Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wednesday, December 17th

Learning Goals:
Students will understand the events leading to our country gaining independence.

What we did:
1. Starter: What was your favorite part of the movie "The Crossing?"
2. Finished notes: Valley Forge, War at Sea and in the West, Brutal Fighting in the South, Battle of Yorktown, and Treaty of Paris.
3. Worked on booklets.

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter!
2. Get the notes from this website or from a classmate
3. Draw and color all your pictures
4. Fill out the pre-write Map on Utah Compose by Thursday.

Get from the Blue Binder:

Homework assigned:
*Write your Pre-Write assignment on Utah Compose
*Finish booklet by Friday
*Timeline Project due Jan. 9th
*Vocabulary Packet and Study Guide due Jan. 13th


  1. On the graphic organizer, do we have to do the other part... the essay thing?

    1. Nope you just need to do the graphic organizer.
