Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday, October 14th

Learning Objective:
Students will be introduced to the Northwest Passage and the Middle Passage.  They will begin to explore reasons so many colonists died at Jamestown.

What we did:
1. Starter: In your words: what is a settlement?
2. Corrected the blue and yellow worksheets
3. Discussed pages 55-69 in textbook.
4. Received DBQ Packet and did pages 1-5

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter
2. Correct your blue "Northwest Passage" worksheet and your yellow "Colombian Exchange" worksheet.
3. Turn both in and stamp with the "ABSENT" stamp.
4. Get a DBQ Packet from the binder.

From the BLUE Binder get:
*White "DBQ Packet" that says "Early Jamestown" at the top.

Homework assigned or turned in:
*Complete pages 1-5 in DBQ packet.