Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday, January 30th

Learning Target: 
Students will understand the meaning of the Preamble.

What we did: 
No Starter
Honors did simulation
Regular worked on the Constitution Packet.

If you were absent: 
Honors: get with the people in your state and get caught up.
Regular: The Constitution Packet will probably be due 

Assignments turned in: 

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:

Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday, January 27th

Learning Target: 
Students will understand the meaning of the Preamble.

What we did: 
No Starter
Honors did simulation
Regular took the Preamble Test and began the Constitution Packet.

If you were absent: 
Honors: get with the people in your state and get caught up.
Regular: Come to Plus ASAP to take the Preamble Test.  Then get the packet from me.

Assignments turned in: 
Preamble Test for Regular.

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:
Constitution Packet (if you're in 2nd and 3rd period.)

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thursday, January, 26th

Learning Target: 
Students will experience the difficulty of writing the constitution.

What we did today: 
Watched more of the movie.

If you were absent: 
Honors: get what you missed from your state teammates.
Regular: Study for Preamble Test on Friday

Assignments turned in: 
3rd Period: Turned in Preamble Packet.

Wednesday, January 25th

Learning Target: 
Students will experience the trials of making a new country.

What we did today: 
Honors: We began the simulation today.  We introduced the delegates and had one vote in most classes.
Regular: We watched more of the movie.


If you were absent: 
Honors: Get with your state group and ask them what you missed. Be sure to update the information on your packet.

Regular: nothing

Assignments turned in: 

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tuesday, January 24th

Learning Target: 
Students will discover the trials of the Convention.

What we did: 
Watched the Video "A More Perfect Union"

Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday, January 23rd

Learning Target: 
Students will discover how the Constitution was created.

What we did:
HONORS: Met in the Computer Lab. Corrected the Preamble Packets and turned them in.  Then worked on the Convention Packet if needed and watched "American Ride: We the People-A Miracle"

REGULAR: Corrected the Preamble Packets and turned them in. Watched "A More Perfect Union" video with a Sub.  No assignments were given. 

NO Starter 

If you were absent: 
1. Correct your Preamble Packet (pink) with my Answer Key (it's green) then stamp it Absent, and turn into the Pink Basket.
2. HONORS: Simulation will not start until WED. so bring props then.  

Assignments turned in: 
Preamble Packet (pink) for 62 Points.

NO New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:

Friday, January 20, 2017

For HONORS on MONDAY 1st and 4th Period

Here is the video link to the video "American Ride" that you need to watch after finishing your research for your Delegate and State.

Friday, January 20th

Learning Target: 
Students will memorize the Preamble and understand the meaning.

What we did today: 
1. No Starter
2. HONORS: Took the Preamble Test then worked on pages 3-4 with partners.
3. REGULAR: Worked on the packet to have it finished Monday.


If you were absent: 
HONORS: Come take the Preamble Test ASAP or at least within a week of the day you return.

REGULAR: Finish your Preamble Packet (except page 3-4) because it's due Monday.

Assignments turned in: 

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Thursday, January 19th

Learning Target: 
Students will observe the problems of the Articles of Confederation and the need for a new Constitution.

What we did: 
HONORS: Introduced the Simulation we will be doing next week and assigned Delegates to each student.
Then worked on the Preamble Packet.
REGULAR: Worked on Preamble packet and memorization.


If you were absent: 
HONORS: Please come see me to find out your delegate and to get a packet. Also be sure to memorize the Preamble, the test is Friday. The Preamble Packet is also due Friday at the end of the period.

REGULAR: Work on your Preamble Packet and work on memorizing the Preamble, your test is on Monday.

Assignments turned in: 

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:
HONORS ONLY: White Convention Simulation Packet.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Tuesday, January 10th

Learning Target: 
Students will review the vocabulary learned this semester.

What we did: 
1. No Starter
2. Corrected the Vocabulary Packet and called in scores and kept the packets.
3. Study Guide will be corrected tomorrow.


If you were absent: 
1. Have a classmate correct your vocabulary packet then come tell me your score so that you can keep it to study with.

Assignments turned in: 
1. Vocabulary Packet (scores called in)

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:

Monday, January 9, 2017

Monday, January 9th

Learning Target: 
Students will skim the surface of the Constitution in preparation for the District Test.

What we did: 
1. No Starter
2. Review the assignments that are due Tuesday 
3. Looked over Self Assessments (one is purple, one is gold and we got a new one, it's green.)
3. Watched a Crash Course video about the Constitution.


If you were absent: 
1. Regular: Turn in your booklet to the pink basket and stamp Absent.
2. ALL: be prepared with the Vocabulary Packet and the Study Guide.
3. Go over the Self Assessments (I Can's) that you have (Colonization, Pre-Revolution) and re-assess how much you know and can do. Use these to study for the test.

Assignments turned in: 
Regular: Road to Independence Booklet.

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:
Green "Revolution I Can's"