taking Geography Notes.

What to do if you were absent:
1. Do the Starter
2. Correct your World Political Map using my Answer Key in the Yellow Binder and turn it in to the PINK Basket
3. Get the notes you missed from a classmate or from this website.

From the BLUE Binder get:

Things assigned or turned in:
*World Political Map, 30 pts.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday, September 8th

Learning Objective:
Students will label and color a world map.

What we did:
1. No Starter
2. Colored and labeled  a world map.

If you were absent:
1. Get the white "World Political Map" worksheet and finish it.

From the BLUE Binder get:
1. The world political map worksheet

Homework assigned or turned in:
1. Finish the map and have it ready to correct tomorrow!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday, September 4th

Learning Objective: 
Students will be able to describe locations according to their climates.

What we did: 
1. Starter: 1) Where is the lost and found in this room? 2) What should you do when someone comes on the intercom?
2. 6th Period only: finished tests
3. Took notes on Map Projections and Climates.

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Come see me if you are in 6th Period
3. Get the notes from a classmate or from the Notes titled "Geography Notes PowerPoint" in the tab at the top of this page.

From the BLUE Binder get: 

Homework assigned or turned in:

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wednesday, September 2nd

Learning Objective: Students will be able to name at least 2 examples of each of the 5 Themes of Geography in their daily life.

What we did: 
1. Starter: What do I do if I was absent, and I have an assignment to turn in?
2. Work on and FINISH 5 Themes of Geography Packet.
3. Review for Test.

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter!!!
2. Be sure you have gotten a GREEN 5 Themes of Geography packet.
3. Finish the 5 Themes of Geography Packet.
4. Correct and turn into the PINK basket.

1. From the BLUE Binder get:
1. Green 5 Themes of Geography Packet if you haven't gotten one already.

Homework assigned or turned in:
1. If you didn't finish your packet in class, finish it at home.
2. Study for Test Tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 1st

Learning Objective: 

What we did: 
1. Starter: Describe the procedure for taking a test.
2. Watched "5 Themes of Geography".
3. Continued "Geography Notes".

1. If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter!!!
2. Watch "5 Themes of Geography".
3. Get the notes from a classmate.

1. From the BLUE Binder get: 

Homework assigned or turned in:
*Quiz on the 5 Themes of Geography on Thursday!