Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday, January 23rd

Learning Target: 
Students will discover how the Constitution was created.

What we did:
HONORS: Met in the Computer Lab. Corrected the Preamble Packets and turned them in.  Then worked on the Convention Packet if needed and watched "American Ride: We the People-A Miracle"

REGULAR: Corrected the Preamble Packets and turned them in. Watched "A More Perfect Union" video with a Sub.  No assignments were given. 

NO Starter 

If you were absent: 
1. Correct your Preamble Packet (pink) with my Answer Key (it's green) then stamp it Absent, and turn into the Pink Basket.
2. HONORS: Simulation will not start until WED. so bring props then.  

Assignments turned in: 
Preamble Packet (pink) for 62 Points.

NO New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:

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