Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday, August 31st

Learning Objective: 
Students will understand why studying history is important and how geography is essential in understanding the history.

What we did: 
1. Starter: Describe these procedures: How Class Ends, and Turning In Late Work.
2. Watched this awesome video
3. Started "Geography Notes."

If you were absent: 
1. Do the Starter!!!
2. Watch this video
3. Get the green handout from the binder and get the notes from a classmate.

From the BLUE Binder get: 
1. GREEN Geography Notes Handout.

Homework assigned or turned in:
*Quiz on the 5 Themes of Geography on Thursday!

Friday, August 28th

Learning Objective: 
Students will know and understand the procedures in this classroom.  They will also be able to login in successfully to the online textbook.

What we did: 
1. No Starter
2. Finished 2 Truths and a Lie
3. Finished the Procedure Scavenger Hunt
4. Practiced how to use a Hall Pass, and what to do when you are absent.

If you were absent: 

1. Be sure you have gotten a PURPLE Starter Packet.
2. Finish the Procedure Scavenger Hunt during Plus Period.
3. Turn in your Procedure Scavenger Hunt paper for credit.

From the BLUE Binder get: 
1. Purple Starter Packet if you haven't gotten one already.

Homework assigned or turned in:
1. Online Textbook Assignment (white) was turned in.
2. Scavenger Hunt Paper (white) was turned in for 10 pts.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Wednesday, August 26th

Learning Target: 
Students will receive disclosures and citizenship cards and will fully understand the expectations of this class.

What we did: 
1. Did more 2 Truths and a Lie
2. Finished discussing the Disclosure
3. Did the Textbook Survey assignment

What to do if you were absent:
1. Be sure you read the entire Disclosure and have it signed by your Guardian.
2. Get a Textbook Survey paper from the BLUE binder on the side desk.
3. Complete the Survey using your textbook either in class or with the Online Textbook at home.

1. Disclosures Signed DUE THURSDAY
2. Online Textbook Signed DUE FRIDAY

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tuesday, August 25th

Learning Target: 
Students will practice and understand class rules and procedures.

What we did: 
1. 2 Truths and a Lie
2. Finished PowerPoint of Rules and Procedures
3. Tour of the Room
4. Received Disclosures and Citizenship Cards
5. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Periods received the Online Textbook Assignment.

What to do if you were absent:
1. Get a GOLD Disclosure and Citizenship Card for Honors, or BLUE Disclosure and Citizenship Card for Regular from the Blue Binder on the side desk.

2. If in 1st, 2nd or 3rd Period, come ask me for the Online Textbook Assignment.

*Disclosures Signed by Thursday
*Online Textbook Assignment due Friday.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Welcome back to school!  Glad to have you.

This is the website for Mrs. Dickson's classes.  

You will find on this main page a post for each day of school.  It will explain our Learning Target for the day, What we did, and What to do if you were absent, and Reminders. Use the list on the right to navigate to the day you were gone, or scroll down.

Please click on the tab above "Notes, Worksheets, and Videos" to download and print assignments, watch videos we watch in class, or take notes using the PowerPoint we used in class.