Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tuesday, November 1st

Learning Target: 
All students will be able to describe the Middle Passage and it's conditions.

1. Starter
2. Finish the Middle Passage worksheet
3. Corrected the worksheet and either called in scores or turned it in.

1. What region of Africa were the slaves taken from and why from Africa in general?

If you were absent write this down: 
1. Do the Starter
2. Get a reading packet "Middle Passage" from Mrs. Dickson and finish your worksheet.
3. Then correct it using the key, stamp it absent, and turn in to the pink basket.
4. **For the Test, you may use a 3X5 Index card to write any facts and info you would like to use on the test.

Assignments turned in: 
1. Middle Passage Worksheet, (yellow) 36pts

New Assignments to get from Blue Binder:

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