Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26th

Learning Objective:
 Students will learn more about each other, and the procedures for our class.  

What we did:
1. Starter: What 4 things must be done to leave the room?
2. Finished the Presentation from yesterday and finished the tour around the room.
3. Procedure Scavenger Hunt
4. Received Disclosures and Handbooks.

If you were absent:
1.Do the Starter
2. Get a "Procedure Scavenger Hunt" worksheet from the BLUE binder on the Student desk and then ask me for help to complete it.
3. Get a BLUE Handbook and a Disclosure (Honors is BLUE, Regular is GREEN) from the Blue Binder.

Homework assigned or turned in:
1. HONORS: Paragraph is due tomorrow
2. ALL: Disclosures need to be signed by Friday.