Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday, September 30th

Learning Objective:
Students will assess how accountable they have been in the past week.

What we did:
1. Starter
2. Corrected assignments.

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter: If you were a Native American (pre-explorers) where would you have wanted to live and why?

2. Correct your "Native American Regions Map" and your "Tribes of North American" chart. Both keys are in the back binder.

From the BLUE Binder get:

Homework assigned or turned in:
1. "Native American Regions Map" 40pts turned in.
2. "Tribes of North American" Chart 30pts turned in.

Monday, September 29th

Learning Objective:
Review what has been taught thus far.

What we did:
1. No Starter
2. Received "Open Book Test" packet and worked on it the entire period.

If you were absent:
1. Get the yellowish packet called "Open Note Test" from the blue binder.
2. This packet is NOT actually a test.  It is a Study Guide for the District Test we will be taking in January.  It is VERY important!!! Keep it for 1st and 2nd terms.  Do not loose it!  It is not due until January.

From the BLUE Binder get:
-yellowish packet called "Open Note Test"

Homework assigned or turned in:

Friday, September 26th

Learning Objective:
Students will gather information about the ancient pyramids of Mexico

What we did:
1. No Starter
2. Watched a video and took notes.

If you were absent:
1. You will be excused from the video and notes.

From the BLUE Binder get:

Homework assigned or turned in:

Thursday, September 25th

Learning Objective:
Students will make a table of Native American attributes according to region.

What we did:
1. No Starter
2. Received a yellow packet and yellow table to fill out about the Native Americans.
3. Finished in class.

If you were absent:
1. Get a yellow table from the binder, and get a yellow packet from Mrs. Dickson
2. Complete the table, then correct it and turn in.

From the BLUE Binder get:
-yellow "Native Tribes of North America" table

Homework assigned or turned in:
Nothing turned in
Nothing assigned

Wednesday, September 24th

Learning Objective:
Students will gain a better understanding of the Regions where Native Americans lived and how they lived.

What we did:
1. Starter
2. Received Native Americans Region Maps and worked in partners with the textbook to complete.
3. Were assigned to complete the map by Monday.

If you were absent:
1. Get the Starter from a friend
2. Get the white Regions map from the blue binder and complete with the book.
3. Correct it with my key and turn into the pink basket.

From the BLUE Binder get:
white "Native Americans Regions Map"

Homework assigned or turned in:
Complete map and turn in.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Monday, September 22nd

Learning Objective:
Students will be introduced to Portuguese and Spanish Explorers.

What we did:
1. No Starter
2. Watched videos and took notes.

If you were absent:
1. You will be excused from the video notes.

From the BLUE Binder get:

Homework assigned or turned in:

Tuesday, September 23rd

Learning Objective:
Students will be introduced to the Explorers and Colonies.

What we did:
1. Starter
2. Corrected Early Civilizations Wkst
3. Did "Blow the Roof Off" Activity

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter: From the videos, name one explorer and what he did.

2. Correct your Early Civilizations Wkst and turn in to the basket.

3. You do not need to make up the activity.

From the BLUE Binder get:

Homework assigned or turned in:
Early Civilizations Wkst (yellowish color)

Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday, September 19th

Learning Objective:
Students will complete their overview of the early civilizations of North and South America

What we did:
1. Starter
2. Looked at some pictures of Mayan artifacts
3. Finished the Early Civilizations worksheet

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter: List 2 new facts you learned about Early Civilizations
2. Finish your Early Civilizations Worksheet using this packet and your worksheet.
3. If you need to download the worksheet, it's here

From the BLUE Binder get:
Nothing new

Homework assigned or turned in:

If you still need more time to work on the Early Civilizations, click here for the info packet.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday, September 18th

Learning Objective:
Students will briefly discover how the Paleo Indians arrived in North America, and about the Early Civilization.

