Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday, November 10th

Learning Objective:
Students will identify the products of each colonial region and learn how to invest in each.  

What we did:
1. Starter: Name one product for each region that you would find there:
          -New England
          -Middle Colonies
          -Southern Colonies

2. Read about Colonial Economy and filled out a little quiz.

3. Played one practice round of the game that we will continue Tuesday.

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter
2. Get a reading paper from me and the blue worksheet from the blue binder.  Fill out the side with the questions (not the table).
3. Correct that side with my key.

From the BLUE Binder get:
Blue "Colony Economy Game Packet" (it's only one sheet)

Homework assigned or turned in:
*Unit Test on Thursday!!!

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