Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thursday, January 23rd

What we did:
1. Starter: Would you have signed the Constitution without a Bill of Rights?
2. Discussed rules, procedures and announced a competition with the U.S. Honors classes.  No missing assignments then we will have a "party" so DO YOUR ASSIGNMENTS!  Even if the assignment is late.
3. Turned in the Projects
4. Discussed some things for the test tomorrow.

What to do now:
1. Get a new pink Starter Packet from the binder and do the Starter
2. I hope you studied and are ready to take the test Friday!
3. Turn in your project with an Absent Slip or a Late Pass.

Homework assigned or turned in:


  1. I need the starter that we got on the 23rd. If I remember right, I believe that I am supposed to write my name as a comment.
    Sammi Tolman prd: 6

  2. Sophie Green
    Period 4

  3. Lucy Goodman period 3
