Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday, October 17th

What did we do:
1. Starter
       What is the basic outline of a 5 Paragraph Essay?
2. Took notes on how to outline a 5 paragraph essay
3. Took notes on the New England Colonies.
4. Were given pg 2 of green Vocabulary Packet as homework.

What do I do now:
1st: Do the Starter
2nd: Get all the notes from someone in class.
3rd: Get the notes on "New England Colonies" from the website at  Start with slide 9.
4th: Do pg 2 of the green packet using your textbook.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday, October 14th

What did we do:
1. No Starter
2. Corrected pg 6 and 7 of white packet
3. Took notes on 5-Paragraph essays
4. Watched a video clip

What do I do now:
1. Correct your pg 6-7 using my key
2. Get the notes from someone in class.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday, October 13th

What did we do:
1. No Starter
3. Corrected the test and called in scores
4. Started pg 6 and 7 in white Colony Packet

What do I do now:
2. Do pages 6 and 7 in the white Colony Packet for homework.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday, October 12th

What did we do:
1. Starter
       Write a paragraph about your opinion of Pocahontas (the person) in complete sentences.
2. Corrected and turned in Pocahontas worksheet
3. Discussed and corrected pg 8 of white Colony Packet
4. Filled in a few items in the packet.

What do I do now:
1. Do the Starter
2. Correct your Pocahontas assignment and turn it in with a pink slip
3. Correct your page 8 of your white packet
4. Use a classmates packet and copy the things we filled in in class about the Southern Colonies.
5. Study, the map test is Thursday.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday, October 11th

What did we do:
1. Starter
       -Who was John Rolfe?
       -List three facts about Pocahontas.
2. Corrected the 13 Colony Map
3. Learned how to study for the map test coming up on Thursday
4. Corrected Vocab Packet pg 1
5. Were assigned page 8 of white Colony Packet for homework.

What do I do now:
1. Do the Starter
2. **Give me your map and I will correct it.
3. **Correct your pg 1 of the green Vocab packet
4. Do page 8 of the white Colony Packet "John Smith Rescue: Fact of Fiction?" Activity 19.
5. Study for the map test on Thursday.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday, October 10th

What did we do:
1. Starter
       -What colony was the settlement of Jamestown in?
       - What bay is located near Jamestown?

2. Discussed how to better respond to short essay questions on a test (mainly how to write a complete sentence)
3.  Looked at homework (the map was to be colored nicely and labeled, the vocab. complete) and how the game went.  Many did not play the game yet, so I gave them another day.
4. Read a biography on Pocahontas and received a worksheet to go along with it.

What do I do now:
1. Do the Starter
2. Be sure your homework from Thursday is completed.
3. Do not worry about watching Pocahontas or doing the worksheet, I will excuse it.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday, October 6th

What did we do:
1. Starter:
      Where is Roanoke Island?
      Who was the governor of Roanoke?
2. Turned in Roanoke Homework
3. Was assigned 3 items of homework (explained below)
4. Read Section 1, in Chapter 3 of the book silently.

What do I do now:
1. Do the Starter
2. Turn in with a pink slip your homework
3. Three items of homework:  

A) Green Vocabulary Packet in binder, just page 1 AND read the directions carefully.
B) White Colony Packet, color and label the front page map using pg 91 of the textbook.
C) Go to the website and do the activity and the reading.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday, October 5th

What did we do:
1. Starter
       -Who was Sir Walter Raleigh
       -Describe where North Carolina is.
2. Watched short video
3. Were assigned Roanoke Colony Assignment

What do I do now:
1. Do the Starter
2. Get the White "Lost Colony of Roanoke" paper and the Blue fact sheet from the binder.  Follow the instructions carefully and turn in asap.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday, October 4th

What'd we do:
1. No Starter
2. ***Took the Explorer Test!!!

What do I need to do:
1. Study hard for the test.
2. Come during Wapiti Time or before/after school to make-up the test.

Monday, October 3rd

What'd we do:
1. No Starter
2. Prepared for the test.

