Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday, February 5th

What we did:
1. Starter: 1) How is the President elected? 2) Is it fair?
2. Discussed the electoral college.
3. Started Ch. 7 "Launching the Nation" Packet on your own piece of paper. (more info below)

What to do now:
1. Do the Starter
2. The Ch. 7 Packets are a class set.  They are in my room so come and use one but you can't take them home.  We only did the first section, which is 5 questions and the Challenge Activity.  During PLUS you can use it, or check a packet out to take home after school.
3. Read pages 234-242 in the textbook.

Homework assigned or turned in:
1. Read pgs 234-242