Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday, August 31st

What'd we do:

1. Starter
2. Received The Handbook and went over a few things
3. Discussed "Why History" and watched some videos.

What do I do now:

1. Get the Starter from the Blog or a classmate
2. Get a copy of the Handbook in the white binder
3. Get a copy of the Student Information Sheet in the binder and do it
4. Go to the website and read the article "Why History"

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday, August 30th

What'd we do?

1. Starter
2. Collected the Guardian Information Sheet
3. Finished filling in Learning Buddy Charts
4. Finish the power point presentation about Guidelines and Procedures
5. Discussed Disclosure

What do I do now?

1. Get the Starter from a classmate or the blog
2. Turn in Guardian Info Sheet, no Pink Slip needed
3. Come ask me any questions you still have

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday, August 29th

What was done?

1. Received seating assignment
2. Introduced to Mrs. Dickson and some procedures and rules
3. Received the Disclosure and Guardian Information Sheet

What do I need to do:

1. Come ask me where you sit
2. In white binder in the back of the room, get a Blue Disclosure and Gold Guardian Info Sheet and have them filled out and return them Wednesday.