Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thursday, May 21st

Learning Targets:
I can summarize the Battle of Gettysburg and explain why it was the turning point in the war.

What we did:
•Finished and corrected Section 5

Diagrammed Day 1 and 2 of Gettysburg
*1st and 4th Period turned in ALL of the section assignments.
*5th, 6th, and 7th watched a video.

If you were absent:
1. Do the Starter: Write a text to Abraham Lincoln as a southerner after you hear about the Emancipation Proclamation.

2. Get a gold Section 5 Packet from my table or file folder and finish it.  Then ask me for the key and correct it.  

3. If you are in 1st or 4th period, combine all your section "packet" assignments, add up your scores, and put it out of 87.  Then turn it in to the basket with the ABSENT stamp.

4. Copy any notes you missed from a classmate.

Homework assigned or turned in:
*1st and 4th Period turned in their Ch. 16 Packet Assignments.
*Person Report is due Friday
*Civil War Packet due 26th
*Parent Meeting for DC Trip is Wed. @6
*Semester Study Guide (purple) due May 27th

*Term 4 Test May 29th

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