What we did:
1. Starter
2. Finished the Notes on What is History
3. Discussed pages 6-9 in textbook
4. Started worksheet on Early Civilizations.

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter: Give 3 examples of a Primary Source.
2. Read pages 6-9 in the textbook.
3. Get a yellowish worksheet "Early Civilizations" from the BLUE binder or from the website.  We are using a packet of information to fill in the worksheet, it is in class.

From the BLUE Binder get:
"Early Civilizations" worksheet (yellowish)

Homework assigned or turned in:

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17th

Learning Objective:
Finish becoming experts in writing a 1st paragraph for an essay.  Understand what the difference between Primary verses Secondary Sources.

What we did:
1. Starter
2. Watched a video about traveling to Washington D.C. and got some info.
3. Honors: Took notes on "What is History"
4. Regular: finished paragraphs on "Is History Important?" and some took notes on "What is History."

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter: For you, what is the #1 reason to study History?

2. Come to the Parent Meeting about D.C. Thursday, 6pm at the Woods Cross City Hall!  It will be amazing!

3. Get the yellowish worksheet from the binder and use this powerpoint to fill it in. You can get the worksheet here too.

From the BLUE Binder get:
1. What is History Vocab., yellowish

Homework assigned or turned in:
"Is History Important" Paragraph

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16th

Learning Objective:
Students will solidify their knowledge of a Persuasive essay.

What we did:
1. Starter
2. Finished watching the videos we started Monday.
2. Honors turned in their homework.
3. Regular got into pairs and wrote a paragraph about history.

If you were absent:
1. Honors: Turn in your paragraph to the pink basket.
2. Regular: Write a paragraph to answer this question: Is History important? (the answer is yes)
3. Do the Starter: Put these in order:
       State both sides
       Attention Getter
       Lead Sentence
       Intro to Subject

From the BLUE Binder get:

Homework assigned or turned in:
Honors: We turned in the Paragraph "Why is History Important."

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15th

Learning Objective:
To feel the importance of studying U.S. History.

What we did:
1. No Starter
2. Finished the quiz from Friday.
3. Corrected the quizzes.
4. Took notes on Why History is Important.

If you were absent:
1. Come during PLUS to finish your quiz.
2. Watch these videos and take notes:

From the BLUE Binder get:

Homework assigned or turned in:
Honors Only: Write a 1st paragraph and answer the question: Why is History Important?

Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday, September 12th

Learning Objective:
Students will apply their knowledge of writing a 1st paragraph in a quiz.

What we did:
1. Starter
2. Reviewed for the quiz
3. Took the quiz as a open note quiz

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter: Write a thesis/claim statement about who is better, BYU or U of U?

2. Come during PLUS to take the quiz.  You have only one week from the day you get back.

From the BLUE Binder get:

Homework assigned or turned in:

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 11th

What we did:
1. Starter
2. Discussed 9/11
3. Finished the notes on writing. 
4. Reviewed for the quiz tomorrow. 

If you were absent:
1. Do the starter: what is one new thing you learned about writing?

2. Get the notes from the website or a friend. It is found under "notes and handouts" then under "notes"

3. You may have an extra day to study for the quiz. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday, September 10th

Learning Objective:
Students will review the 5 parts of the 1st paragraph of an argumentative essay.

What we did:
1. Starter
2. Corrected the Map test
3. Took notes on Writing in Social Studies.

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter: What is the easiest and hardest part of writing an essay?

2. Get the notes from here and take notes from Slide 1-7

From the BLUE Binder get:

Homework assigned or turned in:
Quiz on the Parts of a 1st Paragraph is on Friday!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9th

Learning Objective:
Students will prove what they know through taking the US Map test.

What we did:
1. NO Starter
2. Took the US Map Test
3. Some classes had time to correct it in class.

If you were absent:
1. You have ONE week from the day you get back to come in during PLUS and take the test.  Don't forget!

From the BLUE Binder get:

Homework assigned or turned in:

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8th

Learning Objective:
To solidify your memory of the 50 States and physical features.

