Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday, December 3rd

What we did:
1. Starter: What are the pros and cons of the battles of Lexington and Concord?
2. Watched this video on Lexington and Concord
3. Took notes for pg 4 "2nd Continental Congress" and pg 6 "Battle of Bunker Hill and Dorchester Heights"
4. Read a speech by Patrick Henry and received a small orange paper to answer 3 questions on.

What to get from the Binder:
1. Small Orange slip of paper.  Use the white "Patrick Henry" paper to answer the questions.  The white paper you need to get from me or may be on your desk.

Homework turned in or assigned:
1. Get the notes and draw the diagrams for homework.
2. Read the speech by Patrick Henry and answer the questions on the orange paper.