Monday, February 27, 2017

Monday, February 27th

Learning Target: 
All students will describe the Federalist and Anti federalist and major leaders of each.

What we did: 
1. Corrected the Constitution Test 
2. Started on page 170 to review Ch. 5 & 6

No Starter 

If you were absent: 
1. You are fine as long has you have taken the Constitution Test.

Assignments turned in: 
Test, 40 pts

Friday, February 24th

Learning Target: 
All students will prove their knowledge of the Constitution.

What we did: 
Took the Constitution Test.

No Starter

If you were absent: 
1. Come during Plus within a week, so by next Monday, to take the Constitution Test.

Assignments turned in: 
Test, 40 pts

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Thursday, February 23rd

Learning Target: 
Students will review the Constitution in preparation for their test.

What we did: 
Played Jeopardy to prepare for the test on Friday.

Starter: None

If you were absent: 
Be sure to study for the test.

Assignments turned in: 

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder: None

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wednesday, February 22nd

Learning Target: 
All students will be able to name and describe the Bill of Rights.

What we did: 
1. Starter
2. Reviewed Amendments 2-10
3. Took Exit Ticket: Bill of Rights

Between Amendments 2-10, pick 3 that you think are the most important.

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Come for Plus to do the Exit Ticket

Assignments turned in: 
Exit Ticket, 9 pt.

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder: None

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tuesday, February 21st

Learning Target: 
Students will discuss the 2nd Amendment and it's current controversies.

What we did: 
1. Starter
2. 3-6th Periods took the 1st Amendment Exit Ticket
3. Had short discussion about 2nd Amendment.

1. What is a republican form of government?
(this is on the test!)

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Come during Plus to take Exit Tickets you have missed.

Assignments turned in: 
1st Amendment Exit Ticket! 10 pts.

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:

Friday, February 17, 2017

Friday, February 17th

Learning Target: 
All students applied the 1st Amendment to real world situations and created and expressed education opinions.

What we did: 
1. Starter
2. Reviewed the 1st Amendment
3. 1st and 2nd Periods took the 1st Amendment Exit Ticket.

What are the two clauses or parts found in the Freedom of Religion right?

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Check with classmates to see if we took the Exit Ticket, if we did, come during Plus Tuesday or Thursday to take it.

Assignments turned in: 

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thursday, February 16th

Learning Target: 
Students will describe and explain Federalism.

What we did: 
1. Starter
2. Played review games
3. Took the Exit Ticket on Federalism.

Define in 2 or more sentences what the term Federalism means.

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Come during Plus to take the Exit Ticket: Federalism. Also study page 201 in your book.

Assignments turned in: 
Exit Ticket 5 Points!

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wednesday, February 15th

Learning Target: 
Students will practice their knowledge of Checks and Balances

What we did: 
1. Starter
2. Took the "Checks and Balances" Exit Ticket, and corrected it and turned it in.
3. ***4th and 5th Period ALSO took the "Separation of Powers" Exit Ticket today.

What are three ways the Legislative Branch is checked?

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Come after school or during Plus Period on Mondays to take the Exit Tickets you missed.

Assignments turned in: 
5th Period called in scores for the Bill of Rights Packet! Be sure you correct and turn yours in.

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Monday and Tuesday, February 13th-14th

What we did: 
Corrected and turned in Bill of Rights Packets
•Took an Exit Ticket (except 4th and 5th per.)

No Starter: 

If you were absent: 
1. Correct and turn in your Bill of Rights Packet (the purple one) and stamp it absent, then turn it in to the Pink Basket.
2. Come during Plus to take the Exit Ticket *It's open note so you will want your packet when you take it.

Assignments turned in: 
**Bill of Rights Packet (purple) 138 Points!!!

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wednesday, February 8th

Learning Target: 
Learn the Bill of Rights and what they mean.

What we did: 
1. Starter
2. Did a mix of watching Quack Videos (videos about the Bill of Rights) and working through a powerpoint.  No notes were taken, but we did work on Page 2 of the Bill of Rights Packet (purple)

Name the 5 rights found in the 1st Amendment.

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Be sure you have the purple "Bill of Rights" packet and do pages 1-3 by Thursday.

Assignments turned in: 

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:
6th Period: Get a Citizenship Card from the binder.

Wednesday, February 2nd

Learning Target: 
Students will become familiar with the basics of the Constitution.

What we did: 
Honors: Turned in name tags, received a score for the props they brought, and turned in the Convention Packet.

Regular: Corrected and turned in the Constitution Packet.

If you were absent: 
1. Stamp your name tag and Convention Packet with the absent stamp and turn it in to the PINK Basket.

2. Get a white "Constitution Packet" from the BLUE Binder

Assignments turned in: 

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder: