Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday, February 29th

What did we do today?
1. Starter: Get it from a classmate (every period was different)
2. Wrapped up Presentations

What do you need to do now?
Just the Starter

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday, February 28th

What did we do today?
1. Starter: Get it from a classmate (every period was different)
2. Wrapped up Ch. 8 and 9 presentations

What do you need to do now?
Just the Starter

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday, February 27th

What did we do?
1. Starter: Why did the U.S. declare war on Great Britain in 1812?
2. Had student presentations.

What do I need to do now?
Just the Starter.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday, February 24th

What did we do?
 1. Starter: Describe where to turn in late or absent work.
2. 1st, 5th and 6th Periods reviews Chapter 8
3. 4th Period, Ch. 8 group presented

What do I need to do now?
1. Do the starter

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday, February 17th

What did we do?
1. No Starter
2. Corrected the Ch. 7 Packet and turned it in
3. Assigned the Chapter In A Day and groups

What you need to do now:
1. Correct your Ch. 7 Assignment and turn it in with a pink slip
2. Come talk to me about the Chapter in a day

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday, February 16th

What did we do?

1. Starter: Do you believe in a loose or strict construction of the constitution? Why?
2. Graded and turned in Homework assignment Hamilton vs. Jefferson.
3. Finished the packet

What you need to do now:

1. The starter
2. Get a packet from me and finish the questions.
3. Grade your homework and turn it in.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday, February 15th

What did we do?
1. Starter: Define precedent AND give an example of a precedent Washington set.
2. Went over Section 2's answers that were done yesterday.
3. *Received a worksheet "Jefferson vs. Hamilton" and started it in class.

What you need to do now:
1. Do the Starter
2. Get the worksheet from the binder in the BACK of the room and use pages 240-242 to fill in the table.  Step outside if we are correcting it in class.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday, February 14th

What did we do?
1. Starter: List 5 interesting things you have learned about the presidents from the video.
2. Started Ch. 7 Packet "Launching the Nation" in class.

What do I need to do now?
1. Do the Starter
2. Using a packet DO NOT WRITE ON IT, but use another piece of paper and catch up.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday, February 13th

What did we do?
1. Starter: List the first 4 presidents of our country.
2. Watched a video and took notes.  You will  need to copy notes from a responsible student in class.

What do I need to do now?
1. Do the Starter
2. You will  need to copy notes from a responsible student in class.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday, February 9th

What did we do?
1. Starter: What are 4 responsibilities of a citizen?
2. Corrected homework
3. Reviewed and debated.

What do I need to do now?
1. Do the Starter
2. Correct Section 3 Review and Section 3 Quiz using my answer keys

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday, February 8th

What'd we do?
1. Starter: Write a paragraph about what it means to be a citizen?
2. Read pages 222-225 in the textbook
3. Did Section 3 Review on page 225, #1-3
4. Received take home quiz

What do I need to do?
1. The Starter
2. Do Section 3 Review, 1-2 on page 225
3. Get Section 3 Quiz in the binder in back.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday, February 7th

What'd we do?
1. No Starter
2. Took the Constitution Test
3. Corrected the test and called in scores.

What do I need to do now?
1. Come in during Wapiti Time or before/after school to take the Constitution Test.  YOU HAVE ONE WEEK

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday, February 6th

What'd we do yesterday?
   1. What was the Great Compromise?
   2. Where was the Convention held?
*Received a Study Guide (yellow) for the Test on Tuesday and reviewed for the test.   

What do I need to do now?
1. Do the Starter
2. Review for the test and you may take it later this week if you want.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday, February 3rd

What'd we do yesterday?
1. No Starter
2. Received homework: Webquest due Monday
3. Corrected Amendment Packet and called in scores.

What do I need to do now?
1. Correct Amendment packet THEN fill out a Pink Slip and turn into the bottom-middle cubby hole in the back.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday, February 2nd

What'd we do yesterday
1. Starter: Do "Rules and Laws" page in packet (page 2)
2. Announcements: Test on Constitution Tuesday, Packet is due Friday
3. Watched Quack Videos and finished the Bill of Rights page.

What do you need to do now?
1. Do page 2 of packet
2. Use page 204 in your textbook to finish the packet.
3. Work on Project

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday, February 2nd

What'd we do yesterday?
1. Starter: How many articles are in the Constitution
                How many Amendments are there?
2. Assigned Bill of Rights Project
3. Received Amendments Packet
4. Watched Video on 1st, 2nd and 3rd Amendments.

What do I need to do now?
1. Do the Starter
2. Get the Journal Project paper in the binder and come to me with any questions
3. Get the Amendment Packet from the binder (says Bill of Rights on it)