Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wednesday, September 3rd

Learning Objective:
Students will review the 5 Themes of Geography

What we did:
1. Starter
2. Reviewed how to get on the Online Textbook
3. Corrected the World Political Maps (30pts)
4. Received the 5 Themes of Geography Packet and did most of it in class.

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter:  
        1. To find the Battle of Bunker Hill, I would use a           .
        2. To find a definition, I would use the         .
        3. To find the capital of Spain, I would use       .
2. Using my answer key, correct your map, stamp it with the Star Stamp on the desk, and turn it into the PINK basket.
3. Be sure to get what you need from the binder (listed below)

From the BLUE Binder get:
1. BLUE handout for logging into the Online Book.
2. GREEN "5 Themes of Geography" Packet.

Homework assigned or turned in:
1. 5 Themes of Geography Packet DUE THURSDAY
2. World Political Map Turned in 30 Points!
3. By Friday, login to the online textbook, find page 100, and write down the 3rd word you see.  We will turn this in on Friday.

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