What we did:
1. Starter
2. Corrected US Maps
3. Called in scores
4. Watched some Youtube videos on the states
5. Studied for the test tomorrow.

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter: Name the 5 Great Lakes in order from West to East.

2. Correct your map using my key in the BLACK binder.

3. Stamp your map and turn in to the pink basket.

4. Get a WHITE blank map from the binder and if you haven't yet, get a sheet protector from me to keep.  These are to be used for studying.

5. If you don't feel ready to take the test Tuesday, let me know.

From the BLUE Binder get:
1. White blank map

Homework assigned or turned in:
Study for US Map Test!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5th

Learning Objective:
To learn the location of the 50 States

What we did:
1.NO Starter
2. Wrote the 3rd word from pg 100 (as proof of going to the online textbook) on a slip of paper for credit.  
3. Corrected and turned in the 5 Themes Packet
4. Learned the States song while we finished the maps.

If you were absent:
1.Get a slip of paper from me, and write the word from the textbook on it with your name and period.
2. Correct and turn in your 5 Themes Packet

From the BLUE Binder get:

Homework assigned or turned in:
GREEN 5 Themes of Geography Packet, 50 pts.
Online Textbook assignment, 5 pts.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4th

Learning Goal:
To show understanding if the 5 Themes if Geography. 

What we did:
1. Starter
2. Took The Geography quiz
3. Corrected the quizzes class
4. Started to color and label U.S. Maps. 

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter: what themes are these an example of: (three different themes)
       -the Hoover Dam
       -Northern Utah
       -across from Walmart

2. Come during PLUS and take the quiz you missed. Remember you only have a week from the day you get back to take it. 

3.  Get a WHITE US map from the BLUE binder. Follow the instructions. It is due at the end of the Period Friday, but you may have until Monday. 

Homework assigned or turned in:
1. Geography Quiz, 18 pts. 
2. Login to the online textbook, go to page 100, and find the 3rd word. We will write it down Friday for points. 
3.  US map due Friday

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wednesday, September 3rd

Learning Objective:
Students will review the 5 Themes of Geography

What we did:
1. Starter
2. Reviewed how to get on the Online Textbook
3. Corrected the World Political Maps (30pts)
4. Received the 5 Themes of Geography Packet and did most of it in class.

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter:  
        1. To find the Battle of Bunker Hill, I would use a           .
        2. To find a definition, I would use the         .
        3. To find the capital of Spain, I would use       .
2. Using my answer key, correct your map, stamp it with the Star Stamp on the desk, and turn it into the PINK basket.
3. Be sure to get what you need from the binder (listed below)

From the BLUE Binder get:
1. BLUE handout for logging into the Online Book.
2. GREEN "5 Themes of Geography" Packet.

Homework assigned or turned in:
1. 5 Themes of Geography Packet DUE THURSDAY
2. World Political Map Turned in 30 Points!
3. By Friday, login to the online textbook, find page 100, and write down the 3rd word you see.  We will turn this in on Friday.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday, September 2nd

Learning Objective:

To get familiar with the textbook
To get our learning buddies for the term
To review the world's major features

What we did:
1. Starter: Name an example of where these climates can be found:
                    -Marine West Coast
2. Filled out Learning Buddy Charts (we did one for you, just ask me for it)
3. Received Online Textbook login information.  
4. Completed the "Textbook Survey" scavenger hunt worksheet.
5. Started the World Political Map

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter
2. Get your Learning Buddy Chart from Mrs. Dickson
3. From the BLUE Binder get:
          -BLUE Online Textbook handout and keep at home by your computer
          -WHITE Textbook Survey and complete
          -WHITE World Political Map and complete

Homework assigned or turned in:
*Textbook Survey turned in, 20 pts.
*World Political Map, due Wed., 30pts
*Themes of Geography QUIZ on Thursday!