What do I need to do:

Friday, September 30th

What'd we do:
1. No Starter
2. Watched a Movie

What do I need to do:
1. Study for the test.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday, September 29th

What did we do:
1. Starter:
           How did the Europeans diseases help develop the African slave trade?
           Who's expedition was the 1st to circumnavigate the world?
2. Finished Atlas Wksts and turned them in
3. Corrected Section 5 Packet and turned it in
4. Received Study Guide "Chapter 2 Review" for the test on Tuesday

What do I need to do now:
1. Do the Starter
2. Finish Atlas Packet and turn it in corrected
3. Correct Section 5 Packet and turn it in
4. Get the yellow "Ch. 2 Review" packet in the binder.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday, September 28th

What did we do:
1. Starter:
       *Do not have to copy the question on this one:
             "What was the Protestant Reformation AND what does it have to do with U.S. History?"
2. 1st Period Only: Turned in Section 4 Packet that was Homework, and then
                              Went to library and took EXPLORE Test and
                               Received Section 5 Packet for Homework.

3. ALL other Periods: Corrected Section 4 Packet
                                    Did an Atlas Packet on the Explorers together in class
                                    Received Section 5 Packet for Homework.

What do I do now:
1. Do the Starter
2. Correct and turn in Section 4 Packet
3. Get the Gold "Section 5" packet with your name on it in the binder
4. Get the Yellow "Europeans Explore the New World" Atlas packet with your name on it
5. Check out an atlas to do it with.
6. Turn both in corrected and with a Pink Slip.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday, September 27th

What did we do:
1. Starter  
         Define:   Conquistadors-
2. Received Section 3 Packet and did as a class
3. Received Section 4 Packet for homework

What do I do now:
1. Do the Starter
2. Get both packets in the binder **They have your name on it.
3. Be sure to leave a comment with your name so I know you have read this information.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday, September 26th

What did we do:
1. Starter:   What was the most important thing you learned from doing the Mock Trial?  (the life lesson, or moral to the story)
2. Took the Explore Test, there will be make-ups through the Guidance Center

What do I do now:
1. Do the Starter
2. Read pages 46-51 Ch. 2, Section 3 in your textbook

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday, September 23rd

What did we do:
1. No Starter
2. Finished Mock Trials

What do need to do now:
Nothing really :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday, September 22nd

What did we do:
1. No Starter
2. Prepared for Mock Trial and held Trial

What do I do now:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday, September 21st

What'd we do:
1. Starter
2. Corrected Section 2 Wkst
3. Organized the groups for Mock Trials and began preparation

What do I do now:
1. Get the Starter
2. Correct and turn in your Section 2 Worksheet
3. Talk with your group about your role in the Mock Trial and try to contribute.

Tuesday, September 20th

What'd we do:
1. Starter
2. Corrected Section 1 Packet
3. Did "Smells of the New World" (you are excused)
4. Received Section 2 Wkst as homework

What do I do now:
1. Get the Starter
2. Correct and turn in your Section 1 Packet
3. Get the Section 2 Wkst, do it, correct it, and turn it in ASAP

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, September 19th

What'd we do:
1. Starter
2. 1st Period only: finished correcting Ch. 1 Packet and turned it in
3. Received Ch. 1 Review Worksheet and did in class
4. Received Ch. 2 Section 1 Packet and started it (except 1st period)

What do I do now:
1. Get the starter done
2. 1st Period: correct your Ch. 1 Packet and turn it in
3. Get the buff/yellow Ch. 1 Review Worksheet from the binder, do it, correct it, and turn it in
4. Get the white Ch. 2 Section 1 Packet "New Empires in the Americas" packet, and do it, correct it, and turn it in.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday, September 16th

What'd we do:
1. No Starter
2. Finished Ch. 1 Packet
3. Corrected packet and passed it in (except for 1st period, we didn't finish correcting it)

What do I do now:
1. Finish "Chapter 1 Packet"
2. Correct it and turn it in asap.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday, September 15th

What'd we do:
1. Starter
2. 1st and 5th period finished the video
3. Corrected the Tribe Chart (yellow)
4. Received and began Chapter 1 Packet

What do I do now:
1. Get the Starter
2. Correct your Tribe Chart using my answer key
3. Turn in Tribe Chart with Pink Slip
4. Get the buff or yellow Chapter 1 Packet from the binder and do pages 1 to 3 for homework.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday, September 14th

