Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday, September 28th

What did we do:
1. Starter:
       *Do not have to copy the question on this one:
             "What was the Protestant Reformation AND what does it have to do with U.S. History?"
2. 1st Period Only: Turned in Section 4 Packet that was Homework, and then
                              Went to library and took EXPLORE Test and
                               Received Section 5 Packet for Homework.

3. ALL other Periods: Corrected Section 4 Packet
                                    Did an Atlas Packet on the Explorers together in class
                                    Received Section 5 Packet for Homework.

What do I do now:
1. Do the Starter
2. Correct and turn in Section 4 Packet
3. Get the Gold "Section 5" packet with your name on it in the binder
4. Get the Yellow "Europeans Explore the New World" Atlas packet with your name on it
5. Check out an atlas to do it with.
6. Turn both in corrected and with a Pink Slip.

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