Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday, December 4th

What we did:
1. Starter:   1. Who is Patrick Henry?
                  2. What was the Olive Branch Petition?

2. Sang songs about Fort Ticonderoga and Battle of Bunker Hill (so fun, you really missed out!)

3. Discussed Patrick Henry's speech. **We corrected and turned in the orange paper with the three questions on it.

4. Took notes on "Common Sense" for page 8 of your booklets.  Some classes watched a video clip about Common Sense.

What to get from the Binder:
**A white paper titled "Who Will Win."  We just started it, but it's not due yet.

Homework Turned in or Assigned:
1. Go to the "Notes and Handouts" tab of the website and click on "Road to Independence" and take notes on "Pg. 8 Common Sense."


  1. Sophie Caligiuri Period 7

  2. I finally got the browser to work!! For a missing assignment:
    Meagan Mathews Period 6

  3. Sariah Smith Period 6

  4. Donovan Jones Period 4

  5. Grace Pugsley Period 6