What did we do:
1. Starter
2. Finished Atlas Packet
3. Turned in Atlas Packet
4. Watched video and filled out worksheet

What do I do now:
1. Get the Starter
2. Check out an Atlas from me if you need to finish the last page of the packet
3. Correct your packet using my answer key up front
4. Fill out the Pink Slip and turn in to the right box
5. Get the yellow packet about "North American Indian Tribes" and the yellow chart that goes with it ALL FOUND IN THE WHITE BINDER, fill out the info, correct it, and turn it in.  This will replace the video you missed.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday, September 13th

What'd we do:
1. Starter
2. Did Atlas Packet in pairs

What do I do now:
1. Get the Starter
2. Get the packet from the binder titled "Getting To Know Your Atlas"
3. Bring an Atlas to Mrs. Dickson to check out and take home to do the packet.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday, September 12th

What'd we do:
We discussed September 11th for the whole period

What do I do now:

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday, September 9th

What did we do:
1. No Starter
2. Took "Physical Map Test"
3. Corrected test and called in scores

What do I do now:
Come in ASAP and make up the test.  Refer to the handbook on the procedure for that.

Thursday, September 8th

What did we do:
1. Starter
2. Discussed 9/11 for a few minutes, will be discussed in detail Monday
3. Did an Atlas Activity, you are excused

What do I do now:
1. Get the Starter
2. Get ready to take the Physical Map Test, Friday

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday, September 7th

What did we do:
1. Starter
2. Corrected the Physical Map of U.S. (homework)
3. Called in the scores of our map and kept the maps to study with
4. Did an Atlas Activity (you are excused)

What do I do now:
1. Get the Starter
2. Correct your Physical Map using my Answer Key in the binder up front, put a score on it, and give it to me to record.  DO NOT turn it in like normal, give me the score so you can have it to study with.
3. Study for the Physical Map Test on Friday.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday, September 6th

What'd we do:
1. Starter
2. Took States Pre-Test, you are excused from it
3. Received Physical Map of U.S. and were assigned to label and color it for homework.

What do you do now:
1. Get the Starter
2. Get the map from the binder, follow the instructions on the back.  It is due before the test Friday.
3. Study your map, there is a test on it on Friday.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday, September 2nd

What did we do:
1. No Starter
2. Discussed Learning Styles and how that can help us with school
3. **We turned in "Learning Preferences Checklist"
4. Discussed how to make SMART goals
5. **Received SMART Goals wkst and made 3 goals.

What do I do now:
1. Turn in your "Learning Preferences Checklist" with a Pink Slip, no correction needed
2. Get the yellow SMART Goals wkst from binder
3. Make 3 goals that follow those guidelines

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday, September 1st

What did we do:
1. Starter
2. Review "Why History" article
3. Played a Get to know you game
4. Started "Learner Preference Checklist"
**5. Checked out Textbooks

What do I do now:
1. Get the Starter
2. Turn in your "Student Information Sheet" with a Pink Slip
3. Get the "Learner Preference Checklist" from the binder
4. Come get your textbook from me

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday, August 31st

What'd we do:

1. Starter
2. Received The Handbook and went over a few things
3. Discussed "Why History" and watched some videos.

What do I do now:

1. Get the Starter from the Blog or a classmate
2. Get a copy of the Handbook in the white binder
3. Get a copy of the Student Information Sheet in the binder and do it
4. Go to the website and read the article "Why History"

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday, August 30th

What'd we do?

1. Starter
2. Collected the Guardian Information Sheet
3. Finished filling in Learning Buddy Charts
4. Finish the power point presentation about Guidelines and Procedures
5. Discussed Disclosure

What do I do now?

1. Get the Starter from a classmate or the blog
2. Turn in Guardian Info Sheet, no Pink Slip needed
3. Come ask me any questions you still have

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday, August 29th

What was done?

1. Received seating assignment
2. Introduced to Mrs. Dickson and some procedures and rules
3. Received the Disclosure and Guardian Information Sheet

What do I need to do:

1. Come ask me where you sit
2. In white binder in the back of the room, get a Blue Disclosure and Gold Guardian Info Sheet and have them filled out and return them Wednesday.