Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Online Textbook Questions and Textbook Download Directions

Below are two ways to get to the US History textbook for our class.

*Things to remember: Apple and Microsoft don't always "get along" and our district uses Microsoft.  But many have had it work on Ipads and other Apple products.

*It's not necessary to download the book, but it IS necessary to have access to the textbook in some way. If you have done all these steps and still cannot read the pages of the book, come see me.

*Check your software by clicking here and find the link on the left that says WebChecker. This is for online access only, and not downloading the PDF.

To use the textbook online:

Go to: and login using your email and student id.
-Use the drop down menu and fine our book "United States History ..."
-then "Go to Online Textbook."
-Then click book pages and hope it loads.
If you get this far and have problems, you need to call Tech Support at (800) 323-9239.  They can usually resolve the issue.

To download the textbook to your computer or other device:

First: try clicking this link:

*If that didn't work, try the following:

-Go to Davis District website at
-Textbooks-Digital Access Instructions
Online Textbooks for Students STUDENTS -- PDF or ePub versions of textbooks as provided by publishers

-On the far left, click "Downloadable Books
-Choose 08 US History 1
-Then click the big link at the top.  This should take you to OneDrive files.  You may have to sign in to your Office 365.

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